Food stalls.

In front of a barbecue stall.

Song Xiao stared at the poster at the door that read "188/288/398 Package...Unlimited Beer" and fell into thought.

Because there is a line of small words at the bottom——

Don't make the big sword once, if you are brothers, let's do it together... There is a smaller word "string" behind it!


What a fucking talent.

Zheng Ting greeted the boss familiarly and then started to name the dishes.

"First, let me bring you a box of cold beer, ten skewers of kidneys, twenty oysters, twenty meat skewers, flowers and hair, cucumbers..."

"More garlic!"

Sitting down on the pony, he smiled at Song Xiao and said, "Brother, I'll treat you to the most expensive set meal today! The barbecue here is so authentic!"

Song Xiao: "..."

Okay, he also likes barbecue.

The problem is that when we were in the hotel just now, Zheng Ting acted so arrogant.

Is this the result?

Zheng Ting took out his cigarette and took out a cigarette. He hesitated for a moment, then took out another cigarette and handed it to Song Xiao.

Song Xiao shook his head: "Thank you, I don't smoke."

Zheng Ting quickly put the cigarette back and said sternly: "It's better if you don't smoke. It will only hurt your body and will do no good at all!"

Wang Peng took out the box of Huazi and threw it on the table, winking at Song Xiao: "What about this?"

Song Xiao refused: "I really don't want to smoke."

Zheng Ting curled his lips, lit the cigarette in his hand, and blew out a smoke ring with a vicissitudes of life on his face.

Wang Peng said with a smile: "Boss, you also make a lot of money, can you stop acting like this poor person all the time?"

Zheng Ting glanced at him: "What does a single like you know?"

Wang Peng looked disapproving and grabbed a few bottles of beer. No matter how hard he tried, the bottle caps fell to the ground.

He handed Song Xiao a bottle: "If you don't smoke, you always drink wine, right?"

Song Xiao looked at the bottle of beer and said, "How about... some white wine?"

Wang Peng was stunned: "Huh?"

Zheng Ting also looked at Song Xiao in surprise.

Young man is interesting!

He turned to the waiter and shouted loudly: "One bottle of beef!"

Wang Peng couldn't help but give Song Xiao a thumbs up: "Awesome!"

"Next time we have dinner with Yi Ke, the important task of defeating them will be left to you!"

As the barbecue was served, the three of them chatted and drank.

Song Xiao also took the opportunity to get a preliminary understanding of the situation at the Tianting Office in Beijing.

Zheng Ting and Wang Peng were not familiar with Mr. Su who recommended him. They only knew that he was a big shot with a high status.

The relationship with the Beijing Office is very good.

Occasionally he would appear at receptions related to Heaven, but he always kept a low profile.

As the central agency of Heaven in the human world, the director of the Beijing Office is named Huang and is on the field all year round.

The dragon has its head but not its tail, and it is difficult for even Zheng Ting to see it.

The person in charge of daily operations is deputy director Zhang Mingfeng.

There are two major departments - internal support and external support.

Li Xuan was in charge of the first talent department and Zheng Ting was in charge of the second talent department, as well as the social beasts working in the shabby office were all back office staff.

There is no big difference from other office workers. The salary is good, there is no danger, and there will be a generous bonus at the end of the year.

Wang Peng belongs to the field staff and is theoretically under the direct management of Director Huang Yongxian.

I just finished a mission a while ago. I have nothing to do recently, so I am staying in the capital for the time being.

He was discovered by Zheng Ting and administratively belonged to the second department.

The two have a good personal relationship and often get together for small gatherings.

Wang Peng has a good drinker. He drank three bottles of beer in a row without changing his expression and his eyes were clear.

He said to Song Xiao: "Be careful when performing missions in the future. This world is sealed, and magical powers are severely suppressed!"

"Even if you have a very advanced level of cultivation, you cannot take it lightly when facing those hot weapons, or even high-tech weapons you have never heard of."

"They are all mortal bodies. If they are hit in the vitals, they will still die!"

"Ghost immortals are not as easy to cultivate as human immortals. It is difficult to come to the human world. You must live well."

Song Xiao nodded and raised his glass to express his gratitude.

From the two of them, he learned a lot of information that he had never been exposed to in the past.

Finally, from another perspective, I understood why Mr. Su said that he was well protected by his master.

To use an overused phrase, it is——

The years you thought were quiet and peaceful were just because someone was carrying the burden for you.

In the eyes of Wang Peng and Lao Zheng, Tianting employees are just a somewhat special profession.

Not that lofty.

"Gods also want to make money and live."

"The cultivation classics are there, but how many people in the past and present have become immortals?"

"There are many dangerous professions. Aren't drug police officers dangerous? We all use our lives to protect what we think is worth it."

"Compared to this, our group of people...received significantly more rewards."

Zheng Ting drank beer, rubbed his big waist, and said with emotion: "With a good salary and good elixirs, if there is no accident, I can live a long and healthy life without any disease."

"Even if you die... you can become a little god and you won't have to suffer the pain of reincarnation."

“So this is a job worth cherishing!”

Lao Zheng has an average drinking capacity and is usually cautious and humble. After a few glasses of wine, he will reveal some literary and youthful temperament.

Song Xiao asked Wang Peng for advice on what situations he would encounter during daily tasks?

Wang Peng shook his head with a wry smile and took a sip of wine.

"You'll probably see it soon. Now, I'm afraid you'll just slap the seal and token on the table and run away."

Song Xiao pouted, somewhat disapproving.

Over the years, he has solved many strange problems for people.

There weren't many things that could scare him enough to make him run away.

The evening breeze blew gently, bringing with it waves of heat. Even if they drank cold beer, Lao Zheng and Wang Peng were still sweating profusely.

Song Xiao, on the other hand, sipped the white wine one sip at a time, without a drop of sweat on his forehead.

The two of them were a little envious.

Wang Peng joked: "Don't you have a cold constitution? You drink white wine on such a hot day and you don't sweat?"

Song Xiao glanced at him: "A body of pure Yang!"

Wang Peng curled his lips, and at this moment, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and he cursed: "Fuck, something is coming!"

Song Xiao:?

While he was wondering, a reminder from the token came to his mind - there is a new mission!

After Wang Peng took out the token and read it, he looked at Song Xiao and said, "Don't you want to know the working status of the field staff? Here's the opportunity."

Song Xiao has also read the information passed to him by the token——

Traces of the demon clan were found on a mountain thirty kilometers north of the city. Level one, field personnel are requested to investigate immediately.

In addition, precise coordinate points are also given .

Now that I'm on a mission, I definitely can't drink anymore.

Wang Peng glanced at Zheng Ting: "Boss, you can take a taxi back later. I'll take brother Xiao Song to see him."

Zheng Ting glanced at Song Xiao and hesitated: "If you dare to show up near the capital, there might be a conspiracy, or I..."

"Hey, it's only level one, what kind of conspiracy can you have? Just don't join in the fun as an internal staff member. Don't worry, I will take good care of Xiao Song!"

Wang Peng said, stood up and said, "Drink slowly and remember to pay the bill," and left in a hurry with Song Xiao.

The two first took a taxi to the underground parking lot of a building.

Seeing Wang Peng walking up to a dilapidated off-road vehicle and about to get into the driver's seat, Song Xiao couldn't help but remind him: "Brother Wang, you've been drinking..."

"It's okay, it's been resolved. It's just a small skill. I'll teach you later!"

As he spoke, he opened the door and got into the car, then slammed the door hard and started the car.

He glanced at Song Xiao, who was sitting in the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt, with a wicked smile on his face and stepped on the accelerator.

The broken car roared like a beast and jumped out!

Song Xiao instantly grabbed the armrest above his head, his face a little pale.

Is it really resolved?

The off-road vehicle was overtaken in a serpentine manner on the endlessly flowing street, and soon left the city and entered a provincial highway.

Not long after, we turned onto a rugged country road.

On the narrow road without street lights, the speed was always more than 90 kilometers per hour.

Fortunately, there are no cars on this road.

Wang Peng, who had been focusing on driving, relaxed a little now and glanced at Song Xiao, who was still holding the armrest carefully.

