
These stories are a collection of Curious Tales

to intrigue or entertain the curious reader.

Fictional fun maybe although one, perhaps some,

perhaps even all of them, are based on real events.

Perhaps they are all simply true

It is up to you, the reader, to make that decision.

First edition published March 2024

Copyright © 2024 Ian Hall-Dixon

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To my friend Alan who saved my skin, so to speak,

not long after leaving school many years ago.

(A story that will not be retold here.)

I tried to find you, my friend, via social media

only to be told that it was too late,

you had passed away a year or so earlier.

My thanks to you I can no longer express directly

but I am sure that wherever you are now,

you are most aware of the debt I owe and of my eternal gratitude.

It is unlikely that any of these stories would have been written,

never the less a lifetime’s career in engineering

enjoyed without your help that fateful day.

We will meet again, sometime, somewhere in the future,

of that I am certain.

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