The world around Meena was collapsing, she was having trouble deciphering what was reality and what wasn't. She wanted to call her Mom but she didn't want to make her worry more because this was her first time living outside of the home. Anne was her closest friend but she had no idea how to even begin to explain what was happening to her without sounding crazy. But she needed to talk to somebody, she couldn't carry on like this.

She messaged Anne, "Anne can we please meet now, I'm having lots of trouble."

She watches the screen and sees the two blue checks pop up, she sees the person is typing and awaits the reply. Anne gets back to her right away, "Of course girl, where are you? Why don't you just come over?"

Meena looks at the screen, takes a huge breath of relief and begins to type, "OK I'll be there in 15, thank you boo."

The message notification comes right back from Anne, "Got you girl."

Arriving at Anne's house filled her with relief. She walks up to the front door and before she can knock, Anne opens it up and looks at Meena with lots of concern, before she pulls her in for a big hug.

"Em what's happening, it doesn't look like you've been sleeping well is everything ok?"

Meena just stays connected to Anne and breathes heavily.

"OK girl, lets get you something to drink," Anne takes Meena by the hand and sits her down on her couch, crouches in front of her and says, "Em you're safe ok? Lets take it one step at a time and work through this. What do you want to drink Tequila or wine?"

Meena puts her hands over her face and rubs her face like she's trying to remove skin, and looks at Anne crouched in front of her, "Anne, get me some of that motherfucking tequila please!"

Anne smiles, gets up and walks over to the counter and begins to fill up a glass, "I don't know what you got going on, but you asking for tequila? This must be serious."

She walks back over to Meena, with a glass for each of them, they cheers and Anne has a seat right beside her guest.

Meena looks at Anne intently not sure how to convey this message and the experiences she has been having. Her eyes dart around the room as she tries to put the thoughts together. She takes a sip of the drink, looks into the glass and takes a larger drink. After a few moments of thinking, she begins to go over the details of her past week. From the experience in front of the mirror, to passing out in the bathroom, to the incident with the old woman. Anne just stared at her face and took in all of the words but wasn't sure how to make sense of them. Meena finished the story with the most recent incident of being trapped in the middle of an intersection with cars slamming their horns at her. That last one made Anne's jaw drop open, and she had to interrupt.

"Meena, what the fuck? Why didn't you come to me sooner?"

"And say what? That I'm going insane?? I'm not even sure if you believe what I'm telling you now!" Meena says frustrated.

"Of course I believe you, wait before we go any further, I have to ask. Are you doing any drugs?" Anne asks.

Meena's mouth drops open looking horrified, "Anne what the fuck? Of course not!! I just haven't been sleeping since this all started. I just don't know what to do, I feel like I'm living in a nightmare!!"

"Maybe we go to the bar look at the security footage and see if we can see who she is and try to track her down and you can just apologize. Maybe this is your conscience trying to make you feel bad for not helping her." Anne says convincingly.

"Or maybe this old spiteful bitch wants to kill me and put some kind of voodoo curse on me to do it! I'm not even religious, if I told my parents this they would fly me home right now!"

They both sit there quietly looking at each other fearful of what the next part of the conversation may look like. This time Meena breaks the silence with a defiant tone.

"Anne I can't allow my life to be controlled like this. Can you come with me? I want to go for a walk and I think I just need you there in case... I don't know, just in case something ...

Anne cuts her off, "Meena I got you, of course, lets go and get you your life back."

They grab their coats and head out in the direction of Meena's apartment. The evening is quiet and chilly as they make their way through the darkness. Meena clutches Anne's hand and pulls it close. They don't exchange any small talk, they just move unabated ensuring each others safety. As they get to the corner where her building is they both notice a woman standing across the street. Anne looks over at Meena, Meena is staring at the figure intently. They're both the same distance from her place. Meena waits and holds Anne's arm and they watch. The woman across the street watches and waits. Meena takes her first step off of the curb, the figure across the street does the same. Anne clutches onto Meena and they stop, she does the same. Anne takes two steps, it follows.

They stop and watch and wait.

Nobody moves.

The woman stays with it's eyes fixed on the two of them.

No movement.

Meena whispers to Anne, "Lets make a run for it, we can take her."

Anne replies, "yeah fuck her, let's do this..."

They both make a desperate dash, the woman follows but instead starts running right towards them, the ladies panic and start running up the street they both turn to look back to see if they're getting away from her, and she's no longer there. They both stop, look around and she's nowhere to be found. Exhausted and terrified they turn towards the direction of her building, when a flood of lights force the women to look the other way, followed by a blaring car horn. Before Meena and Anne have a chance to turn to see who is honking at them, an incoming vehicle smashes their bodies killing them instantly.

The woman looks on from the sidewalk, waits for them to die and then walks away for the last time.