They traveled for some time but Draknor easily kept pace with the horsemen. He couldn’t help but notice that half of the escort kept just behind him while the rest led the way. At least he still had his sword, which to the Dracoz seemed to be a gesture of good faith.

It took them a day to reach the capital, where a castle loomed before them. Draknor’s tail curled at the sight. Castles weren’t often used by the steppe people. The turrets and ramparts looked more like what he’d seen in the North among forests and mountains. They passed through the gate and passed off the horses. The horses seemed relieved to be away from Draknor, he made them nervous.

“This way Draknor,” Chanar said.

Through halls and a twisting staircase he followed Chanar, as they drew closer he could hear music; drums accompanied by some string instrument. They walked through a set of large double doors and a gong was rung to announce their presence. The dancers stopped their dance, bowed and moved to the side, the guards stiffened at their posts around the throne room. Draknor’s muzzle parted at the sight he saw.

A long green carpet was laid out from the doors to the throne, upon the throne was a beautiful creature. A Dracoz, a female. She was lounging upon her throne with a goblet in her clawed hands, clad in a silken dress of purple, her taloned feet were bare with polished claws. Ice blue eyes almost as blue as her scales regarded him.

Female Dracoz differed from males by not being as bulky, but more of a lithe slender build which was still powerful in itself. Like most Dracoz females she had a mane of hair, hers was brown in color, and unlike human females she had no mammary      

She spoke in a beautiful melodic voice. “Welcome, stranger. Please come closer.”

She rose from her throne as Chanar and Draknor approached. Chanar bowed when he reached the throne, bidding Draknor to do the same. She thumped her tail softly against the floor.

“Well met, might I have your name? It’s been many a year since I’ve seen one of my own race.”

He met her gaze and replied. “Draknor,”

“Draknor. That sounds familiar... though it was a popular name at the height of our power. I am Ina, Queen of these lands.” She looked over to Chanar. “You did well bringing him here Chanar.”

Chanar knelt this time. “Thank you, my Queen.” She touched the top of his head as if he were a faithful hound.

“Now, then let me formerly extend my hospitality to you, Draknor. You are welcome in these halls, anything you desire just speak it.”

Chanar cleared his throat. “He has slain the manticore, my queen.”

“So I see! Most impressive, you are either a skilled hunter, or a strong warrior.”

“I am both,” Draknor rumbled.

Ina laughed heartily. “I like you already! well, I shall reward you the bounty due for that tail. You’ve done me a great service. That beast was preying upon my subjects, and I love all my subjects dearly.”

There was an echo from her court: “She loves all her subject dearly,” they droned reverently. 

Draknor tapped a claw against his leg. It was uncanny how they acted, it was even more uncanny seeing a Dracoz as queen of a human nation. She seemed to pick up on his confusion.

“Ah,” she said with an understated air. “I imagine you have questions. Well I will answer them in due time, but first it’s almost time for dinner. You shall be my guest of honor tonight.”

They ate in the great hall Draknor to the queen’s right in the place of honor. The walls were adorned by claw banner. The food was of succulent fruits, slow cooked meat, and soft bread - far from the hardtack Draknor had been sustaining himself upon. He warily set his sword to the side of the hall with all the other weapons. He’d had it with him so often he felt unclothed without it.

The food was wonderful though, it had been years since he’d been treated to a proper banquet. Ina was a charming hostess, her voice carried over the din of her subjects as she bade them to be thankful for all that they had; and when the feasting was over she ordered the bulk of the food to be given to her poorer subjects. She really did love all her subjects dearly.

Ina put her hand upon Draknor’s arm, “Come Draknor, I would like your company for a bit. The ramparts have a splendid view of the night sky.”

Draknor grunted in response as he retrieved his greatsword.

“Yes, do bring that.”

Soon they were alone on the ramparts. The steppes and stars stretching out endlessly before them. It was as if they were on a ship on an endless sea of grass and stars.

“Alone at last,” Ina chuckled.

Draknor glanced at her.

“Now, I suppose we should talk. You have questions, I have questions. You are my guest, so you first.”

Draknor was always a direct one.

“How did you come to be queen?”

“Patience, luck, and knowing the local customs; their previous ruler got himself killed in a hunting accident. I had already established myself within the court and there was no clear successor, I led them and they followed. Those that challenged me I beat at their own games. Now I am queen, and they are better for it. Before I ruled them this kingdom was in squalor, they still lived in yurts and their borders were weak. But not anymore, now we have strong houses and strong defenses, I’ve opened trade near and far and we have prospered.”

Draknor inclined his head, “You’ve done well then.”

She returned the nod, “I have I suppose, as well as any of us can do after the fall. What of you? You were a soldier before the fall, were you not?”

Draknor stiffened, “That was a long time ago.”

Ina chuckled, “What’s a long time to us? You were indeed a soldier, but certainly not a rank and file troop. No they didn’t have swords like that.”

