Niphona, the goddess of the ocean on Planocia, rides the waves of the dark blue waters on her majestic friend Buorno. She sits on his back while he flaps his enormous wings to stay above the sea, his hoofs barely touching the water. His horns are thick and tall. Small waterspouts spume from his nose. The force of Buorno is significant.

“Why do they wish to overturn my empire? What if the rumours are true, Buorno?” Niphona’s voice trembles as she bends forward and talks into the ears of the muscular longhorn bull, his coat of the purest shade white. “Suppose the back-stabbing scoundrel Scoragio helps Forato muster more sea creatures to get to my underwater castle? We must come up with a strategy to fight them!” She holds a firm grip on the reins around his neck.

“I am sure we can handle it, Niphona,” Buorno vows. “We shall rise to the challenge!”

Niphona’s curly, long blond hair swirls behind her in the wind. She carries her bow and arrows around her shoulder. Knives and sling stones hang from her belt around her slim waist. She wears her fighting bodice, made out of long needle-like shark teeth and the spines of a sea urchin.

Massive clouds of gas and dust formed the wondrous heavenly body named Planocia. Material from the universe settled on the newborn star since it drifted through the galaxy, far, far away, beyond the reach of time.

Long before the gods emerged, the land and sea were one. The forest spirits were the first beings to appear from the trees on Planocia. Soon after, water spirits materialized. The forest and ocean became two halves of a whole.

Over the long term, the planet became a sanctuary for mythical creatures - birds with the brightest colours and astonishing animals. A tropical paradise with extensive emerald green, lush forests, sapphire blue oceans, and towering mountains.

Nowadays, the two territories in this world, are each ruled by a god or goddess. And, even in this paradise, there is rivalry among the sovereigns. Forato, the god of the forests, aspires to gain complete control. He believes it is his birthright and duty to restore the long-lost balance between the land and the sea. His limbs are robust, long, and powerful, like ancient tree roots in the soil. He controls the plant life in the forest and can make himself invisible. Yet, his powers are worthless underwater, and he devises a plan.

“Scoragio! Did you gather enough creatures to attack and capture Niphona?” He roars. A traitor to Niphona, Scoragio is a gigantic sea monster. A monstrous creature that resembles a swordfish, dragon, and lion all rolled into one. It can survive the water whirl that protects Niphona’s castle. Forato enlisted him as the leader of an army of creatures.

“As per your instructions, lord of the trees! We already train in deep waters to master the art of enduring the relentless pull of a whirlpool. I make sure they are equipped to move on land as well.”

“Outstanding! Your group may soon have to assemble for the upcoming fight for the castle and the challenge against Niphona. Capture her and take her to me. I will decide about her faith. Once Niphona is out of her fortress, you can gain power over the underwater world and help me rule the ocean.”

“Yes, my lord, I cannot wait to take over her reigns. Thank you for this opportunity.”

Scoragio had always wanted to be in charge yet never could convince Niphona of his capabilities. When Forato offered him an opportunity, he could not resist. He knows it is a dangerous task, though. Niphona's divine powers are strong. Her vigorous sea creatures have supernatural powers to fight Forato's beasts. They stand on the brink of a mighty clash.

Niphona, though, is about to sabotage their plans.

“Come on, Buorno!” She shouts. “Let us go to the forest. We must find out what we are up against! Let us fly, boy. Let us fly high!”

Buorno spreads his gigantic wings. With ease, he leaps into Planocia’s red and yellow skies. Before long, though, they have an unforeseen encounter, which almost causes a collision. A frantic, red fantail bird calls out to them.

“Niphona, wait!” It screeches. “I have something to tell you! Please stop! There is an embankment up ahead. Let us go there so we can talk!”

“Why should I trust you?” Niphona retorts. “Perhaps you've been sent by Forato!”

“I have word from Gazano,” the bird shrieks. “Please! You have to trust me. Gazano is in extreme danger. His life is at risk!”

Hearing the bad news about her friend Gazano, Niphona takes the chance to trust the bird. “Fine,” she says. “We shall talk!”

She guides Buorno to the sandbank below, and slides off his back. The multicoloured bird sits on one of the bull's horns.

“Now tell me about Gazano,” Niphona orders, agitated. “Where is he?”

Gazano slides through the forest undergrowth with his yellow, snake-like body. He slithers over and under twigs, rocks, and other obstacles, aware of Forato's devious intentions to concur Niphona.

I have to warn the goddess, he reflects. The monsters are ready, and they will soon head for the vortex. She must prepare. Luckily, I can move over land and in water. I must hurry to get to Whirl Castle. He increases his speed. Then, all of a sudden, something stops him in his tracks.

