Chapter 2

But Thompson was fine, because of his slip of the tongue (to be honest, he didn't), my father and I looked for him like stray cats on the street next to the school bar, which was so big that there were two or three bars on one street, and my poor dad and I had to go in and find him.Of course, we had some adventures. Some of the doggies in the bars put their slender white hands on us and invited us in for a drink.To be clear, I don't think it was a trick, but rather a high-class way of hunting. Just like the prey always thinks that they are hunters as innocent and cute, in fact, the soft prey is the real hunter, but the prey appears next to the hunter at the cost of the body, which is also a kind of strategy, giving people a sense of pity. Well, talking so much with you guys,it is still an excuse for your own refusal.

In the southeast corner of the school, Mr.Thompson had been waiting for us for a long time, and he gestured in the direction of my dad and me, lest we should not pay attention to him.In fact we had seen him, for there was no man with more rounded shoulders. My dad and I were quickly seated.

Mr.Thompson shook his watch in front of us, and there were words in his mouth, probably what time it was, and my dad and I began to pretend to be deaf and dumb, not that we were really dumb, but that there was nothing to say about it.

In the end, when Thompson saw that we did not take a stand, he became embarrassed, probably because he saw my father here, and he did not say anything in order to set an example. At this time, the waiter brought three bottles of whiskey.

"Alright guys, cheers!" Mr. Thompson raised his glass without the slightest modesty, and was about to drink it down, evidently confident in his drink.

‘Have a good time!’I said to Thompson, evidently not very pleasantly to this little reception.

Thompson and I both drank relatively quickly, except for my father, who had some apprehensions, and I guess the question of who should pay for the drink was racing in my brain, and I always knew my poor dad, who worked like a headless fly on weekdays, and he was a smoker, smoking all cigarettes and never let me share a mouthful, so I had no pity for him, and I believed that Thompson was not such a fellow, but drank harder.

After three rounds of drinking, the smell of oil smoke on the asphalt road has long faded, but it stuck into a charred ball, like a card that is coldly disassembled, and then reassembled again, everything feels slimy.

Coincidentally, a doggy began to stir at us, and she consciously threw winks at Mr. Thompson and me, as if to signal to us: Catch me, get me, two little bunnies, this is your supreme moment. Mr. Thompson and I looked at each other and smiled, and there was something lascivious about it. At last Mr. Thompson could not bear the peculiar triangular relationship, and he came out in a rage, and moved his seat to the poor doggy, which he had no longer cared for, and made my dad laugh.

Then Mr. Thompson motioned for us to go out with the beautiful lady, and my silly father and I nodded to each other, we were overjoyed so that when the waiter handed us the bill, we had to pay it with our heads and give the waiter some tips by the way.

‘A fucking day,’my dad complained, ‘he is not a good thing, so sophisticated!’

I just nodded my head for my dad's share.

I looked at the sky, as fucking carefree as blue.

After blowing the rest of the bottles, my dad and I went back to the dormitory. He was a kind man, I was talking about my dad, he was worried that I was lost,which was actually impossible, and sent me back to the dormitory.Well, in fact, he was accusing me of spending money.

Back in the dormitory, I collapsed on the bed like a drunk, my father didn't drink much, he was awake, and he saw that I had fallen asleep, so he got up and left, I was actually very well. I was not drunk, and I stood on tiptoe to the door, looking at his gray back. To be honest, I felt inexplicably sad in my arms.

In the middle of the night, there was a knock at the door, and I thought it must be Mr.Thompson who had returned, and I pretended not to hear.

The door creaked like an old machine in disrepair, and I got so impatient that I had to fuck open it.

Then a strong smell of wine entered my nostrils, and I opened my damned eyes to see that it was Mr.Thompson 's ghost.

‘I don't know any fool, I can't even hear the damn door. ’

‘Come on, Mr.Thompson, damn drunkard, fucking pervert, I don't know who knocked on the door of the dormitory in the middle of the night, like a shit dog. ’I was so excited that I opened the skylight and said something.

‘What, what did you say? Sir, can you repeat that again? ’

‘Oh, damn fool!’

Then I felt a boulder shake in my chest, and honestly, I almost passed out.

‘Oh, fucking bad!’ he grumbled, leaning

on the steel-framed ladder, evidently drunk yet.

Truth be told, I grabbed a beer bottle in my hand, held it in my palm, and yelled at Mr.Thompson , "Please pay the price of your fucking rudeness!"

I admit that I was extreme, but I couldn't find any other way to solve it and get out, what I didn't expect was that this guy was a fucking softass, and he immediately confessed: ‘Hey, man, don't do this, I was so drunk that I didn't even know the fuck, please forgive me for my rude behavior.’

I slammed the damn beer bottle on the floor, shattered it, and went to bed.

But honestly, that damn Mr.Thompson purred like a dead pig, and I didn't fucking sleep all night.

The next day, Thompson and I were woken up by the sound of the school radio, and I clearly heard the damn radio that it was announcing that we were going to have military training tomorrow, because the rainy season in country H was early, yeah, no one knows how to refuse this reason, blame the weather, oh God!

Mr.Thompson heard the passage clearly, not because he was smart, but the radio voice was an actress, and it was repeated four times, yeah, fucking four times, and I still hear the beautiful voice, she was tickling like a cat.

‘Man, it's time for military training!’he approached me again.

‘Well, that's really great, at least she told me!’ I said impatiently.

‘In any case, Mr. Thompson had to be in a row with Little John.’ He said affectionately.

‘Come on, I don't know who made the first fucking provocation late last night. ’I hit him back.

‘It's all my fault, man, you don't take it to heart, do you?’he said tentatively.

‘Well,’I said, spreading my hands, ‘and I'll take it as forgiveness.’

‘Very good,’he said excitedly, apparently he had forgotten the fucking everything, ‘set sail tomorrow!’

‘By the way, what fucking you do today?’ I asked him patiently.

He yelled at me excitedly, ‘Bar!’

I almost fainted when I heard it, and it reminded me of yesterday.

‘Eat!’I teased him, half-jokingly.

‘That's right, it's just women's. He smiled and said to me. Seriously, I am a wretched child, and I can't do it at all in the face of Mr. Thompson's seduction.

‘Last night, you eloped. ’I was clearly implying that he didn't pay, and of course, I'm not stingy.

‘Alright, man, wrap me up tonight,’ he understood my voiceover, ‘it's still the bar, see you soon!’

I happily gestured to him.

‘But we've got to find something to do now. ’I proposed.

‘Yeah,’he clapped his hands in response, ‘let's go around this school.’

‘That's a really good idea.’ I gave him a thumbs up.

Thompson and I went out, and to be honest, I didn't know what the benefits were or what the purpose was.

We came to one of the school's iconic cultural landmarks, and it is said that this architectural artwork was designed by the school's students, and later the man became famous and built it according to his opinion, but I didn't think it's that beautiful.

Mr. Thompson spoke, his gaping mouth comical: "Oh my God, little John, is this a work of art, or a wriggling anorectum?’

‘I really don't know why the fuck fix a rusty sewer pipe?’ he made another profound analogy.

‘Art doesn't necessarily bring value to appreciation, and it can even be uncomfortable.’ I said worriedly.

‘But art shouldn't have no borders?’Thompson asked innocently rhetorically.

‘It has nothing to do with whether there are borders or not, just as art can bring joy to people and at the same time deepen people's suffering. ’I seem to be defending the anorectal.

‘Oh God, according to you, I should live forever in the agony of this junk aesthetic because I am at odds with its founder. ’He wittily retorted.

‘But in the eyes of the artist, it is perfect, at least, it is not so easy to understand.’

‘Now we're talking about art in my eyes!’ he got a little angry, and in order not to let him be a clown, I decided not to contradict him, but chose to remain silent for a long time.

It was a long time before Mr. Thompson opened his mouth to speak, and he approached me: ‘Hey, man, look at the egrets flying up by the water's edge, they look like white garbage bags!’

