Human culture as we know it today did not exist in those times, nor did today's bright and dazzling human civilization. Today, men run after comforts, material pleasures, companionship, property, money, and jewels, panting for a non-stop life. Today's science and inventions had not arrived in those times, let alone imagining it. Even if we look at it collectively, people of those times did not think that much.

God knows how many hundreds of years must have passed.

Human culture and civilization were at their peak in those times. Today's era bases itself on democracy. That time was the era of kings and great kings, not kingdoms. There used to be a rule of princely states. The lives and fates of the people used to be in the hands of these kings and emperors. If the king of a princely state turned out to be oppressive, the life of his subjects would become hell.

When the king of a kingdom turned out to be most loving towards his subjects, the subjects of that kingdom were happy. In those days, Carnova was the first country to have many small kingdoms. King Benjamin Sivan and Queen Sandra Sivan of Carnova were people of good and religious origin. The king and queen used to worship their family goddess, the goddess of life, daily. Due to their compassion, there used to be prosperity in their country.

At the time, the middle class and the rich traveled on land by horses and bullock carts. They used boats on water routes. The royal family had elephants, horse carriages, and royal fireboats. The hard-working families went from one place to another on foot.

Greenery spread all over the country of Carnova, and the king also had roads built. There were roads throughout the country, and trees were grown on both roadsides. King Benjamin had laid out roads decorated with trees of different kinds of fruits, various flowers, and plenty of water wells. Rich in mountainous areas and sea islands. Carnova was the only center of foreign trade. And the capital of the country of Carnova was world-famous as the Mortej Kingdom. Its agrarian system, roads, gardens, and places of entertainment and recreation used to be the attraction of Carnova.

On a vast piece of land, King Benjamin's royal palace, which he inherited from his forefathers, was decorated according to his liking. Greenery surrounded the royal palace, and they had an elephant stable. They also had a cowshed, horse stables, camel, and wild animal kennels. To enhance the beauty of his royal palace, the king arranged everything with great care.

There was no pain or sorrow anywhere in the life of the king and queen. King Benjamin's royal family had big business in foreign countries. The king and queen themselves donated to the poor daily from their charity room. Keeping their subjects happy was the joy of their soul. Despite their wealth, the king and queen did not have children. The queen was sad about this sometimes. The king could not bear his queen's sadness.

One day, the queen kept seeing the king entering her bedroom from a distance. She pondered and murmured, “Oh God, which was the moment when my parents gave birth to this unfortunate me? Oh God! If they wanted to keep me barren, why did they make me a human being?”

When King Benjamin came close to his queen, he saw her sadness. He walked to her and sat beside her. Before the king could say anything, the queen said, “My king! I, the unfortunate one, am unable to give you an heir to maintain the royal family and the happiness for both of us. Your Majesty, you should get married again. I will bring a bride for my king.”

King Benjamin said lovingly, “My queen, we have hardly been married yet. If the goddess of life wishes, our prince will also come, and so will our princess. My queen, do not hurt yourself like this!”

Queen Sandra said, “I am saddened by the fact that a good and benevolent person like you, who always stands with sympathy in the sorrows of others, my king, should not get this punishment.” She lowered her eyes.

King Benjamin lifted her face and looked into her eyes. “My queen! Everyone has their destiny. And when everyone accepts destiny, we have to be patient. Destiny also changes when the time comes. The goddess of life will bless both of us! We should never step back from our duties.”

King Benjamin made his queen comfortable by letting her face the truth with great love. It was evening, and the king and the queen went for a walk in their garden.

Time kept passing and moving forward, and a few years passed. Queen Sandra again started feeling unwell. She lay on her royal bed all day long. Their work kept going on, but she rarely spoke with her king. Even giving alms to the poor became a burden for the queen. King Benjamin worried that if the situation remained the same, the queen might fall seriously ill. He called out to his servants. “Is there anyone out there? Please, come to me.” Hearing his king's voice, a servant came to the king and stood with his head bowed. “Call the minister,” the king said.

Within moments, the minister appeared before the king. Seeing his minister, the king said, “Please, sit, Mr. Hastings.” “What can I do for you, your Majesty?”

“Mr. Hastings, Queen Sandra feels unwell these days. She is sad, as you may know. What do you suggest, Mr. Hastings?”

