The Journal of Agent

Gina Ginger Knickers

That Begging Video

Sometimes Linda really embarrasses me.

Like yesterday.

She posted the most cringeworthy video of me as a baby on Facebook. The one where I was up on my hind legs, waving my front paws in the air like a lunatic and screaming for noms.

How could she!

Please let me explain the context of that video. You see, I had been living on my own and I was just a tiny little floofball having to fend for myself. Then I wound up with Linda and Mr. D but I didn’t know that I’d be getting regular noms. So, I made quite a fuss whenever I was hungry, just to make sure I didn’t miss out on any meals.

BTW you can read all about how I ended up in the Deane household. Just go to my story titled: Day 1. It’s all in there.

Now, I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s had embarrassing moments.

Here’s your opportunity to share your own embarrassing cat stories.

This is a collaborative story. So, you can create your own chapter and add to this story about Feline embarrassing moments.

Go right ahead.

If you need help doing it, you can email and ask Linda. She’ll tell you how.

The print editions of Gina’s Journals are available from Linda Deane.

Email her if you’d like to know more about them and how to obtain a copy: