Chapter One

It's been a month since Kendall Jacobson retired from the pro-wrestling scene. The last time he on in the squared circle, he was a big heel, in a no-disqualification “I Quit” match against the big-time favorite, John Cena.

When Kendall Jacobson was in Kennedy High School, he was quite an athlete. He was a slender 6' 5” , 189 pounds. He was a good-looking, though he never had a girlfriend. Nonetheless, he was a popular guy, and he did academically well.

He played tight end on the school football team, and he was also on the wrestling team.

He would do the same at the University of Saint Claire, where he would really do well He would have limited success in the NFL, spending two years with the Houston Texans before he was finally cut.

He got contacted by a wrestling promoter for World Wrestling Entertainment, and then he made it as the villainous Colonel Cobra. He was promoted as a mercenary leader who delights in inflicting pain to his opponents. His patented finishing maneuver was the flying power-slam, where he picks up his opponent, throws him up in the air and then grabs him to do the power-slam

He had two years of success, three times being the #1 contender for the world championship, losing all three times to the current titleholders and fan favorites. His memorable matches were against Ted Dibiase, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Nature Boy Ric Flair, Edge, and finally, John Cena.

Now, he's in a new kind of training, as a special operations agent for the United States. He gets to keep himself in shape, like he used to do when he was an NFL player and a wrestler. Kendall was doing so great that he exceeded the expectations of those who trained him.

His three trainers were Jim Underwood, Pete Snyder, and Otis Lincoln. The three of them were former United States NAVY SEALS who have been through many missions during their service.

The three of them would bring Kendall to their conference room after he had his workout and shower.

The conference room was well air-conditioned, a large table in the middle and nice comfortable chairs. There was also a large high-definition TV at the end of the room.

“Have a seat, Mr. Jacobson.” Otis Lincoln would say. They all sat down. Pete Snyder would turn the big screen on and then he turned on his laptop PC. Up popped the logo of the American Secret Intelligence Organization, ASIO for short.

After a few minutes, came the face of the chief of the ASIO, Fredrick Harrington. His face reminds most people of singer-actor Kris Kristofferson with a tuxedo.

“Gentlemen, good day to you. First of all, I want to congratulate Mr. Kendall Jacobson, who most wrestling fans know as Colonel Cobra. I remember your last match against John Cena. I admit I was rooting against you, but that was in the script, right?”

They all laughed.

“I also did see your TD catch you caught from QB Tony Schaub against the Jacksonville Jaguars. That was your best game, catching 12 passes, one for a touchdown. Too bad your team didn't win many games, but no one really cares about that this time.””

“You had an awesome Collegiate career.”, Jim Underwood would say.

Mr/ Harrington would continue. “Anyway, congratulations to you, Mr. Jacobson for completing our intense training to be a member of ASIO. You'll get a chance to be involved in espionage, and of course, you'll be as famous as James Bond, Derek Flint, and Maxwell Smart. And....loving it.”

Once again, everyone laughed.

“All kidding aside, gentlemen, Mr. Jacobson, consider yourself a member of the ASIO Team. You've also have displayed excellent qualities as a team leader, like you did when you were on the wrestling team. You had great charisma as a pro wrestler, too, even though at the time I hated your guts.”

Laughter again filled the room.

“Anyway, Colonel Cobra, because of your talents, we think you can organize your own team, or if you prefer, you can completely go it alone. However, if you should choose the latter, you will still have agents backing you up.”

Kendall would smile and say, “I'm honored to be part of the ASIO, and I'll start off alone and then call for backup. Is that okay?”

“That would be fine, Mr. Jacobson. Do you mind that your code name be 'Colonel Cobra'?”

He'd smile and say, “That's how the wrestling fans used to know me, so that's not a problem.”

“We can let Mr. McMahon know you've become a baby-face, if you want.” Jim Underwood would say.

“Well, we know that Mr. McMahon is a big heel anyway, Besides, I've kept in touch with Ted Dibiase, The Rock, John Cena and even Stone Cold Steve Austin”

Mr. Harrington would smile and say, “Funny you should mention those gentlemen. I had a chance to contact them Wait just a moment and you'll see their message to you. “

The screen went blue, and then The Rock appears. “Well, well, Colonel Cobra. You've become a secret agent. I wonder what your enemies are thinking. Well, IT DOESN”T MATTER WHAT THEY THINK!!! Cause I know you're going to go a great job kicking their candy asses all over the place. After that,there will be millions, AND MILLIONS of Americans cheering you on. Good luck, Colonel Cobra!!”

The screen turned blue and then there was Ted Dibiase and his familiar maniacal laugh. “Colonel Cobra. I've said many times that everybody has got a price Now you're working for the United States government. Our enemies will pay a heavy price for messing with you.” He ended with his maniacal laugh.

The screen turned blue again, and then there was John Cena. “Wow. The last time I faced you was our last pay-per-view event, and I made you say 'I Quit'. Well, that'll be the last time you'll ever say that, because you ain't no quitter. Go Get'em, Cobra.” He saluted him and then the screen went blue again.

Finally, there was Stone Cold Steve Austin. “Well, nice going, son. You did enough beating' the hell out of some of your opponents in the field and in the ring. Now ya gonna lay some can of whoop-ass against a bunch of terrorists and other enemies of our country. Colonel Cobra, Super Spy!! Hell, yeah... Anyway, you'll be the best Super Spy in the world, and that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!!”

After that, Mr. Harrington show on the screen again. “Yeah, Mr. Jacobson. You are definitely on your way up in the ASIO. That is a fact. Now you get to have your own bag of tricks”

Jacobson smiled. “Great, just as long as I don't have a shoe phone or a code of silence.”

The others jokingly said in unison, “What??”

Anyway, they opened a small suitcase, and there were an assortment weapons and other devices to use, like a tiny tear gas container, tracking device, projectile, and tiny explosives.

“Dang, I'm going to have fun with these. Heck, when I was a kid I used to play secret agent with my friends. I was always the good guy.' He started to laugh.

“Just a moment, Mr. Jacobson”, Mr. Harrington would say. “Apparently, there are two more people who want to wish you the best of luck.”

After the screen went blue, Triple H “Hey, Colonel Cobra. Stephanie and I heard about your new job. Nice. Now you get to fight some real bad guys. I can hardly wait to see you in action, bro. Go get 'em”

The screen turned blue again, and lo and behold, there was Vince McMahon. “Ah..... Colonel Cobra, Super Spy. I imagine you'll have a fun time beating up real evil people. Of course I'll forget your last loss to John Cena and remember your victory over The Road Dogg. That was a classic victory. Anyway, your failed attempts to win a championship notwithstanding, you'll be a successful secret agent, and anyone going against you to try to defeat you have NO CHANCE IN HELL!!! Good luck, Colonel Cobra.”

Mr. Harrington appeared on the screen again. “All right. We done enough congratulations. It's time to put you to work”

The screen turned into a huge Google Map of the world. After a few beeps on the screen, the focus went to Paris France.

:You'll be taking a trip to Paris, Mr. Jacobson, with all the goodies in this suitcase, and of course, some firepower that you will be getting once you get to Paris. The person you'll be meeting is Jane Dow. This is her picture.”

It was a picture of a French woman, obviously. She had long dark hair, in her mid-30s. She looked very attractive.

“Wow,” said Jacobson with a surprising look in his face. “I'm impressed. Of course I have to know her first.”

“You've got your priorities straight, and I'm impressed.” Mr. Harrington would smile as he said that. “Okay, your tickets are right inside your suitcase. Good luck Colonel Cobra.”

“Thank you, Mr. Harrington.”

With, that, his three trainers would escort him to a private airport.

The plane that Jacobson entered was not exactly like Air Force One, but it's still fancy nonetheless. There were lots of drinks, lots of computers, and video equipment. Jacobson has knowledge of video equipment and computers, so that will be his advantage.

As he sat down, he was greeted by two lovely French twin sisters. “Bon jour, Monsieur Jacobson.”

“Oh, yeah. Now I know I'm gonna love being a 'Super Spy'. Good day to you too.”

“We are here to make sure you enjoy your trip to Paris,”

Jacobson smiled as he said, “I'm enjoying this plane already and we haven't left the ground.”

“We will see you later, Monsieur Jacobson.”, they said.

“Yeah. I'll fasten my seat belt while I enjoy this Coca-Cola.”

A few hours after the plane was up in the air, the video screen popped up. It was Mr. Harrington.

“Ah, Colonel Cobra. I see you are enjoying your flight.”

Jacobson smiled. “So far, I've enjoyed the view, especially inside the plane, if you know what I mean...”

Mr. Harrington started to laugh. “Oh, I suspect you're talking about the Monet twins. Yes, they are part of the French Secret Intelligence Agency. They plan to help you while you're on this plane ride.”

“So far they're doing a great job.”

“I'm impressed. But enough chatting. It's time we talk about your assignment.'

The screen turned blue again, and there was a picture of a middle-aged man, with hair only on the sides of his head, and somewhat on the chubby side.

“The man you are looking at is retired Lieutenant Winston Bradford . He served in the United States Marine Corp. He's trained in the latest in weapons technology, which he used when he was in Operation New Dawn, formerly Operation Iraqi Freedom, There were 36,117 U.S. Military Casualties in that war, 4,488 dead and 32.223 according to's web site.

“Among those casualties were Bradford 's platoon. They were sent on some special mission, but something went wrong and most of Bradford 's platoon were killed or severely injured. Those few that were injured have no recollection of what happened on that mission, while there are others that are reportedly missing in action.”

“Hmmm,... that's sounds suspicious...”

“Yes, and according to intelligence sources in Paris, he is actually living there in a life of luxury in the French Riviera. He recently got a hold of ten million dollars in gold bullion and five million dollars in diamonds.”

“Let me ask you this, chief. Has he made any statements concerning that fateful mission?”

“He only mentioned that what happened was not his fault, yet he's not elaborated why.”

“Again, that's suspicious. If it wasn't his fault, why won't he talk about it? Is he hiding something or what?”

“Perhaps you can find out what that is. He normally keeps to himself. Only a few people have been able to see him in person. One of them is his secretary, Margot Trembley, and the other is a Sergeant Fredrick Holmes, another surviving member of his platoon. I could be wrong, but this Holmes might have something on him. Your mission is to find out about this Lieutenant Bradford , and if he's up to no good, stop him.”

“You got it, chief.” Jacobson sips another bottle of soda.