She was frustrated and upset. She felt the laughter and teasing of her friends Carol and Lindsey next to her was ignorant to the story Emma had just recounted them, concerning what she had been through the previous night. Lindsey was particularly insensitive to her embarrassment saying, “you got away with it, why are you being such a crybaby”. But when she thought about it, Emma wasn’t so much upset by the cinema manager reprimanding her, but the boy ditching her in the middle of it all. She dogged herself with possible reasons why he had run off much more than that, not even waited for her outside or attempted to find her after she had got out. His actions had dug up a massive insecurity for Emma, and that was that she was boring. Emma felt so boring all her life. She hated her hair, it was bland, she hated her face it was round and most of all she despised her name. She thought Emma was the most common name in the world. There were tons of Emma’s, she felt like a number. Up until some months ago, she had gone by the nickname Emi-Lou, an abbreviation thought up by her beloved grandad, but since his passing the previous year, it made her to to upset to hear it. All these feelings brought back to the forefront of her mind last night when that boy ditched her in the cinema. She was so angered by the ordeal that her first instinct when she got up that morning was to follow through with an idea she had been dwelling on for some time, that being to change her name. As the three girls sat in their booth on the train, she explained this to them, and they both had the same question. Change it to what? This Emma had also given considerable thought to. She was stuck between two of the most beautiful names and people she could think of. Kim Kardashian and Marilyn Monroe. She explained how she was going to mix the two after which she would pick Marilyn Kardashian or Kim Monroe. As Emma sat there and struggled between the two, next to her Lindsey shouted quite loudly “Oh no, I forgot to go to the bathroom before I left the house”. Carol in an attempt to reassure her responded “That’s fine sure we’ll head to a café first thing when we get off the train, and you can go there”. To this Lindsey looked at her in loathing and shouted even louder “Yuck that’s disgusting, there’s not a hope I’m using a public toilet”. Carol stared back at her in confusion,” Why not” she said. Lindsey responded “What are you talking about, I’ve never in my life used a public toilet, I don’t even like using the toilet in other people houses, that’s disgusting”. Carol knew Lindsey was pretentious, but this behavior was just straight up narcissistic and when it was obvious Emma was not going to confront her, Carol decided she would. “Your right Lindsey it is disgusting, actually the only thing that I can think of that is more disgusting, is the thought of sitting next to someone who’s been holding in a poo all day. I can’t imagine having to put up with someone in that bad a mood from being so uncomfortable, let alone the smell”. The two continued to bicker back and forth until the train pulled into their destination. Emma said goodbye to her two friends and began making her way to the public offices. As she walked whimsically along the footpath, she was aware she was still making no progress deciding between Marilyn Kardashian or Kim Monroe. All of this was interrupted when from a window above the street she was walking down, flew a large pale of paint, tumbling through the air and as it done so, drowning its contents of all over Emma.
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