“Halt, where do you think you are going?” An enormous, triumphant-looking owl with huge eyes, hinders him.

“Since when do owls prey during day time?” Gazano questions the bird sarcastically.

“Since I have my orders to do so,” it answers.

“You must be as blind as a bat,” Gazano continues. “Otherwise, you would not dare halt me.”

“On the contrary, my friend,” the owl named Owala replies. “I know very well who I am halting. I have my orders and my day vision from high sources!”

The news overwhelms Gazano. He is not about to let it show, though. “I see,” he says, pausing briefly. “Well, it may not be so wise to accept such orders.”

“Oh, and why not?” Owala asks.

“Because I probably outsmart and outrun you,” Gazano answers defiantly.

Owala flaps his large wings, now clearly agitated. He starts to move up, his claws ready for the attack. Gazano seizes the moment and shoots off. He changes from yellow to green to blend in with the undergrowth. He is now hardly visible. He can hear the noise of the owl's wings above him. Quickly, Gazano changes direction a couple of times and soon outsmarts Owala.

“Phew, that was close!” Out of breath, he reaches the forest edge. “Now I have to wait for the right moment to cross the sandy beach to get into the water. He lies low until it gets dark. Once the sun has disappeared, Gazano emerges from his hiding place. Again, he changes colour to blend in with the sand and the darkness. Carefully, he slides along the beach. Now and then, he stops to see whether all is clear. He is almost in the water when he hears a familiar sound of flapping wings. Before he realizes what is going on, he is hanging in the claws of Owala.

“Who is the smartest now, eh, Gazano?” Owala shouts to him from above. “A true hunter never gives up on his prey! Forato will be proud of me! Oohoo!”

Gazano dangles in the sharp claws of the owl. There is no way to escape. Who can warn Niphona? During their flight over the forest, they encounter several other birds who seem to avoid Owala, except for one. A beautiful radiant blue bird with a fabulous red fantail accompanies them. Then it flies towards Gazano's head and says: “Don't worry. I will warn the others.” Before Gazano can respond, the bird takes off.

Owala starts his descent. He flies narrowly over the treetops. From behind the trees, an enormous palace rises, made from of mountain rocks, tree trunks, and clay. It looks ominous and threatening. Pigs with enormous teeth stand guard before a wide, tall wooden gate. Once the guards see Owala, they quickly open the gate, and Owala flies into the courtyard. There he is welcomed by yet more pigs. The owl releases Gazano and the pigs surround him. He has no chance of escaping. The sound of heavy footsteps comes closer. A loud, deep voice commands: “Let me through!”

The pigs open up the circle they have formed. Gazano shivers. Before him stands a hideous creature with several legs and arms and four eyes. “You did well, Owala,” he shouts, “you may leave now.”

“Thank you, oh mighty Forato, thank you.” Away he goes. Forato frantically moves his arms and legs. His eyes look ferocious.

“Now! What shall I do with you, I wonder? It is too easy to kill you. I must think of a proper punishment for a traitor like you.” His eyes roll over. “Take him to the darkest dungeon,” he commands the pigs. “I need time to think.”

Meanwhile, the fantail bird that stopped Niphona explained what happened.

“Owala the owl has taken Gazano to Forato's castle. They have imprisoned him in a dungeon,” the bird explains. “I am sure Forato will kill him if he has no further use for him!”

“So Forato is up to dirty games,” Niphona responds. “Well, I can play that game too!” She continues. “What about the monsters he's having trained? Have you seen them?”

“No, no one is allowed to see them. I heard they are soon ready to fight.”

Niphona’s brows furrow in thought. “The whispers hold truth, then.”

“Yes, I'm afraid so, Niphona.” The bird sighs and its feathers droop.

“What's your name?”

The bird straightens. “I am known as Fento.”

“Well, thank you for warning me, Fento. Perhaps you can be of further help. Can you get as many birds as possible to help us get to the dungeons and free Gazano?” She jumps back on Buorno. “Also, see whether you can find out where Forato keeps those creatures. Gather everyone at the forest edge, at the ancient oak tree.”

“I will, Niphona, I will,” Fento replies with glee and takes off into the sky.

The ancient oak tree is a crucial part of Niphona's plan. A plan emerges in her mind. The tree is old and wise. It also isn't particularly fond of Forato. The tree can be an influential ally in her fight against the forest God.

Niphona spurs Buorno to continue their flight over the ocean to reach the dangerous woodland.

