Beth was very beautiful she was very determined to save the tree now she went to get help by the fairies the story was really true the world was very magical the story was telling the truth the tree was in danger the fairies were very shocked the land was very flat and the path was very straight the world was very still the world was very cold the winter season is almost over now the dream was alive the fairies were very shocked the land was very wide the story was very long the wind was very loud the story will be told at the end of the story the world was very calm the story was very interesting now the world was very enchanted to the world the story was doing very well the novel was very long the world was very enchanting now the world was very sweet the world was very quiet the world was very nice Beth was very worried now she suppose to be the guardian of the enchanted tree in the forest she was only five years old she did do the right thing to protect the tree the world was very lovely and then once upon a time Beth was in the enchanting land of fairyland Beth was the most beautiful fairy that stood by a towering tree she was just five years old and Beth was renowned as the most exquisite fairy with her long golden curls that golden curls that was shining like spun gold and her delicate pink dress was fluttering very gently in the mid winter air in the realm it was however that the majestic tree was in grave danger its branches had drooped very perilously and Beth had felt a deep concern for her beloved home was the forest was though magical was very dark and cold with a deep snow was blanketing on the ground and to despite the chill of the air was filled of some urgency such as Beth had recognised that the magic of the land was fading and she was determined to save the tree it was where she had summoned her older sister Jessica and the other fairies now they had devised a plan to restore the tree's strength together where they had gathered all the enchanted snowflakes by channelling their magic to heal the tree and bring back the enchantment that had once been thrived in fairyland such as the fairies had worked the forest had began to shimmer with its life again the tree had felt the warmth of their magic and then its branches had lifted by reaching more for the sky very slowly it was where Beth's heart had swelled with some joy by knowing that they had saved not just the tree but then the very spirit of their world together
chapter two the danger
chapter two the danger
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