“Your Majesty, we should call on specialists from abroad. Some doctor may be successful in ending the pain and suffering of the Queen.”

“Mr. Hastings, we may consider your suggestion, though this could be the last attempt.” The king got into deep thought. The minister kept sitting in front of his king in silence. After a while, the king’s facial expression changed. A slight glimpse of hope resonated in his voice. “Mr. Hastings! Tell the commander to send soldiers all over the country with the royal decree. Be it a doctor or a common man, whoever relieves the pain of Queen Sandra and King Benjamin will be given a reward of his choice.”

The face of the minister lit up with happiness. “Of course, your majesty! I will issue the decree right now!” The minister left for his room. The king kept looking at his minister until he disappeared.

The royal decree was issued the same day. The head commander selected four commanders. Next, different squads of the reserve army were formed, and each was made subordinate to its commander. Each commander got the responsibility of issuing a countrywide decree. In every corner of the country, the royal soldiers issued royal decrees in every locality. Yet, after many days, the royal campaign had no result.

Queen Sandra took to her royal bed. Prayers were offered in the far-flung settlements nearby for their kind queen and king. A feeling of despair spread throughout Shashi Mahal. In a village named Sibako, a hundred miles away from Morage in the east, royal soldiers arrived. The people of the village gathered and stood around the soldiers. The leader of the soldiers read out the royal decree. “People of Sibako village! Whoever, be it a doctor or a common man, can relieve the pain and suffering of the King and Queen of Carnova country! He will get whatever reward he asks for. Is there anyone who can relieve the pain and suffering of their poor and kind King and Queen?”

No one spoke. Everyone gazed at the ground. At last, Mickey, the blacksmith, spoke. “Sir, I can relieve the pain and suffering of the Queen and the King. I don't want any reward!”

The royal army commander stared at him. One after the other, people raised their hands. “Mickey, the blacksmith will do it. He is a true devotee of Devi Jeevan,” the crowd shouted.

The army commander went to the blacksmith's hut with his soldiers. Together with Mickey’s wife, they headed towards the capital, Morage!

The convoy kept walking for days before it reached Mortez, the capital of Carnova. King Benjamin and Queen Sandra were informed. The king and queen saw their hopes getting fulfilled. The very next day, a meeting was called in the royal courtroom. At exactly eleven o'clock, the king, queen, and the ministers were present.

“Present that good man to us!” King Benjamin said.

The commander presented Mickey, the blacksmith, and his wife, Ulusa, in the royal court. Both husband and wife bowed down to the king and queen of their country. Then, they bowed down to the royal courtiers as well.

“Let us ask for the introduction of these two,” the king instructed.

“Tell us your names,” the minister said.

“Sir, my name is Mickey, and this is my wife, Ursula.”

“Where are you from, and what do you do?” The minister asked Mickey.

“Sir, we live in Sibako village. I work as a blacksmith. We make different things from iron. My wife and I work very hard the whole day, and then we eat two meals each day, Sir. We are poor people.” Both of them folded their hands before King Benjamin and Queen Sandra.

“Do you know why you both have been called here?” The king asked.

“Yes, my king. I know Her Majesty the Queen is ill. We have to alleviate the sorrow of our King and her Majesty!” Queen Sandra asked, “Do you know what our sorrow is?”

Mickey answered. “I don't know, your majesty.”

King Benjamin explained. “By the grace of the goddess of life, we own a big empire. We have not been blessed with children. There is no other sorrow except this. Can you remove this sorrow?”

“Yes, your majesty, I can!”

Hearing the blacksmith's words, the minister said, “You are not a doctor, so how will you remove it? Do you know where you are and in front of whom you are speaking? The punishment for telling a lie in the royal court is death.”

“Mr. Hastings! Do not frighten these innocent villagers. They are our subjects.”

Ursula’s eyes filled with tears.

“There is no need for you to be afraid,” the king vowed. “Please continue.”

“Yes, majesty. The goddess of life has told me that my life is for removing the sufferings of humans and animals. I have had children before also, through meditation.”

“How do we know you are telling the truth?” The minister retorted.

“Sir, I have to sit in a meditative trance, and I have to please my holy mother, the goddess of life.”

