Jackie and the armadillo
Dear Aunt Susan, they dig those burrows to hide their babies in. They have four at a time, split from one egg. They dig at the bottom of a tree. They are under the banana tree outside our bedroom. Because there is grass to eat and water from the tree. They look like little rats when they peek out late in the afternoon. I wish mommie would go look , candy girl my sister , she went to look at them but she got scared. I can't wait for my friend Caroline to come visit so she can see them.
Dear auntie Susan , hoglet , my sister candy girl, has now taken every toy and put them in her pile. She said I did not write you a thank you card, did she did she? She drew an imaginary line around her circle and said I am not allowed in. I am on my princess sofa acting as if I do not care. She knows that you would not let her get away with this. Luv you, Jackie
Hi auntie Susan, mommie said that you are Santa and you left a package for us for Christmas. We hope you like what we picked out for you. We went shopping one night while she was sleeping and maxed out that credit card, oops , it is hard driving that truck. I drive as Jackie is to short so she works the brake and gas. I am not a very good parker I heard it runs in our family. Jackie is sleeping as she misses her critters, such a dogs life. Luv you candy girl
Dear auntie Susan , guess what, I was drowning in the pool and my friend Caroline jumped in and mommie said that she could not find either one of us. Next thing you know mommie said that I came flying out of the water and she caught me and Caroline made it to the steps and she got out of the pool and was out of breathe but she was ok . Caroline is my hero. Mommie made us bacon and eggs for breakfast yummy. Luv you , Jackie
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