Her gaze was fixed on his greatsword.

“You were in a command position. What were you? A captain?”

Draknor didn’t answer.

“A general?”

“Perhaps,” Draknor replied.

She wagged a clawed finger at him, “You’re not being very forthcoming.”

“It’s not important what I was. None of it exists anymore.”

“Then why do you still carry that sword?”

“To remind me of what I was, just because the past isn’t important anymore, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t remember it. Besides, it is a fine blade.”

“So what are you now? A wanderer? A hunter of beasts, and killer of men?” Ina asked tilting her head.

“I am one in search of a new purpose.”

There was silence before Ina spoke.

“I can offer you a purpose.”

Draknor’s tail thumped in interest.

“I’m listening,”

Ina drew closer “You can serve within my kingdom. Maybe even by my side?”

Draknor was taken aback, “You’ve known me for less than a day.”

Ina laughed, “Oh, yes I’m sure you’d prefer a proper courtship. But there’s so few of us left, we can’t be too particular with our mates now.”

She ran her clawed fingers along his muscled arm.

“Though I must say, you are a fine catch.”

She stretched her neck out, a seductive technique among Dracoz females. Draknor’s nostrils were assailed with pheromones. Ina moved her head towards him as he shoved her back.

She clamped her jaws shut and hissed.

“Do you not find me attractive?”

Before Draknor could reply there was the sound of footsteps and she backed away from him. It was Chanar.

“Forgive me my queen.” He said bowing. “But we’ve captured some rebels.”

Draknor tilted his head, “Rebels?”

Ina waved it off, “Remnants from one of the lords that once reigned in the old regime. They’ve been stubbornly trying to fight me still. We shall continue this conversation later.”

She curled her lips up revealing fangs.

Following her and Chanar back to the throne room Draknor leaned against a pillar as he watched Ina reassume the throne.

“Bring them in!” She bellowed.

Two men were lead in their arms bound behind their backs, they were disheveled and bloody from superficial wounds. Draknor couldn’t help but notice how young they actually were, barely out of the hatchling… infant stage.

The war party escorting them in were soiled from a recent skirmish, they had the familiar steppe sabers and rope coiled at their belts.

The two rebels were pushed down on their knees before the throne.

Ina regarded them before taking in a breath.

“Such naughty children. Why do you insist on taking up arms upon your queen? All have acknowledged me as ruler, I have brought prosperity and safety; yet still you oppose me.”

She spoke as if talking to children as she rose and knelt by one of the prisoners.

“I love all of you dearly. Is this how you repay that love?” She asked while caressing his cheek tenderly.

The youth growled and grit his teeth.

“We will never serve you, you are no queen! You’re a creature! An animal!”

He spat at her.

There was the hiss of a blade being drawn from a scabbard as one of the guards advanced.

Ina held up her hand as she calmly wiped away the saliva, then with a sudden growl of fury she brought her hand down in a slap. The blow landed and the youth turned his head from the force, his lip bloodied.

“Naughty children! Naughty children, shall be punished!”

She gestured to her guards. “Take them to the dungeon. I shall think on what punishment they deserve.”

The guards hauled the rebels away.

Ina stood where she was, her nostrils flaring from her angered breathing, she stood there for a bit before she collected herself, her breaths becoming deeper and calmer as her posture relaxed.

“Please forgive me, I am passionate. Often time’s emotion can get the best of me.”

She addressed the court, but Draknor thought it was meant for him.

After the prisoners had been hauled off and things had calmed Ina and Draknor regarded one another. Ina spoke first.

“Draknor, please, stay and talk with me a bit longer. I have much to share yet, will you grant me that much at least?”

He nodded.


She led him to a room with a large table in the center, a map was spread across it showing the regions.

“My kingdom and the surrounding lands.” She explained.

“I see,”

In tilted her head, “Please forgive my outburst back there. I’ve tried to rise above my anger, but I suppose being called a creature and animal can still anger me. I’ve worked so hard to earn their trusts.”

Draknor grunted, “I’ve had plenty of encounters with humans like that. I can sympathize.”

She beamed, “I’m so glad you can understand. I don’t want you to think less of me.”

He folded his arms, “Why do you care? Is it because you want me as a mate so badly?”

Ina threw back her head and laughed at the ceiling. “Draknor! You are most entertaining! I told you we can’t afford to be picky. Besides, with you by my side I know we can do much together. I have such plans.”

Draknor tilted his head. “Such as,”

She padded closer to him, “Rebuilding our home. Does that interest you?”

Draknor snorted through his nostrils.

“Our home is gone. We caused that ourselves. Nothing can bring it back.”

She gently laid a hand on his cheek.

“You’ve been wandering for some time haven’t you? Since the fall?”

He gave her a nod.

