The Journal of Agent

Gina Ginger Knickers

The Beginning


Published by Write Impression Ltd.

Copyright 2023 Linda Deane


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher.




This document is not for hoomin consumption.

All reports contained herein are classified.

For the eyes of functionaries of Planet Cat only! And those subjects of Planet Cat assigned temporary residence on Planet Earth under the governance of Planet Cat’s Council On Matters Pertaining Exclusively To Earth (COMPETE).

Neither Planet Cat nor its subjects can be held liable for any consequence (intended or otherwise) arising from a breach of these terms and conditions.




May 2021

I am Agent Gina Ginger Knickers and this is my very first report.

I’ve almost completed my TAFFSA* training here on Planet Cat.

In June I’ll be starting my mission to Planet Earth and I’ll be based at Castle Deane.

I was created especially for this mission by the greatest and all-supreme, Generator of Design (G.o.D.).

He made everything and he rules everything.

Especially Planet Cat.

I believe Planet Cat goes by the name of Heaven to some hoomins on Earth.

G.o.D. will put me into a cute, furry little Kitty Earth Suit.

Lucky me!

I am so glad I was chosen to occupy a Kitty Suit because they’re the best!

I love mine and I can’t wait to wear it. I will wear it with pride for the duration of my mission to Earth.

The manufacturer (G.o.D.) assures me it will grow and stretch with me, and that it’s self-cleaning (mostly).

My mission as an agent of Planet Cat is to conquer hearts by bringing laughter and joy to hoomins all over Planet Earth.

Especially to Linda and Mr. D. and Callie.

George arranged this assignment for me.

He will be returning to Planet Cat soon, but don't tell Linda and Mr. D yet.

'Cos it will make them very sad.

At least I'll be there to comfort and console them all.

Especially Callie.

Oh! That reminds me...


I almost forgot about bacon.

I must find out what it is and assist Callie in obtaining it.

Why am I to be called Gina Ginger Knickers, you might ask?

Well, the first part is easy.

My official name will be Georgina because I'm to be named after George. I’m his living legacy!

As for the second part, I’ll leave that to your imagination.

*TAFFSA – The Academy for Feline Special Agents


The print editions of Gina’s Journals are available from Linda Deane.

Email her if you’d like to know more about them and how to obtain a copy: