
This book is a compilation of short stories, some shorter, some longer than others but all collected during the author’s travels. They are intended to provide a pleasant, entertaining, perhaps thought- provoking read or even, perhaps, a frightening read; it’s all up to you, the reader.

There are all sorts of stories in this collection, from dreamlike ones to science-fiction ones, perhaps a scary one (depends on you) and certainly one (or two) for the lover of faeries. One of them, perhaps more or even perhaps all of them are based on, or really are true events with real people; which ones are for you to decide.

To read all the stories or perhaps just one the reader is directed to review those made available here as they are published over a period of time.

It is my hope that you will read them all but it’s up to you.

Please read the Author’s Notes at the end of each story where an explanation or a description of the source of the story can be found. This may cause the reader to think again and go back to read some of the story once more but that’s OK.

If you have read this far then you have read more than enough of my ramblings; get on with the real job at hand and start on the stories themselves.

Good reading.                                          

~ o ~

When I am no longer here,

This place left far behind,

Will those, for whom this life goes on,

Think not of me but find,

In times slow-march, a shadow.

Or will there be some meaning,

Not lost with time’s long passage,

A thought maybe, some gleaning,

That what there was, no less a story,

Was I.

~ o ~