Is this a dream or did my life shatter in a. Instance my beautiful sister committed suicide on the 19 November 1992 I often wonder could I have done more was I there for her she my sister jumped from the nurses block where my sister resided at that time my sister was 24 years old she was skit she had mental illness and would become violent but there’s so much more to my sister death I know the re reason no one could change the death of my sister my best friend I remember everything about my sister I’m sure I visited my sister about two weeks before she died even though this is over 36 years ago my sister was under a section so I remember my mum and dad suing the hospital as to how this was allowed to happen let’s talk about how special my sister was strong long think black hair I seen my sister fight with men and beat them up when I was young she was my protector always fighting girls for me
Is this a dream
Is this a dream
About Author
Bernadette Obrien
Hi my name is Bernadette O’Brien I have various life experiences I am 50 years young
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