“The goddess of life is the goddess of everyone! How is she your mother?” The minister said.

“Sir, my goddess of life is my mother. She called me my child in my dream. I am the son of the goddess of life!”

King Benjamin laughed. “Minister! Rural people are quite religious. One should not say such things to them.”

“Tell us what you will do,” the queen smiled.

“My wife and I will sit here in the Dhyan Sadhna Samadhi,” Mickey answered.

Hearing this, she said, "No, no, not here! There is a grand temple of the goddess of life in the royal palace. You can do it there.” Then she said to the minister, “These two should be given the status of royal guests and stay in the guest house.” She turned to the couple. “You are our guests. Take a rest for two days. You will not have any problem.”

King Benjamin dismissed the royal court.

Mickey and Ursula were given clothes and ornaments and stayed in the royal guest house. Two days later, in the presence of King Benjamin, Queen Sandra, and all the courtiers, Mickey and his wife Ursula went into a meditative trance. Servants were deployed to serve them. It has been a week now, and the meditation trance of these two has not broken. Every day in the morning and evening, the king and queen would come and sit on the ground in front of them. No adverse effect of hunger and thirst was visible.

The king and queen were developing a sense of respect for them. One day, in the middle of the night, both came out of their meditative trance. The servants ran towards the royal bedroom. They informed the guard there and sent him to wake the king and queen. The guard rang the bedroom bell and woke up the king and queen.

King Benjamin came out of his bedroom and asked the watchman, “What happened?”

“Something has happened tonight,” said the watchman. “Your majesty, the royal guests have come out of their meditation trance.”

King Benjamin woke up the queen, and they hurried to the temple of the goddess of life in their bare feet. Seeing the king and queen coming towards them, Mickey and Ursula stood up from their place and bowed to their king and queen.

Then Mickey said, “Your majesty! Exactly on the day of the full moon, after midnight, you and the queen will have to meditate. My mother, the goddess of life, told me.”

King Benjamin and Queen Sandra are great devotees of her, but they do not meditate for the goddess of life. That is why this calamity has befallen the kind, King and Queen. My mother, the goddess of life also told me that this compassionate husband and wife are destined to have children. They will have the good fortune of becoming parents of two children.”

The King and Queen Sandra became very happy. Mickey and his wife Ursula said, “Your Majesty, permit us to go to our home. Our land is calling us.”

“Look, a full moon day is just a matter of four days. Do stay. Later we will send you both off with royal honours.”

They stayed. At midnight on the day of the full moon, the king and queen began their meditative trance, as told by Mickey and Ursula. When the sun rose in the morning, the king and queen finished their meditative trance. First of all, they hugged Mickey and Ursula and then said, “You are the son of Mother, goddess of life! The life of both of you is very sacred. Please give us your holy blessings.”

They touched Ursula's feet. “Please, king and queen, this is not necessary.” Humbled, they sobbed.

A festival took place that day. The next day, when it was time to say farewell, the king wanted to dedicate his large house to them.

“Your majesty! Our life is a blessing given by the goddess of life! We do not wish to accept anything. The work that Mother has given us is in itself our life! Please send us off the same way we came, Your Majesty.” Mickey and Ursula did not want a thing, neither pomp and show nor any band.

The king, the queen, and the courtiers walked with the couple to the grand gate of the royal palace. Then, both bowed down to them and walked on, carrying their bundles on their shoulders on the way back to their village.

The queen lost control of herself. She hugged King Benjamin and kept sobbing for a long time. Today, for the first time, people left her door without wanting anything. Instead, they gave her a lot. A child was brought into the world for King Benjamin and Queen Sandra by the grace of the goddess of life! The royal palace keeps resonating with the laughter of two daughters. The oldest princess, Lorita, is five years old, and the youngest is Rajkumari, three years old. Queen Sandra is still waiting for a boy.

One thing is written equally in the destiny of every life in this universe. Four days of happiness, a thousand days of sorrow. If anyone reads his destiny before time, he will be called the ruler of life in this world. God has kept the string of life, the result of deeds in the hands of time. Time and destiny itself are not under the control of God.

The long-term chapter in the life of King Benjamin and Queen Sandra also comes within this purview. The lack of having a child in their life altered as soon as their destiny changed. A change brought about by Mickey the blacksmith, his wife Ursula, and the infinite grace of the kind goddess of life. But, whoever gets life on this earth, no human or animal, no living or non-living being has been able to escape the effects of time and destiny. Till today, no one will be able to escape.

One day, a royal messenger from the Bobillo kingdom, Queen Sandra's maternal home, arrives at the gate of her royal palace and introduces himself to the royal guards. “I am the ambassador of the Bobillo State! Our grand king and grand queen have sent a message to King Benjamin and Queen Sandra.”

The ambassador of the Bobillo State is respectfully seated in the visitor's room. A guard immediately goes inside the royal palace. He reaches the door of the king and queen's relaxing room. “Ambassadors from Bobillo kingdom have arrived at the royal gate,” he told the guard posted there. The guard rang the bell on the relaxing room door. Queen Sandra herself opened the room and asked, “Tell me, guard, what is the matter?”

The gatekeeper who had brought the message said, “Hail Queen!” He bowed and saluted. “Ambassadors from the Bobillo kingdom have arrived at the royal gate.”

“They should be accommodated in the royal guest room,” Queen Sandra offered.

The gatekeeper returned to the royal gate. The royal envoy from the Bobillo kingdom was respectfully taken to the royal guest room.

When King Benjamin came to his Queen Sandra in the relaxing room of the royal palace, he found a happy wife. “My King! Ambassadors from my maternal home, Bobillo, have come. I have accommodated them in the royal guest room.” King Benjamin smiled on hearing this. “My Queen, this is a matter of great joy. It has been many years since we went to Bobillo. If you say so this time, we will all go to Bobillo. Dad and Mom will be so happy to see us, and our two beautiful princesses.”

“Of course, my King.”

The next day, at the fixed time in the morning, the royal court meeting started. All the nobles were present. The court scepter announces the arrival of King Benjamin and Queen Sandra. The king and queen sit in their royal chairs. The minister reads out the details of today's royal work! “Hail His Majesty King Benjamin, and Her Majesty Queen Sandra Sahiba!” Respected royal courtiers and the city's elite are present in the royal courtroom. Today, the royal court was inaugurated.

The work begins. The glorious envoy of Bobillo, who has arrived in the victorious country Carnova, should be presented respectfully in the royal court. In a few moments, the envoy of the Bobillo kingdom appears in the royal court with royal honors. The ambassador of Bobillo bows to King Benjamin and Queen Sandra. Then he greets the other people present in the room. Finally, he takes four steps forward and hands over the royal message of the Bobillo kingdom to the minister of Carnova country.

The minister bows to King Benjamin and Queen Sandra and then delivers the royal message. “Our close ones to the soul and our beloved King Benjamin and Queen Sandra are being informed with blessings that, one month from today, the joyful occasion of the coronation of Prince Nicholas takes place. Please accept the hospitality of the Bobillo kingdom along with the family and the royal court and glorify the house of Bobillo with your holy footsteps. Come to give your blessings to Prince Nicholas.” After reading the royal message, King Benjamin and Queen Sandra accepted the invitation.

Later, King Benjamin and Queen Sandra, taking the royal guests with them, left the royal courtroom and headed towards the royal dining room. The work at the royal court continued. Twenty-one dishes, including nine sweets, were served on the dining table. When Queen Sandra asked about the well-being of her parents and siblings, the ambassador said, “Your Majesty Queen Sandra. The King and Queen remember you and Your Majesty Benjamin very fondly. A lot of time has passed, and they often talk about their desire to pamper their two granddaughters by sitting them on their laps. When Prince Nicholas becomes the king of the kingdom, after that, they would like to live their life in peace.” King Benjamin said, “They are our parents and they can live here in great comfort and peace. This is the ultimate wish of both of us.”

“Who would not want their parents?” The ambassador said. “Yes, Your Majesty.” The meal ended in conversation. King Benjamin and Queen Sandra went to rest in their royal relaxing room. The ambassador went to the royal guest room. That very evening, the ambassador of the Bobillo kingdom was sent off with royal honors, and a message from King Benjamin and Queen Sandra accepting the invitation.

