Chapter Two

The detectives parked outside of the Big City Associates of Finances building. It was located across from a mini-mall, nearby an apartment complex. Neither were sure what to expect when they knocked the door.

One of the female associates opened the door. “Yes, gentlemen” she asked.

They showed their badges and Lieutenant Stoneward replied, “We're police officers wanting to talk to Mr. D'Amico.”

“Follow me”, she said, smiling. The detectives followed her until they reached Joe D'Amico's office.

The office was filled with pictures of women, most of them wearing scantily-clad outfits, which was not surprise to either of the detectives.

Joe D'Amico was a portly fellow, wearing his blue pinstripe suit. He didn't look too happy to see the detectives but he didn't complain either.

“Ah, Lieutenant Stoneward. What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Joseph, you've put on some weight. Then again, it's been a while since I last saw you.”

“Hey, you're not hear to trade insults with me, are you?” D'Amico looked at Tannehill and said, “I'm sorry; I forget the name---”

Tannehill smiled and answered, “It's Inspector Tannehill---”

“Okay, then. What brings you here, Lieutenant?”

“Perhaps you can tell us about Damon Carducci.”

It didn't surprise either of the detectives that D'Amico would look a bit puzzled. “Damon? Is he it some kind of trouble or something?”

“He's dead, killed last night at Bennett's Jewelries. I guess you haven't heard about it in the news.”

“I've been too busy with two of my businesses. You obviously see this one, which is a loan office, and I also have a vesting interest in helping out women get into the modeling business”

“Oh, that explains the pictures we see here”, Tannehill said as he closely examines one picture in particular. It was a picture of a brunette, wearing a pink bikini, and on the bottom right-hand corner was a name, Anna.

“Tell me, Mr. D'Amico. How many of these girls actually made it in the modeling business?”he asked as he turned to D'Amico.

“Oh, they do fine”, answered D'Amico. When he pointed at Anna's picture, he continued. “That gal happened to be dating Damon. If you want to, I can give you her address.”

:”Now that would be nice, D'Amico. Thanks for co-operating.”

“Lieutenant, I know you and I haven't gotten along since you busted me for drugs, but I've decided to not dwell on the past---”

“Sure, D'Amico”, replied Stoneward. “But if you're holding anything back and I find out about it, I will be back.”

“Lieutenant, I assure you I'm going to tell you everything.” D'Amico went to his filing cabinet, and then after some searching, he pulled out a manila folder that had the name Anna Fredricks. “Here you go---”

As Lieutenant Stoneward looked at the note, he turned to his partner and said, “Okay, Luke. We're done here, at least for now.”

“Sounds good to me”, agreed Tannehill.

As the two walked back into their car, both of them had their suspicions about D'Amico. “You know”, Tannehill said, “I have a feeling that we haven't seen the last of him.”

“I agree”, Stoneward said as he shook his head. “Right now, we need to speak to this Anna Fredricks.”

Suddenly they see another car coming. It was Detective Crane and his partner, Detective Bill Jones.

“Hello, Crane”, said Stoneward with a smile. “If you came here to speak to D'Amico, he didn't say much to us.”

“Really? I heard you busted him on a drug charge years ago.”

“I don't deny that at all. That's why he didn't say much.”

Crane looked at them, as if he didn't know what to think, but he shakes his head and then he and Jones would leave. '

Meanwhile, Stoneward and Tannehill would leave, on their way to see Anna Fredricks.

“Okay. What's the address?” asked Stoneward, who was driving.

Tannehill looked at the note that D'Amico gave them. “According to this, she lives at 322 North Manchester Lane.” He'd input the info on the GPS and they headed that direction.

The place they went to was an urban area, with the home located at the end of a dead-end street. As they approached the house, a young brunette woman dressed in a tank top and blue leggings came out.

“Who are you?”, she asked in a puzzling voice.

“Are you Anna Fredricks?”asked Stoneward.

“Yes, I am”, she replied. “Are you the police?”

Both detectives showed their badges to her. “I'm Lieutenant Stoneward; he's Inspector Tannehill.”

Anna would let the detectives inside. “What brings you here?”

“We want to ask you a few questions, particularly about Damon Carducci.”

Anna paused for a moment, and then she started to weep. “He's dead, isn't he?”

“Yes, I'm afraid so, Ms. Fredricks. What is your relationship with him?”

“He and I have been dating for a while. He finally had a steady job after being so long in debt.”

Tannehill asked, “Working with Joe D'Amico?”

“He had a special job for Damon. I don't know what kind of job it is. He wanted to surprise me in a few days.”

“Let me ask you something else”, stepped in Stoneward. “We saw your picture in D'Amico's office. Have you gotten any modeling jobs?”

She would pick up a magazine, an issue of HIGH FASHION magazine, with her on the front cover, wearing a white evening gown. “If you want, you can take this issue and read my story on page 40.”

Stoneward looked at it up close. “Well, I guess D'Amico is proud of your success.”

“Yeah, but he knows that Damon and I are going steady.”

“Okay. I guess if I can think of anything more to ask you, we'll stop by.”

Stoneward gave Anna his card, and then the detectives left.

As they walked to their car, Tannehill asked, “Do you buy her story, Jack?”

Stoneward smiled as he replied, “I don't know. I've learned from experience that some tell only half-truths, and we would get the whole truth once we continue digging for the facts.”

“Yeah, I guess you're right. So what do we do next?”

Just then the two of them see Detective Crane and Bill Jones pull up next to their car.

Stoneward would smile and say, “Sammy Boy. Nice of you to drop in.”

Crane was obviously not amused. “What in the hell are you too doing here?”

“We got lost and we asked for directions. Fortunately we got what we came for.”

“Oh, you happened to get directions from Anna Fredricks??” Crane shouted, not amused.

Stoneward smiled and replied, “She gave us directions to the most fanciest Italian restaurant in this neighborhood.”

Tannehill, knowing that Stoneward was being sarcastic, would go along with him. “Yeah, we tried to ask D'Amico and he referred us to Ms. Fredriccks”

By this time Crane was more than unhappy. “Oh, you really think this is funny? How stupid do you think I am?”

Stoneward decided to poke fun at Crane, answering, “Is that a rhetorical question or you really want your feelings hurt'?

Crane would clench his fists, but just as he was about to swing at Stoneward, he'd stop half-way.

His partner, Bill Jones would hold him back, saying, “Sam, take it easy.”

Tannehill, realizing what Crane was about to do, replied, “Hey, Sammy. Watch your blood pressure. What would Captain Ryker say?”

Once Crane backed off, he and Jones would walk straight to Anna's house.

Stoneward started to laugh. “That poor Crane has no sense of humor.”

Tannehill shook his head in agreement and asked, “Do you think Crane will get anything from Anna?”

Stoneward smiled and answered, “With his demeanor? It wouldn't surprise me if Anna gives him the brush-off.”

With that conversation over, they left the area.