the world was in complete danger now Jessica and Beth have to do something about it now the world was very wide the wind was very wild the story was very good the fairies were very brave but then they are also very worried their journey was doing very well the world will get better again they were very brave little fairies in fairyland the world was a complete mess now the world was very lovely for once the days were very beautiful the songs were very quiet there was no music now the world was very bad the other animals were hiding now the darkness was very wild the world was very steady the wind was very loud the grass was green there was no sunlight at all Jessica and Beth were very sad the story was true the world was very full of some darkness the dream was very beautiful the world was very dark the world was very nice the world was very bad the story was very interesting the tale was very special the world was very nice the world was very special and splendid the novel was very long the book was very lovely the world was very cold the world was very enchanted the world was very calm the world was very full of some snow there was a little world in fairyland there was a very bad fairy somewhere in this forest the world was very lovely the world was very icy the world was very enchanting to the world and then Jessica and Beth were very close now the world was very beautiful the dream will come true soon the world was very bad the fairies were very brave and strong now the world was very deserted now and so on Jessica and Beth had to find the bad fairy who has taken all the branches away from the forest the world was very beautiful the world was very special the world was very lovely the story was doing very well now and then Jessica and Beth were in the land of fairyland they were looking for the bad fairy who had stolen the branches from the enchanted tree in the forest the world was very bad the world was very bad they were such good little fairies in fairyland the world was going to get much better again and it was in a magical land Jessica and Beth were doing a very good job now the world was very special the bad fairy was somewhere in the forest the story was true now
middle of chapter two the leaves
middle of chapter two the leaves
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