That same night, the goddess of life came into Mickey the blacksmith's dream and said, “My child! The days of happiness written in the fate of King Benjamin and Queen Sandra are getting fewer. It was written in their fate to have a child, but late. But they had to have it, so it happened. I will take care of them during the events that are going to happen. My child, your son David, whose birth was in the same way, as you. This child will be strong and a symbol of courage. He will become the savior of the poor, and he will be majestic, and extremely compassionate! He has to do impossible things in his life. Your son David will be famous in this world, known by the name of Angel. The goddess of life vanished from the dream.

When Mickey woke up in the morning, he immediately remembered the goddess of life and the dream. He was happy at first. Yet, his happiness did not last long. He remembered what his mother had said in his dream. His mind made him realize that the goddess of life had told him about the sad times coming in the life of King Benjamin and Queen Sandra. He went and sat next to his wife Ursula with a sad heart. While having tea and breakfast, he said, “Listen, Ursula! Our mother came in my dream last night.”

“That is wonderful! What did mother say?”

“Mother said the life of King Benjamin and Queen Sandra will be full of sorrows. Although the mother will take care of them, a lot of sorrow is written in their destiny. Whatever it is, it is sad, Ursula. Mother has said something great about her David. David will be known as an angel. Perhaps David will do a great job for King Benjamin and Queen Sandra.” From that day onwards, both of them started taking great care of their four-year-old David. And both of them left their work and meditated for their mother, the goddess of life. They thought that they would get the blessings of the mother in improving the lives of King Benjamin and Queen Sandra. On the other hand, as soon as the ambassadors of Bobillo left, the royal family prepared for the royal journey with enthusiasm in the Mortej royal palace. The workers at the port of the country became active. At last, the day came, and the royal family left for the journey to Bobillo with their selected seven royal courtiers. The minister was given the responsibility for the state affairs and the country. The royal convoy left the royal palace and reached the port of the country after three days. The wooden royal steamer was decorated for the journey.

In the evening, the captain of the royal steamer arrived, along with the country’s seamen. Having done the necessary checks, the royal family boarded their steamer. Once the steamer left the port and sailed the Blue Sea, the security personnel who had come to see the royal family off returned to the royal palace.

The initial days of the journey were cheerful. One night, with a loud explosion, the royal steamer collided with a huge rock that had suddenly emerged from the water. Everything was shattered in no time. The royal family lay unconscious on the seashore along with the eldest princess, Lorita. The younger princess, Jane, and all the royal courtiers had disappeared. Sometime later, fishermen found their king, queen, and princess lying unconscious. The fishermen put the royal family in their boats, to the port of Mortej. It took them a full day to get there. The next day, the royal family regained consciousness, one by one. They were taken to the royal palace. There was a great commotion in the capital. A temporary hospital was set up in the royal palace. The minister called a meeting and declared an emergency.

The next day, they held a session in the royal courtroom. A committee was formed to find out the truth about what happened. The event surprised everyone. How could the always-calm Blue Sea suddenly become so deadly to the King and people? Everyone was sad. King Benjamin and Queen Sandra did not stop remembering the goddess of life in this hour of great disaster. Queen Sandra was in a bad state and did not stop crying. There was no limit to her sorrow. She feared for Princess Jane. The queen was given sleeping pills to calm her. The Satya Seeker Committee formed various investigation teams and sent them to every possible place for a long time. But they had no results.

Days passed by. Instead of celebrations, there was mourning in Bobillo! The disappearance of Princess Jane remained a big mystery. Prince Nicholas himself went out in search of the truth of this tragic incident. Everything proved to be useless. The sky took her away, or the earth swallowed her. The disappearance of Princess Jane remained a mystery.

One night, the goddess of life appeared in King Benjamin's dream and said, “King Benjamin! My child, Princess Jane, has been taken away by a sea monster into the sea. The creature, known as the great demon of the black sea, is the god of demonic powers. He has gone mad in his love for Princess Jane. He turned a four-year-old girl into an ugly woman to fulfill his nefarious intentions. Princess Jane's life will pass through difficult moments. I will keep protecting the princess. But she will have to suffer her fate. A strong young man will save her and bring her back to Mirage. When Princess Jane grows up, she will marry that very young man.” With those words, the goddess of life disappeared from the King’s dream.

When little Jane opened her eyes, she searched for her mother. The demon had built a virtual village with his demonic powers in the depths of the Blue Sea. The demon had become the hunchbacked Diana. He kept Princess Jane in a dirty cowshed. Jane cried and suffered all day long for not seeing her mother. The ugly Diana would somehow silence her. Sometimes by beating her, sometimes with love. Little Jane got tired of crying and sat quietly in a corner of the hut. When Diana filled her hands with beautiful toys, Jane happily came to her. Diana would make her sit on her lap and feed her. She used to get all this done with her demonic powers. Jane's toy would disappear in the air in a short while, and Jane would start crying. After slapping her twice, the little fairy-like princess would lie in a corner, tormented by life.

The monster that became Diana tried to be soft and affectionate against his original nature. One night, the goddess of life came to Mickey, the blacksmith, in his dream and said, “My child, the little princess Jane of King Benjamin and Queen Sandra has been taken away by a sea beast that entered the Blue Ocean. I have my eyes on the princess Jane. I will keep protecting her. But your son David will go to Jane with great valor. Jane will marry him when both of them become adults.” The goddess of life disappeared from the dream.

When Mickey opened his eyes the next morning, his soul was filled with happiness. He looked around. He saw that his wife Ursula worked in the hut. Little David was playing meditation with his little feet coiled up. He used to ask his mother, “Mother, when will I grow up?”

Ursula said, “My son, you will grow up soon.”

“I will become a warrior. I will fight,” he answered.

Mickey smiled seeing his son playing and then said, “David, my son, you will become a great warrior! You will protect the people.”

David chuckled. “Father! You will become my horse.” Mickey turned into a horse and came to his son walking on his hands and feet. David rode on the back of his horse.

Childhood passed happily, and all three children grew up for the next five years. King Benjamin and Queen Sandra spent most of their time in meditation and samadhi for the goddess of life! Whatever parents do, their children begin doing the same. The elder princess sat in meditation and samadhi.

Mickey’s hut became a temple of the goddess of life for the people. From morning till evening, pilgrims kept coming and going. People became emotional on seeing little David meditating. Mickey understood the pain of people just by the feelings in their hearts. He said only one thing. Practice meditation and samadhi for the goddess of life! Life will become easy. The traveler's journey became successful. Charity increased. David was interested in serving people and making his body strong. The goddess of life eased the pain and sorrow of people through Mickey.

Somehow, life teaches Princess Jane how to live. She has long forgotten her past. She spends her time with a woman, Diana, who is like a puzzle, from her childhood till today. The brute in the form of Diana is becoming more cunning. His physical attraction to the princess is also getting out of control.

“Mother, I am not a child anymore. Do not call me a child!” Jane said one day, getting bored of Diana. Diana said narrowing her inhuman eyes, “My child! What should I say to you? You are my child!”

Jane retorted. “No! Why do I feel, sometimes, that I am living under the shadow of a deception?”

Diana snapped back. “What did you say? Who deceives you? Tell me!”

“Mother, I do not know. But, Mother, why do I not like to go out of the house?”

“My child, you have not liked it since childhood.”

That day, the creature sensed the princess began to understand the ‘Diana game’ and the deception would not last long. He became cautious. From that moment onwards, Diana backed off and the monster emerged.

At times, Jane thought about her mother. She used to wonder why she felt her mother was not the same as before. Why did her eyes and gaze scare her?

The more the beast tried to make the princess comfortable in the form of Diana, the more he created a slight fear in Jane's mind. One day, Diana herself got fascinated by her child's long, thick hair. She made Jane lie down in her lap and caressed her beautiful face with her hands, running her hair through her fingers. She decorated Jane's braid. Along with that, she kissed her forehead. It alarmed Jane. Was she teasing her? What kind of a feeling was this? She pondered. Why does a mother do this? The princess felt this for the first time at the age of about twelve. Diana worried.

The soul and mind of teenager David felt strange as if a soft string pulled a soul towards itself. As if a voice called him from a distance. David did not understand it. He was no longer a teenager. From that day onwards, David's mental state changed. The routine remained the same, but his soul was interested in something else. Whatever he did, he felt less happy than before. Sometimes he got lost in deep thoughts.

