the story was there the forest was full of some lush green grass the story was a true story to the world Jessica and Beth were the most bravest fairies in fairyland the beginning of the story was doing very well now the wish was very powerful the world was very lovely the world was very calm the world was very quiet the world in a complete danger Jessica and Beth had found the bad fairy in the forest the wind was very wild she was using the branches as a trick the story was a true story indeed the bad fairy wasn't a nice fairy at all she was a very bad fairy in fairyland the world was very bad the story was amazing the novel was very good the days were getting longer now the world has changed its fate the bad fairy was very horrible Jessica and Beth were very brave now they were very special little fairies in fairyland the story was very interesting the forest was very wide the world was very gentle the time has come and so on Jessica and Beth were very worried the story was very special the dream was a true one the fairies were very angry the enchanted tree was in danger the world was very still it was also very calm the branches were very beautiful the castle was very colourful it was the beginning of the story the world was very pretty the bad fairy was very evil the story was true the land was very beautiful the forest was very dark the wind was very wild the book was very wonderful the land was very flat and the path was very straight forward the world was very haunted the tale was very good and then the story was very lovely the story was telling the truth then the bad fairy was very horrible to the enchanted tree in the forest the world was very big the book was very beautiful the story was very good the path was going in different directions the world has lost its magic now the bad was doing something very naughty now the world was very beautiful the fairies were getting very sick of the bad fairy now Jessica and Beth were doing very well now the story was very good the snow was very deep the world was very horrible the world was very lovely the story was very nice the world was very special the words were very neat the two little fairies were looking at the bad fairy in the forest the story was very beautiful and long the world was very haunted the winter season was almost over now it will be spring soon the bad fairy was in a magical land she was doing some some bad tricks with the enchanted tree poor Beth was very upset and then Jessica was giving Beth a hug the story was true the world was a very cold place in fairyland the story was very nice the sky was very clear the dream was very true the tree was still alive the bad fairy was there the story was very interesting the fairies were very calm their journey was very easy the world was very still but then the bad fairy was very naughty the world was very gloomy their goal was to get the branches from the bad fairy in the forest the story was true the time was passing by now the tale was very wonderful and Jessica and Beth were in a magical forest they were very very brave little fairies the story was very interesting the world was very special the bad fairy was very naughty the story was very long the time was very quick the world was very nice the world was very calm the dream was very lovely the world was very nice the word was very beautiful they wouldn't let the enchanted tree perish in the forest its life was very precious with the magic of their friendship and bravery Jessica and Beth were the fairy sisters to be plotted to confronted the bad fairy the story will settle down to the world and they would restore the harmony to their beloved fairyland and to save the tree by proving that it was even the smallest fairies could enact a great change that the adventure will go ahead that was filled with some promise and the story of Beth and Jessica was just the beginning