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The Last Time by aliteone

Meena is a college student living away from home for the first time. Not in a position to have school paid for, she has to work two jobs to make sure she can pay for rent and school. One of her two jobs is as a bartender where she works the late shift. Lately she has been making it a habit to spend time at the bar after her shift and indulge in a few drinks, and a few times a few too many drinks. "This is the last time," has become a mantra of sorts but the behavior attached to the mantra isn't taking shape. At first she didn't see it as problematic until she started to black out and not remember the night before. Lately she has been waking up with marks and bruises that don't really add up and she's worried that someone may be taking advantage of her. In her pursuit of answers she has to face the reality that her decision making is leading her on a path to disaster.

The Stranger In The Cell by Swan10

Arthur Despot and his partner Judith Monroe are paranormal investigators sent on a mission to uncover the secrets of a cult. However, what seemed like a cut-and-dry situation becomes complicated when they find a mysterious man named John trapped in a locked cell with chains around his neck. The solution seems simple enough; free the hostage and call the proper authorities. As the pair discover, however, is that the situation is anything but.

The Draconus Wars: An Abrupt Incitement Book One by CamRoze
CompleteMaturePremium StoryPaid StoryFantasyAdventureHorrorParanormal
1.89K4/5 (2)00

Flamose, a newly formed being, King of the Draconus Ventures forth to create an army. when he realizes what his race is meant for, from Kisira, He vows to free them all. Can he actually pull it off?

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