Halfway there, she spots a mammoth whale who resembles her defender, Waleon. If so, she can ask him to join her quest against Forato. She circles the mammal and grabs the whale horn she always carries with her. As the whale dives underwater, she blows the unique horn. Its eerie sound resonances through the air.

Waleon’s full torso rises above the water. “Ah! It is you, Niphona, who calls on me!” He speaks. “Always a pleasure to see you, my beautiful goddess!”

“Thank you, dear Waleon. This time, though, you may not find it that joyful. I need your help with a dangerous mission.”

“Nothing is too dangerous for me Niphona. If I can help a friend in any way, it will be my pleasure.” For a moment, Waleon dives under and sweeps his enormous tail. Buorno has to maneuver quickly so as not to get hit by the force. When he comes back up, he spouts water and asks: “Tell me what I have to do Niphona. How can I be of help?”

“Waleon, I need you to assemble all our ocean friends. Forato, the god of the forest, plans to attack my castle, my home.”

“But why?” Waleon asks. “Forato cannot survive in the sea. What does he need the castle for?” Again, he slaps his enormous tail onto the water’s surface.

“Hey, watch it!” Buorno grunts.

“Only Forato knows,” Niphona replies, unmoved. “I have to find out what he is up to. In the meantime, however, I need you and the others to guard Whirl Castle together with Sakafor. Sakafor alone will not be able to defend the castle gates for long. There is speculation about an army of sea monsters. And, Scoragio, the traitor, trains them to aid Forato. I have to find out what they intend to do.”

“I understand Niphona. Don't worry. I'm sure the other whales, dolphins, sharks, and ocean creatures, will be glad to help you keep your castle. Not one of us is keen on having Forato as our ruler either!”

Waleon blows a water spout up in the air. He shows his most beautiful side to Niphona, sweeping his large tail left and right.

Buorno is not amused and shoots him a fierce glance.

Niphona laughs secretly. “Thank you, Waleon. You are a true friend. Be warned, however, that things can get nasty! Now, I must hurry into the forest to find out what's happening. I have to rescue Gazano! Owala captured him, and Forato put Gazano in the dungeons!”

“Gazano? Really?” Shocked, Waleon tilts his head. “How is that possible? Gazano is always so smart and clever in hiding!”

“Yes,” Niphona replies. “That makes it even more serious.” She sighs. She knows how difficult a task lies ahead. Buorno shuffles his feet with a restless urgency, signalling a silent yet emphatic, “Let’s get moving; it’s time to leave.”

Niphona pads him on the neck. “Alright, Buorno. I understand. We leave!” She grins. “We have to speak with the guardian of the forest, the giant oak tree. We do not know what else we encounter along the way,” Niphona contemplates. “Whatever it is, we are ready to deal with any situation. I'm glad you are with me, Buorno my friend!”

“So am I, Niphona,” he responds. “So am I.”

A majestic, ancient black oak tree guards the entrance to an enchanted forest ruled by the forest god Forato. With centuries of experience, grand in size and stature, it does not allow anyone to pass without a prior invitation.

The three-hundred-year-old tree has specific instructions, yet it discards the wishes of its master of late. The forest god behaves unreasonably, is obsessed with power, and is aggressive.

Fento, the red fantail bird, asked the tree for permission to gather animals and birds. The giant was more than happy to oblige when it heard goddess Niphona made the request. The more so to save her snakelike friend Gazano from the wrath of Forato.

The wise old tree knows Gazano well and used to have interesting conversations with him. His capture shocked him, and more over the reason why. They must stop Forato.

Before long, different animals arrive from every direction. They respectfully greet the tree and settle around it, waiting in anticipation.

Hundreds of species of birds nestle themselves among its thick, strong branches. Their singing is orchestrated, entrancing, and captivating.

In the distance, a sudden roar is heard, with the distinct sound of wings flapping. Goddess Niphona arrives on Buorno. The white bull lands in front of the large crowd, who cheer to welcome them.

Niphona steps down from Buorno and urges everyone for silence.

“Thank you for your leniency, Majesty,” she bows to the oak tree, “and thank all of you for being here,” she addresses the animals and birds. “Gazano and I will be forever in your debt for your help.”

“You're more than welcome Niphona,” the tree responds, “it's an honour for us!”

It leans over, which causes upheaval among the resting birds.

When they resettle, the supportive tree continues. “You asked to come up with a plan to try to rescue our mutual friend Gazano. I thought long and hard, and I think I know what to do.”

“I knew I could count on you,” the goddess affirms. “I never doubted your wisdom,” she smiles. “Tell us what you have in mind!”

The tree explains.

