Always 8:24 AM, I awake with a cold sweat. It started two months ago, and no matter when I go to sleep, I wake up at the exact same time; 8:24 AM.

And right before I wake up in a cold sweat, I have the same dream... The same nightmare.

A Hum is attacking every nerve of my body. I can feel it stinging me like a bee. I feel like I’m drowning and feel like I’m burning and feel like I’m overheating and being frozen and every imaginable death that one can come up with.

The pain is overwhelming.

I fear for my soul. I fear for my poor heart, which I am sure will one day burst from this constant torture.

I’ve gone to see my doctor. Dr. Kim, but he is of no help. He told me to drink plenty of water as if water is a cure-all. I tried his remedy one night, though, and at 8:24 AM, I woke up to myself wetting the bed.

Thank God I live alone...

I tried to stay awake all night, but my body shut down on me exactly at 8:23 AM, and at precisely 8:24 AM, I awoke.

That Hum...

It feels like thousands of voices calling to me for help. I can feel their agony, and I can feel their fear.

What’s happening to me? I am afraid...

Tonight I plan on killing myself. Will anyone care? Will anyone know? Will I still wake up at that cursed time?

Even when I sleep, I get no rest, for, in my dreams, I see the time of 8:24 AM everywhere. I use to have a zest for life; now, all I can do is hide in my room, afraid of closing my eyes. The dreams are so real, and then I know that at 8:24 AM, I will be in my living nightmare only to sleep and be in my sleeping hell.

Numbers are everywhere. They control every aspect of our lives. They haunt you and hunt you and eat away your sanity.

Eat away your soul...

I want to be free. I want to have my peace. Peace?...


There is no peace. I don’t remember a moment

where I had peace. Peace is fools gold. It breaks apart when you grab for it.

I use to be someone... I use to be...

I use to...

I use...


8:24 AM

Well, I didn’t kill myself. I put the gun to my head, but then I fell asleep and had a dream of a bullet zipping through my brain over and over again. Then I woke up at...

8:24 AM

I spend the day doing nothing.

I hide, and I still feel the Hum hunting for me. It’s coming for us all, and I have no idea how to stop it, nor do I know what it is. I have only one idea, and that’s...

8:24 AM

I don’t remember falling asleep, but I did. I don’t remember what my idea was. I awoke as always at 8:24 AM. I am tired. I am afraid.

The Hum was in my dreams again. It’s always there. Always hunting for me. I’m its prey.


8:24 AM

Maybe I should just accept the Hum as my master and...

8:24 AM

The Hum is coming for us all!

8:24 AM

I awake and look out my front window. I haven’t been outside since the start of the cursed time. Now I see the world for what it truly is, evil.

Outside everyone is running from something unseen. No...

I see it, and I feel it, and I hear it.

The Hum!

It has finally arrived. I can feel it in my bones.

All my earthly possessions are cracking and breaking. The Hum has come to take its due!

I glance at the sky and see the Hum with its

army of millions of UFOs. Take me! I am yours!

8:24 AM

Nothing remains. I am alone.

8:24 AM...