Mickey and Ursula did not pay attention to this at first. But when it repeated itself, Ursula said to her son, “David, my child, what has happened to you? Where is your soul? It never happened before that you lost concentration.”

David's eyes became moist. “Mom, I do not know what has happened to me! For many days, my soul and mind are sometimes not in my control. It is as if some voice is calling me from far away.”

That very night, the goddess of life came to Mickey's dream and said, “My child! The time has come to introduce your son to me. He is growing up. He has entered the flow of his mind's state. The distant voice calling him is of Princess Jane's soul. Even Princess Jane doesn’t know it, till now. Princess Jane's soul feels the sound of an attack on her life. You have to make your son so capable, that no human power can touch him! There has never been and will never be anyone on this earth who can match him in shastra and weapons. This is the destiny of his life! Your son David will be strong and have divine powers.”

David's life changed. He got the best education and training in scriptures and weapons. He learned about his life from great gurus. He learned everything, from duty to karma. Time passed and kept moving forward at its own pace. David had entered the sixteenth year of his life.

Far away, the sea monster too had understood the effect of time. He remembered the god of demons. He had built his virtual invisible slum. Among the man-eating trees and plants of the dark forest, it wanted to forget about humans and animals. Even the trees themselves ate each other! By meditating hard, the beast acquired demonic powers. He acquired the power of becoming invincible. Even the divine power could not influence him. Yet, he could not keep his thoughts steady during his meditation. As a result, all his demonic powers would fail.

Day by day, the amazing intelligence and physical strength of teenager David became the talk of the day in foreign kingdoms and faraway countries. Thus far, no person has been able to defeat him. Helping the poor and weak people had become the first and last work of his life. Sibako village had become a famous big town. Every day, scholars and powerful people from different places came to meet David, to speak with him, and to test their strength. When they were not successful in their attempts, they still returned to their villages, praising David wholeheartedly.

With his demonic powers, the sea creature became intoxicated and reached his hut.

That very night, the goddess of life came to Mickey in his dream and said, “My child! The time has come for your son David to receive divine powers from the gods of land, sky, and water. He must be freed from his home and he must leave immediately. He will receive divine blessings in the form of invincible divine powers from the gods, present throughout this universe. David and Princess Jane will be safe under my protection. Remember! They will have to suffer their respective destinies. It is also their destiny to ease their pain and suffering.”

The goddess of life disappeared from Mickey’s dream.

The alter ego, Diana, materialized. Immediately, the atmosphere of the hut changed. Princess Jane's mind got gloomy. One day, watching the maturing princess Jane, the monster became infatuated. And, in the form of Diana, it began touching Princess Jane inappropriately. It disturbed the princess. The creature did not stop.

Jane scolded Diana. “You cannot be my mother! If you were my mother, you would not act this shamefully! I have come to know you, you are not my mother!” She screamed.

The beast fled and flew into the sky, close to the space where the God of Demons lived.

That very night, the goddess of life came to David in his dream and said, “My child, I am the goddess of life! I had ordained your birth from Ursula's womb. My child, your birth is not an ordinary one. You have to complete divine tasks. I am entrusting you with the task of completing these divine tasks. By remembering the Almighty God and meditative trance, you will become a part of the divine. No evil power of this universe can defeat you. My child, the voice you hear is the soul of Princess Jane! It is calling you. The sea monster took her away in her childhood, and that demon is using all his tricks to torment her. The demon of attachment wants to marry her. You will save the princess! You have to start a meditative trance from tomorrow itself, my child.” The goddess of life disappeared from David's dream.

In the morning, David told his father. “Dad, last night the goddess of life came to me in my dream and told me that I have to go and save Princess Jane! I have to sit in the meditative trance of the almighty God's remembrance.”

Mickey said to his wife Ursula, “Ursula! We are delighted today! Our David has become capable of doing divine work.” Then he told his son, "My child, this is the greatest meaning of life for you! May God bless you with the holy blessings of His divine powers!”

From that day onwards David sat in the meditative trance of God's remembrance.

The goddess of life also came to Princess Jane in her dream and told her, “My child, I have determined your life and destiny. No one can avert destiny. David will come to save you from this hell! He will take you to your home. From this moment on, whatever you will feel in your heart while remembering him, David's soul will feel it at that very moment! You will have to show him the way to come to you, here. The monster will torture you. Will you be able to bear it, my child? I am protecting both of you and I will continue to do so. You have to keep remembering God, and meditate.” The goddess of life disappeared from Princess Jane's dream.