Soon after, there is a lot of commotion in the forest. The malicious trees and plants, loyal to Forato, are either persuaded to switch sides or put under a spell by Niphona, frozen in time, to stop them from harming.

Meanwhile, Forato receives a warning from one of his wild boars about the imminent danger.

“Get Gazano out of the dungeon!” he commands. “No doubt they come to save him, and I make sure they see him. Once they try to free him, they get quite a surprise!” He laughs viciously. “Scoragio! Make sure you have your army ready!”

“Yes, my lord!”

Niphona, on the other hand, also has a surprise in mind. She wasn't born yesterday and understands what she is up against. With the advice of the ancient tree, she creates a diversion. They are aware of Forato’s arrogance, thinking he can overpower anyone and anything.

Once she reaches his castle, she calls out to him. She throws down the gauntlet and challenges him to dare fight her outside.

“I'm willing to offer you part of my kingdom if you win,” she shouts. She knows he is too proud and too egotistic, not to accept the challenge.

He comes to face her, thinking he can easily overpower her.

“Scoragio! Where are you?” He calls out, but there is no response.

Forato never knows what hits him when the animals and birds execute an ambush. Within seconds, they catch him in a robust net, dangling from a tree and frozen in time by Niphona. His force is useless. His armed boars are defeated by Buorno, and his so- called army of sea creatures made a runner.

They didn't stand a chance!

“Hurrah!” Gazano jubilates as he is free. “I knew you would come to my rescue, Niphona. Buorno, old pall, thank you for keeping her safe! And to all those who helped this mission to succeed, thank you!”

The peace returns in Planocia. The majestic trees in the forest stand tall and proud, their branches fling up to the sun to frame the deep blue sky. They sway to the rhythm of the wind, and their leaves flutter like graceful butterflies. Energetic red squirrels chase each other high in the trees, using their bushy tails to keep their balance. The sound of different birds fills the air.

Amidst the abundance of nature in Planocia, something causes a disturbance. Twigs on the ground snap, and bushes fall aside. The birds and ground animals get out of the way. Forato has recovered from the wrath of Niphona, yet he faces another challenge.

A blood-curdling scream echoes through the woods. “By the Gods! Where is it? It must be here, somewhere! Tell me where, oh trees! I am Forato, the ruler of this forest. I need to find it. At least give me a clue!”

Forato looks up and down. He continues his plea. “I know you are hurting. Help me out here!” There is a slow, sad rustle, then nothing. “Fine. Have it your way,” he exclaims. “I will find it. With or without your help!” He throws his long arms up and takes strenuous steps. The forest is a dark, tangled maze, and it is hard to find a way. Again, he pushes everything aside on his path. Yet he is careful not to hurt or destroy anything in his kingdom.

Then, as if struck by lightning, he stands still, his eyes drawn to a giant tree trunk. He notices a small door. Like some prehistoric beast, the huge twisted limbs of the tree guard the entrance. He gazes at it for a while. Now what? This door is new. I have never seen this here before, even though I have roamed these woods for a long time. Most peculiar.

With care, he approaches the door. His claw-shaped fingers reach for the handle. It squeaks when he opens it. Inside, tall candles lit a long corridor with at the end yet another door. He has to bend his giant body.

The second door is far taller than the first one. It is made of thick, solid wood, hanging in huge golden hinges. There is no handle, just a grand iron ring in the middle. For a moment, Forato hesitates. Then he slams the metal ring against the door, resulting in a loud, eerie sound echoing through the corridor. The enormous door opens. A room becomes visible, built among the roots of the ancient tree. Greenish gloom fills the room. A round, pompous wooden table dooms up, carrying a large book. It has a brown leather cover and letters of gold, glowing in the dark.

As soon as he enters the otherwise dark room, the book opens. A deep male voice speaks, startling him. “Halt! Who are you?” It asks. “What is the purpose of your entering this hallowed place?”

“My name is Forato. I am the God of this forest. I seek the sacred book. The book to guide me in the fight against the human invasion.”

“Ah! It is you that I have waited for,” the voice answers. “Niphona taught you a lesson, but now you face a far worse enemy! An ancient prophecy has been fulfilled. The concealed threat may destroy our sanctuary! You have come to the right place. I am here to serve you and to tell you what you need to know. But beware!” The voice continues. “If you are ever to miss-use this book, you will regret ever to have laid eyes on it!”

Hearing these words, Forato feels humble and powerless.

“I will not disappoint you, oh sacred one,” he pledges. “Together, we will rise and conquer the malicious virus and save these woods and animals!”

Upon this vow, the book closes itself and flies towards Forato. The lord of the trees carries it to his den, to find the path to save his forest.

The End