It was just a dream. Courtney’s eyes fluttered open as she lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The sun’s first light crept through the blinds, casting faint shadows across the room. She could feel her heart pounding, the remnants of the dream clinging to her mind like a stubborn fog. In the dream, she had been reaching for Daniel, her boyfriend, as they stood in a crowded place. He kept drifting further away, no matter how loudly she called his name. Just as their fingertips were about to touch, he vanished, leaving her surrounded by strangers.

Courtney sat up, trying to shake off the unease. It was just a dream, she reminded herself, but the sense of loss lingered. Reaching for her phone, she checked for messages. There it was—a text from Daniel that made her heart swell with relief: I love you so much, too, and I'm going to marry you.

She couldn’t help but smile. The dream wasn’t real. Daniel was still there, still hers. She typed back quickly, wanting to capture the warmth of the moment: I love you more than words can express, and the thought of spending forever with you makes me the happiest person alive. I can’t wait to marry you and build our beautiful life together. You’re my everything, now and always.

As she set her phone down, she thought about Daniel’s struggles. Lately, he had been battling a relentless wave of stress and anxiety, a storm that seemed to follow him no matter where he went. Courtney could feel it, even through the late-night calls and text messages. His voice, usually so confident and warm, had taken on a tense, weary edge. She hated seeing him this way, tangled in worries that kept him from sleeping soundly or feeling at ease.

The phone buzzed again. She glanced at the screen: I love you, too. I'm just sorry that I keep waking up the stupid stress.

Courtney’s heart ached for him. She wanted to reach through the screen and wrap him in her arms, to pull him close and tell him that everything would be okay. She typed back, her fingers moving quickly across the keyboard: Don’t worry about it, love. Stress happens, and it’s okay. What matters is that you take care of yourself. Go back to sleep and try to rest. Everything will be better once you’ve had some more rest. I love you so much, and I’m here for you.

She set the phone aside and lay back down, her mind churning with thoughts of how she could help him. Daniel often felt like his stress was a burden, something he didn’t want to impose on her. But to Courtney, his struggles weren’t a burden—they were just a part of loving him, of being there for him in all the ways that mattered.