From this moment, the first ray of hope sprouted in Princess Jane's life. Her soul began to blossom.

Yet, the beast pleased the God of Demons and returned to himself. At that very moment, he realized that Princess Jane and David had sat in God's remembrance meditative trance. And any moment, God would give his blessings to both of them. He ran straight to his virtual village in the Blue Ocean. As soon as he entered, the ocean became agitated. Huge waves arose in the ocean water. Waves of water began to rise very high. All the sea creatures came out of the ocean and were thrown towards the sky with waves of water. Some died immediately. No effect was seen in the monster's virtual village. He entered his invisible hut and entered the virtual woman Diana. He disturbed Princess Jane's meditative trance. Days passed. David and Princess Jane finally made the biggest penance of their lives successful. God, while endowing David with all kinds of divine powers and infallible weapons, said, “My child! I am pleased with your divine desire and penance and I bless you and Princess Jane with a long life. The goddess of life is none other than the Supreme Divine Life Giver. You both will be considered symbols of serpents in the world. You will be known in the world by the name of David the angel.” God disappeared. Princess Jane on one side, and David on the other. At that exact moment, the souls of those days got connected, forever!

When Princess Jane saw the creature in its true form, she was terrified! A huge monster with fiery eyes and long teeth gazed at her. She remembered the Almighty God and she called out to David. From that moment on, David received hints in his mind as to where Princess Jane was. He told his parents.

“I have received hints that Princess Jane is in the captivity of a monstrosity, below the surface of the water at the northern end of the Blue Ocean!”

Mickey and Ursula blessed their son. “My child! May Almighty God always protect you both! Get out quickly, my child. Victory will be yours.” David meditated and meditated. Within seconds, he found himself on the shore of the northern end of the Blue Sea. He remembered God mentally prayed for divine powers and infallible weapons of war, and sang praises. His body was laden with divine armor, and he had arrows and bows in his hands. He closed his eyes and aimed at the now invisible hut along with the virtual village of the demon and shot the fire arrow into the sea. The fire arrow immediately consumed the virtual village and engulfed the demon's hut. The demon grabbed the hand of Princess Jane and ran into the sea, pulling her. He saw a man standing on the seashore. The demon came to the surface of the sea, dragging Princess Jane, and roared.

While doing this, he shot a snake arrow towards David. Seeing this, David shot a snake arrow with a captive arrow. All the snakes ran towards the demon, dancing. The demon disappeared into the sky and let go of Princess Jane. David shot a binding arrow towards the sky. Immediately, the demon became a captive and came to the seashore on earth. He remembered the demon's god. The demon's god freed him. Now the demon wrestled, wanting to kill David. Using very strong moves, he almost killed David. Jane praised God! David stood up again and shot a mace arrow at the demon. The demon, surrounded by many maces, kept getting hit by the maces for a long time. Then he caught Princess Jane and flew through the sky. He fled to the dark forest. He reached his magical hut in the forest and threw Jane on the ground. As Jane got up from the ground, he thought this was the chance to make the princess his. This was his kingdom! The demon transformed himself into a human form and attacked Jane. Jane called out to the goddess of life and David. David was near her, with the goddess of life in her divine form, with a divine sword in her hand. The demon advanced to attack everyone. The goddess of life threw her divine spear towards David and said, “Kill this demon!”

David jumped in the air and separated the demon's head from its body. The magical atmosphere vanished. The goddess of life gave her holy blessings to both of them. Jane hugged David. David calmed her down. They left for his country Carnova. After walking for a few days, they reached Mortej, the capital of Carnova. With great pomp, both of them were welcomed by the city dwellers and King Benjamin and Queen Sandra.

After a few months, they got married. Mickey and his wife Ursula lived in their village all their lives. Here, David and Princess Jane made their long life meaningful and remained destroyers of others' sorrows. David attained divine fame as an angel. Friends! The decree of destiny never goes in vain. There is nothing ahead of destiny, made by karma! Nothing! Believe in destiny, have fate. It is in the hands of men whether to make it or destroy it!

The End.