Manual for awesome dating

in the form of a dating-related true funny story to honor Sir Terry Pratchett

1) Be in the proper place and life role! Be in the proper place and life role! Such roles shouldn’t be just jobs but also Callings!😇 Behold:!😇 

🌌 In the grand scheme of the Multiverse, where reality wobbles on the edge of a quantum fence and all chicks occasionally cross the road of life without any good reason, there is a magic but also absurd city called Prague (Doorstep - to other worlds!). Now, in this tangled web of existence, there lived a man named Radan Chrobok, which — if you squint your eyes just right and tilt your head like a curious cat — means “Bringer of Joy” and, with an out-of-the-box translation, “the holy scarab, king of gods, rolling the Sun.” It’s a name with a lot of expectations packed into it, because if you’re going to have a name like that, you’d better be doing something important! Rolling up celestial bodies, for example. Or just carrying the weight of the transformative spiritual world with a cheerful smile, which was pretty much how Radan spent his days, especially Thursdays — days of Master according to ancient Indian tradition, if you catch that higher hovering truth. (Read more!)