He smiled and asked: "Are you curious how we know the traces of the demon clan?"

Song Xiao nodded palely.

"You can think of it as a sky-eye system in the city, except that our system is specially used to monitor energy fluctuations and has a wider coverage."

"I dare to bring you here because the danger level is not high this time. If it is level two or above, I will not bring you."

Then he gave Song Xiaopu the classification of danger levels.

Level one is the lowest and level nine is the highest.

"Level 1 usually refers to those creatures that have just born spiritual intelligence and have relatively primitive attack methods."

"For this kind of thing, we mostly focus on monitoring."

"As long as they don't harm people, we generally won't attack them."

Song Xiao asked: "What is the most powerful person you have ever encountered?"

Wang Peng was silent for a moment: "Level 3 can already transform, but it still retains some racial characteristics and has strong attack methods..."

"If it's just you, if you encounter someone of this level, don't show off, it's important to run for your life!"

"Actually, demons are not the scariest thing. What is truly scary is humans."

"Human?" Song Xiao glanced at him with some confusion.

As if he didn't want to continue this topic, Wang Peng raised his foot and closed the accelerator, letting the speed slow down a bit.

"Do you know why my boss and I have such a good relationship?"

Song Xiao shook his head.

Wang Peng said: "The boss was also in the field back then, and it was he who brought me into heaven."

"One time I took another brother and I on a mission, and we encountered a monster that was at least level three. Not only was it thick-skinned, but its combat power was also terrifying."

"In order to protect the two of us, he was seriously injured. Although he survived by chance, his strength was greatly reduced... and then he was transferred to the internal service."

Wang Peng sighed: "I was very grateful to him at the time. If it weren't for him, both of us would have died that time. Do you know what he said?"

"He smiled and comforted me, saying that we heavenly employees in the human world have great hidden benefits."

"After death, you will not enter reincarnation. At worst, you will be a heavenly soldier. You can still continue to practice."

"He said that if he dies, he can at least be a land lord, and if he's lucky, he might even be a mountain god!"

Song Xiaoxin said that no one wants to die, right?

Who would not miss the earthly world, the fireworks in the world, the bonds of family, friendship and love?

The thirty kilometers away soon arrived. Wang Peng parked the car on the side of the road and headed towards the mountains with Song Xiao.

"Fortunately, you are wearing sneakers . In this business, you have to be ready at all times..."

Wang Peng moved vigorously and quickly, using a bright flashlight to open the way ahead.

Song Xiao followed, but did not fall behind, which made Wang Peng a little surprised.

"Okay, have you been to the mountains before?"

"When I helped people deal with some problems before, I often went into the wilderness, so I'm quite familiar with it."

"Dealing with problems? What you're good at... Oh, I get it!"

The two were chatting and walking. When they were about to approach the area, fog suddenly began to appear around them.

It was still thin at first, but as the two of them continued to go deeper, the fog began to get thicker and thicker!

Finally, under the illumination of a strong flashlight, it was difficult to see clearly even the scene a few meters away.

Wang Peng frowned slightly and muttered: "There's something wrong!"

Song Xiao's feeling was more intuitive and intense. There seemed to be faint shadows shaking in the thick fog around him.

Along with it, there were some whispers that only Song Xiao could hear.

Chirping in the mist——

"Is it them?"


"It doesn't feel like it's easy to deal with..."

"Such people have a lot of yang energy, especially the young ones, they look delicious!"

Song Xiao frowned.

You are thinking shit!

At this time, Wang Peng suddenly turned around and looked at Song Xiao solemnly: "No, you drive back immediately..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Xiao noticed that there were more and more shadows around him, and they were densely packed together.

Gather towards the two of them!

He said: "It's too late!"

Although Wang Peng cannot see or hear, he still has the ability to perceive.

With a low shout, he directly used his methods to cover dozens of meters around him, and pulled Song Xiao into the "darkroom".

The underground parking lot reappears.

A miserable green light lit up.

The fog disappeared, but a large number of figures appeared around the two of them!

Both men and women, old and young.

The dead man's gray-gray face, with dark eye circles, all dressed in tattered shrouds, was staring at the two of them coldly.