‘Like a pair of white shoes. ’I said it poetically and was proud of it.

‘Well, man, I'm describing the mood at this point, and you probably didn't understand what I meant. ’

On this point, I agree with Mr.Thompson, at least for now, that we are like deflated balloons.

Thompson and I sat there all morning and afternoon, and it wasn't until night fell that we knew it was time for us to play in our true colors.

Unexpectedly, Thompson was more impatient than me, he opened his broken legs and ran wildly, "The meal is here, Thompson is going crazy.’ I thought to myself funny.

‘Alright, Thompson,I don't want to fucking eat the dust from your feet. ’I can't keep up with him anymore.

‘Alright, ass ass, hurry up and spread your short stride. ’He grimaced at me.

I don't want to argue with anything, I just quicken my pace, honestly, friends, I'm like Thompson's puppy, although I don't want to say that, mainly because I don'twant Thompson to pay the bill.

And then we fucking went to the shop, and like that, and ordered two whiskeys.

‘Little John, I have to say, you're fucking fast.’ He looked at me with a smile on his face, which made me laugh a little.

‘Of course I don't want to miss your dinner. ’

‘Ha. ’He smiled and shook his watch, honestly, I hated him like that.

‘Two lads, here comes your whiskey. ’A sheep-like voice came, and I looked up to see that it was the lady with whom Mr. Thompson had been on date that day, and Mr.Thompson stood up with a look of lust and put his whole body close to the lady, and I almost fainted, for Mr.Thompson was too sophisticated to look.

‘Hey, Thompson,that friend of yours, looks shy. ’The slave winked at me, and I could feel it standing tall like a tree.

‘Ma'am, I don't know what you're talking about.’ I looked at her as if I didn't know anything, as if I were a cheap and pure child.

‘Leave him alone, he knows everything. ’

‘Hello, my name is John Smith, you can call me Little John. By the way, ma'am, what do you call you?’

‘Her name is Anna. ’It was clear that Mr. Thompson was a little jealous.

‘Lady Anna, it's a pleasure to meet you. ’I reached out and, obviously, I wanted to shake hands with Anna.

At this moment Thompson was impatiently crossed between me and Lady Anna, and my plan fell through.

‘Hey, your wine. ’Anna reminded us and signaled us that her work was well done.

‘Your tip. ’Thompson spread his hands out, and he playfully asked Anna to touch his dirty hands, yeah, he wanted to do that.

Unexpectedly, however, she bypassed Thompson's position and wanted me to pay for it.

‘Ma'am, I don't have much money on me.’I said with some embarrassment.

‘It's okay, kid, I wish you like that.’ She spread her slender hands more gracefully.

I pulled out all the money I had brought out today from my pants bag and handed it to Anna.

‘Oh, that's not less. ’She looked at me with a smile. Obviously, I gave much less money than Thompson 's.

At this point, I couldn't help but glance at Mr. Thompson, who was looking me like a deflated ball.

‘Okay,’ he muttered, then spread his hands, ‘that's the money for four bottles of whiskey.’He put the money on the table and got up to leave

‘Hey, you should know that there is nothing between us. ’I looked at him with some pity

‘Don't worry, bastard little John, I'm not leaving, I found another girl drinking alone.

‘You paid for four bottles of wine.’ I said to him

‘It's okay, it's for you and Miss Anna.’ He said as if he didn't care, and then he got up, tears clearly welling up in his eyes

‘Thanks, old man. ’I think he gestured, and watched him go to that corner and sit down, so close to the pretty girl who was drinking alone, that I suddenly felt that old Thompson had a very adult beauty

‘Little John, you're not a good boy,’ Anna pretended to grumble, ‘and you've my old Thompson customer.

As the saying goes, if you don't go, you can't come. I replied playfully

‘Good man, you've really been spoiled by Thompson.’ She said with some excitement

‘Alright, our first drink!’ I poured the whiskey into the glasses of the two...’