The weeks that followed were a whirlwind of planning, excitement, and shared dreams. Courtney and Daniel threw themselves into the preparations for their wedding, savoring every moment of the journey. They chose a small, intimate venue surrounded by nature—a place where they could feel at peace, where their love felt most at home.

Daniel’s stress didn’t disappear overnight, but he found solace in knowing that he didn’t have to face his battles alone. Courtney was always there, a constant source of support and encouragement. Together, they learned to navigate the tough days, finding comfort in their shared commitment to each other.

Courtney often thought back to the days when she had worried about losing Daniel to his anxiety. But now, as they stood side by side, she knew that those fears were far behind them. They had faced their challenges together, hand in hand, and emerged stronger for it.

On the day of their wedding, the sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the gathering of their closest friends and family. Courtney walked down the aisle, her heart full as she saw Daniel waiting for her at the altar. His eyes were filled with love, and she knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

As they exchanged vows, Daniel’s voice was steady, filled with conviction. “Courtney, you’ve been my light in the darkest times, my partner in everything. I promise to stand by you, to love you fiercely, and to never take for granted the incredible gift that is our love. I choose you, today and every day, for the rest of my life.”

Courtney’s eyes shimmered with tears as she spoke her vows in return. “Daniel, you are my heart, my home, my greatest joy. I promise to support you, to hold your hand through every storm, and to cherish the beautiful life we’re building together. I choose you, today and always, because you are my everything.”