“Such a lonely existence, the years marching on as everything we made continues to crumble. Our own kind fading away with each passing year; you’ve been wandering for so long you’ve probably lost your way. I nearly lost my way too. But now I am a queen, and now I have power.”

He drew back, “What are you getting at?”

Ina stepped closer, “We can rebuild! All of it, and humans can help us! We can build atop them. They’re ingenuitive, and versatile. But they don’t live as long as we do, their years are to us as a hound is to them. This small kingdom can be the start of something grand, a new empire to make the old one pale in comparison! We can find more Dracoz scattered across the lands and have them join us. Humans and Dracoz, us as their rulers and them as our subjects.”

Draknor shook his head.

Such disappointment, she had good intentions. But she was going about it the wrong way.

“You want to make a second empire?”

Ina dipped her muzzle, “Of course! But this one shall be grander, and more stable than the rest!”

“Our time is over Ina… we lost everything because of our hubris. What gives us the right to lord over humans? We destroyed ourselves and descended to barbarism. All that’s known of us now is our twilight years as viscious oppurtunists.”

Ina sighed, “It would be symbiotic our wisdom and longevity will ensure stability of our government, while they provide us with numbers to fill much needed positions, artisians, soldiers, scholars, and financiers. Things will be different from our old empire.”

Draknor shook his head, “How are you planning on making this new utopia?”      

She gestured to the map with her clawed hand. “Have a closer look.”

Draknors tail thumped as he observed arrows pointed towards other portions, he had indeed been a general before the fall he knew a campaign map when he saw one.

“You’re going to war?”


“With who?”

“The people to the West, they’ve denied all my offers of trade. Their resources are vital for expansion, but they hide in their halls and proclaim themselves isolationists. If they won’t trade like good neighbors then they shall be brought into the fold.”

Draknor narrowed his eyes, “Brought into the fold? You mean conquered.”

She waved it off, “I’ll give them plenty of chances to surrender quietly.”

“They won’t.”

“Then yes they will be conquered.” Ina replied.

Draknor huffed.

“Have you declared war upon them yet?”

“Why alert them to my intentions? My people are very good at attacking swiftly from upon horseback. Bow, lance, and saber are their tools. But they would do poorly in drawn out sieges and the people to the West have formidable defenses. I shall strike quickly before they know what has happened.”

Draknor slammed his fist on the table.

“Unacceptable! What of those that cannot fight? They’ll be caught in the flames.”

Ina gestured to the map, “Tragic, but the sooner I strike the sooner they’ll surrender and the sooner there will be no war or suffering. Time will heal the wounds and in the end we’ll all be one people. For I love all my subjects dearly.”

“Yet you seem content to throw them into the fire.” Draknor retorted.

Ina drew herself up, “I have no choice! This is the nature of the world, if we don’t expand some other nation will assimilate us! It’s the sad reality.”

Draknor looked away in disgust.

“You think I’m a monster? You think I haven’t shed tears over this? Lost sleep? It has to happen, and you, you can help. You can control everything and minimize the unnecessary deaths. How about it, General?”

Draknor looked at her, he thought of himself in the fray leading her armies to victory. Once he would have considered it an honor.

Now he knew better.

Ina pressed her case, “I need you, you can end this quickly, besides you know better than anyone how to use a fulcrum.”

Draknor’s eyes widened, “You have a fulcrum?”

Ina chuckled, “Indeed I do, I may have been but a low level administrator before the fall, but I knew the value of grabbing one.”

She crossed to a silk covered object and removed the blue fabric. Beneath was a block of stone etched with Dracoz figures. A blue gem the size of a man’s fist glowed. A fulcrum, the very thing that could change the course of a battle.

Ina sighed as she rested her palms against the device, “A weapon of last resort,” She pulled a crystal on a necklace from beneath her dress. “I have one firing key, you have another.”

Her eyes rested on his sword, more specifically the gem on his hilt.

Draknor had seen the destructive force of fulcrums before, they could rend a battlefield and displace the very soil. Or they could bring castles crumbling to the ground. One was only used in dire circumstances. It’s powercrystal would burn out after one use and such large gems were rare even before the fall, lands would forever be scarred and it was a danger for any friendly soldiers who couldn’t withdraw in time; which was often. As a general he’d been entrusted with the use of fulcrums if it came to that, it was why his sword had a gem, not solely for decoration.

Draknor drew in his breath. “It was weapons like these that destroyed us.”

“I know,” Ina breathed. “That’s why I won’t use it unless I need to. Why I would entrust it to your judgement. I know you are moral enough to use it sparingly.”

She took a step towards him with open arms.

“I ask you to lead my armies, to be a controlled fire and not a wildfire.”

Draknor stared away into emptiness before he spoke.      

“No. You didn’t learn anything from the fall Ina. You’re making exactly the same mistakes that our leaders did during the fall. I’m not going to help you, nor would I become a mate with a warmonger like you.”