
We reached a cave which had warning labels on it, saying : Do not enter,  crime suspected. It was sealed with the labels.

I started ripping those stupid signs, do people really think a few signs would make them not dig deeper?

“Dude are you crazy?” Shouted Winter behind me.

“Well, it’s my job to.” 

“Why is it even your job? Do you even get paid to do this shit?” 

I stopped ripping those damn warnings, and walked closer to her, until I could feel her breath on mine. God. Her crystal blue eyes were perfection. She was gorgeous, like an angel from heaven. 

Fuck! What was I thinking. I swear she would be the death of me in these fucking woods. I’ve been to many abandoned creepy places. But none as eerie as this.

“Some answers are better left unsaid, kitten.” I replied to the question Winter asked me earlier.

“Mister you better start being straightforward, I should at least know who I’m following!” 

“Why did you come here after just reading a letter? Why bother breaking a rule for a stupid letter? You don’t even know who sent it? Also you’re following me because it’s better to deal with the dark forces together. Trust me you don’t want them manipulating you.” I smirked at her.

She stayed silent after that and stood there waiting for me to enter the cave.


It was bloody dark. That’s what I had to say. It wasn’t just a cave, it was a whole tunnel that led to some other place.

As we took a small turn. We ended up in a small corner. It was filled with tall mirrors covered in white cloth. 

I had never seen such a place before. It had stay away written all over it. Just as I was about to turn back, I saw Winter removing the cloth on one of the mirrors and looking at it. 


She started screaming loudly, and the glass of the mirror started to break. The mirrors shattered on the ground.

I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her out, just before something else happened.

She was laying on the floor, and it almost seemed like there was no spirit in her. Her eyes looked empty.

“You good kitten?” I asked worriedly.

She didn’t respond. I instantly remembered what that meant. Her spirit was trapped. 

I quickly pointed my fingers at her forehead and chanted some of the spells my master taught me.

She gasped for air and the crystal blue gleam in her eyes came back.

Fewh. She was back, safe. I didn’t want to tell her before, but the thing that possessed her earlier in the woods really wanted to do something bad with her. But that would freak her out, so I just kept my mouth shut.