
“Hunter! Wait up.” I said while struggling to breathe. My eyes were tearing up. 

The thing I just saw in the mirror, it was really creepy.

Hunter stopped to look back at me. He seemed rather worried but I didn’t give a fuck.

I just saw my mom dead in the mirror’s reflection. She was in these woods, covered in blood. Her eyes were pure white, it looked like her soul was taken away. Behind her I saw something covered in black holding a knife whispering “YOUR TIME HAS COME!”

My mind was spinning. I was panicking. 

No! No! I could not be having a panic attack right now. My tears weren’t coming out. I couldn’t breathe. My chest was tightening. I was fucking struggling to breathe.

Hunter sat beside me and pulled me close feeling my pulse.

“Winter, calm down.” He whispered.

I was trying to calm down idiot!

He then started singing out of nowhere. “Oh simple thing, where have you gone. I’m getting tired and I need something to rely on.” 

It hit me. The song hit hard. I could breathe again. I smiled as I wiped my tears. Looking up to see him staring at me. His dark brown eyes looked beautiful even though it was so dark. 

“Didn’t know you had a soft spot mister.” I laughed.

“My mom used to sing it to me, when I had panic attacks.” He said coldly.

He clenched his jaw and looked at me. “You shouldn’t be messing with these stuff, from now on. No touching.” He added.

Talk about soft spot. The guy changes emotions faster than I change my socks. 


It had been a while, but we finally reached the end of the cave. We got out of the cave and ended up in the woods? Wait there had to be some mistake. We walked all this way for nothing. I was about to nag at Hunter for making me come in these woods.

When he pulled me behind him and said, “Something’s wrong with this place, don’t move.” 

“I know something’s wrong, we came back to the place we started!” I replied frustrated.

“It’s not the same trust me.” He ordered.

Just then a dark thing appeared in front of us.

“Get out of the way Hunter, we’re not here for you.” The thing ordered.

Fuck! What did “we’re” mean!? They’re were more of them?

God! It looked so creepy.

“Stay back, kitten.” Hunter stared into my eyes like he was warning me.

“Winter is it? Come here sweety we want to show you something.” The thing said.

Hunter was about to take out a knife when I stopped him and walked forward. I didn’t just come here for nothing.

“Who are you, did you send the letter?” I asked as I was walking.

“You will find that out sooner or later.” The deep voice said while launching at Hunter, pulling the knife from his hand and stabbing him in the heart.

“Hunter!” I screamed. There was blood everywhere, and his eyes looked just like my mother’s in the mirror’s reflection earlier. 

The thing, it.. it killed my mother! 

NO! NO! HUNTER! I cried. That idiot!

The dark thing disappeared. 

Leaving me and Hunter stranded in the woods. God he was bleeding so much.

“Come closer, kitten.” Hunter stammered.

I listened to him and kneeled down close to him.

It was still night so I couldn’t see him clearly, just his eyes, the pale white colour it creeped me out.

Then all of a sudden he grabbed a strand of my hair and pulled me close to him and kissed me. 

As I said idiot! But I was more happy than angry at him. My tears were still falling on my face, while he kissed me. 

Then he let go. His hand fell to the ground and his eyes closed.

No, no Hunter! Please don’t leave me. Please!

I sobbed my eyes out. When that stupid black thing appeared again.

I quickly picked up the knife next to Hunter and tried to stab that thing. But it just went through it not even doing anything. 

You! You aren’t real! You’re a ghost? I asked.

“About time you figured it out. Isn’t it obvious?” It said while grabbing my hand and dragging me across the woods. I tried to fight back but it didn’t work. I was freaked out, what the fuck was happening? 

“Why did you kill Hunter!?” I shouted.

“He kept interfering between you and me, sweety.” It replied.

Then, It took me to a place where someone was laying dead, covered in blood just like Hunter.

Wait! It.. it was my mom. God! No no, this had to be fake. It’s like Hunter said. These things manipulate right? I was being manipulated! No this can’t be true. 

I touched my mom’s face and saw her eyes. 

“No! Fucking No!” I cried because I knew it was her. She also had the exact same locket as my mom. 

I cried and cried for hours. When the realisation hit me. I.. I was trapped here forever. In my misery, in this living nightmare. 

So I did what I had to do I went to where Hunter’s body was and grabbed the knife.

Crying I stabbed it into my heart and fell to the ground with a loud thud. The last thing I saw was the dark thing staring into my eyes to make sure of something and it all went black.