Chapter Six

When they arrived, another officer was waiting for them. “Lieutenant---”


“I'm Officer Grant. The man has been identified as Charles Knox, apparently a member of the Mean Machines gang.”

“Good work, Grant. What room is Knox in?”

“They just put him into Room 330.”

“Thanks, Grant.”

The three detectives would take the elevator to Room 330. When they made it to the 3rd floor, they saw Doctor Li there.


“Hello, Dr. Li. Are you tending to Charles Knox?”

“Yes, I am. He was sleeping the last time I checked, which was 45 minutes ago. I'm about to check him now. So if you wish to speak to him, you'll have to wait until I check him first.”

Tannehill said, “That's fine, Doctor Li. We'll wait by the waiting room.”

“Thank you, gentlemen.” Doctor Li would walk into Room 330 to check on Charles Knox.”

The three detectives sat down, reading some health magazines. There were only the three of them were there.

Crane was still thinking about finding that listening device that was found on his jacket. “Damn. I can't believe all this is happening and it's all because of me.”

Tannehill put down his magazine. “Hey, Easy, Sammy. Don't beat yourself up on this. Maybe Knox has all the answers.”

Stoneward agreed. “He's right, Sammy. Right now we need to figure out if Carducci did put D'Amico and Toadamont against each other. What did the Mean Machines have to do with all of this mess?”

Crane calmed down. “Or maybe Mean Machines were helping Carducci, or was it someone else?”

Stoneward started to smile. “Kid, have you been reading some Ellery Queen novels or something?”

Crane was relaxed by this time. “Now that you mention it, Lieutenant, I have been reading a few of his novels”

“Maybe that's why Ryker moved you to homicide.”

Crane was able to smile. “Well, I'd like to think that.”

Just then, Doctor Li returned. “Gentlemen, Mr. Knox is conscious. You can talk to him.”

“Thank you, Doctor Li.”

The detectives walked into room 330. Knox was sitting up in his bed, with his right leg in a cast and the top of his head wrapped in bandages. He asked “Are you guys cops?”

They flashed their badges, and then Stoneward spoke. “Mr. Knox, we want to ask you a few questions.”

Know would sigh, and then said, “Well, I ain't in any position to run from you guys so I'll co-operate.”

Stoneward smiled. “Smart move. Now, how long have you been with the Mean Machines?”

Knox would pause and finally answered, “Two years. I met Hal Brooks then. There were a few of us in the beginning, fighting against injustice and inequality. We've since been growing, fighting against corruption in government and police. Oh, no offense.”

Stoneward smiled, “No offense taken, Mr. Knox. Except why were you following us?”

“Look”, Knox would reply, “I was taking along for the ride. Hal told me to go with these guys to go after you. He didn't tell me why, and I didn't ask.”

Crane stepped in. “Where can we find Hal Brooks?”

“We used to meet at this green warehouse near the waterfront. We're supposed to meet tomorrow at noon. But I'm not going to make it, obviously.”

“Does the name Damon Carducci ring a bell?”

After a pause, Knox answered, “I think Hal mentioned his name one time; something to do with a diamond he stole from some clown named the Toad.”

Stoneward pulled the diamond out of his pocket. “He must've meant this one.”

Knox's eyes open wide. “Ah, man. That's the first time I've seen it.”

Just then, Officer Grant came in. “Lieutenant----”

“Hey, Grant. What's up?”

Officer Grant handed him a photo. “Lieutenant, this is a picture of Hal Brooks.”

Stoneward would show it to Knox, who said, “Yeah. That's Hal, all right.”

The picture was of a long-haired man with facial hair, wearing a blue T-shirt.

Tannehill looked at it closely and said, “Huh, he doesn't look like a contestant on any dating game show.”

Know would interject. “Hal's not into romancing. His only love is fighting against the establishment, you know what I mean-----”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it. What else do you know about Hal Brooks?”

Knox looked reluctant to answer, but nevertheless he did. “Well, you'll find out sooner or later. Besides it's in your police records. He was busted for possession and assaulting an officer.”

“Oh, yeah, we remember. He got off on a technicality. Right?” asked Crane.

“Yeah, but the cop that busted him used to be just a regular cop. Now he's a Captain---”

Suddenly a puzzled look came on the detectives. “Ryker?”asked Crane.

“I think so. I remembered that Hal had a confrontation in the elevator after he was acquitted. I think he slapped him around. Then after they got out of the elevator, I think Hal was thrown out by this cop, Hal was angry and he shouted something like 'You crazy f$%#king cop!!' I asked him about what happened and then he looked at me, saying, 'Never mind, Charlie.'”

Crane started to get a little upset. “Ryker just suckered me into thinking I can make a great homicide cop--”

Tannehill interrupted Crane. “Hey, easy Sammy. You can still be a great homicide cop. Just stick with us.”

Crane would calm down. “Okay. I guess so. I still want to know if Ryker has anything to do with D'Amico, Toad and Carducci.”

Tannehill shook his head in the affirmative. “You seem to be on the right track. What do you think, Jack?”

Stoneward also agreed. “Yeah, kid. I think you're smarter than you give yourself credit for.”

That put a smile on Crane's face. “Thanks, fellas.”

Knox started to get nervous. “Hey, what about me, man?”

Stoneward turned to Knox. “You've been very helpful, Mr. Knox. Thank you. We'll be in touch.”

“Hey, wait a minute!! I can give you the address of that green warehouse.”

Stoneward walked towards Knox. “I'm listening, Mr. Knox.”

“It's 340 West Blink Avenue.”

Stoneward wrote it down. “Thank you, Charlie.” The detectives left.

As they went in the car, Crane would talk.”Listen, guys. I appreciate what you guys said. At least now I can concentrate on helping you solve the case.”

“Not a problem, Sammy. Now we've got to be at the Mean Machines meeting tomorrow..”

“How are we going to crack that meeting??”

Stoneward would smile at Crane and asked. “How would you like to be a Mean Machines member for a day?”

Crane would smile.