As the morning sunlight grew stronger, Courtney’s thoughts stayed with Daniel. She wanted so badly to help him find some peace, to be his anchor in the storm. She knew that his anxiety wasn’t something that could just be wished away, but she hoped her love and support could at least make a small difference.

She decided to send him another message, one that might encourage him to take a positive step: That’s right, today is a new day, and it's a chance to take care of yourself. Try to get some rest, and if you can, maybe go for a run or hit the gym this afternoon. It might help with the stress and clear your mind a bit. I’ll be thinking of you all day. I love you so much.

Daniel often found solace in physical activity. Whether it was a long run or a good workout, moving his body helped clear the fog from his mind. Courtney hoped that he would take her advice and find a little relief in the familiar rhythm of exercise.

A few hours later, her phone buzzed again: Like you said, today is a new day.

She smiled, feeling a flicker of hope. Maybe he was starting to feel a little better. But then another message came through, and her heart sank: I love you too, baby, and thank you for everything. I'm sorry. It's been this way here for the past couple days, and you're my everything, and I don't want to lose you.

Courtney read his words, her chest tightening. She could sense the fear behind them—the worry that his struggles would drive her away, that his stress was too much for her to handle. She wanted to reach through the screen, to hold him and make him understand that nothing could change how she felt about him.

She took a deep breath and typed back, pouring every ounce of love and reassurance into her response: You don’t have to apologize, love. I’m here for you no matter what, and we’ll get through this together. You mean the world to me, and nothing is going to change that. I’m not going anywhere. We’re a team, and I’m here to support you, always. I love you so much.

As she hit send, she hoped that her words would reach him, wrapping around him like a warm embrace. She wanted him to feel her love in every message, every call, every small gesture. She wanted him to know that he wasn’t alone, that they were in this together.