Chapter 18


The gathering in the dining room was quick after the mud was washed off everyone. Victor only stayed long enough to wash the taste from his mouth, then went to the cells. Most of the men followed him. I had to wonder if I stood in one of the cells, would I get to see him more. Daxx sat with me for a short time, and then she said she was going to drag her man away from minds because she felt neglected. I completely understood, although I did feel a touch of jealousy that she had an option.

All of them were happy they’d won, but not entirely, because Marcus with the purple eyes hadn’t been there. Now, they planned to find the rest of his followers, and all their camps. I kept hoping the flashes would show me how, but so far nothing came to me. Maybe my flashes were broken. I’d never gone this long without seeing something worth writing down.

The next morning, which was really night, I was flat on my back on the mat in the practice room with one foot held in the air, when Daxx came in.

“Is that a new move?” She asked me.

Dropping my foot to the mat, I stayed on the floor. “No. I was wondering if I wore my boots, maybe the weight of them would help my feet hit the floor… first.”

She stood over me looking down at me now. “It takes practice. You would have laughed to see me learning how to use the sais at first. Good thing Chase gave me wooden ones to start with or I’d have no arms or legs now.”

I sighed and sat up. “I would just like my feet to land first, just once.”

“You’ll get it. Once you do then you can practice in your street clothes.” She looked at the shoes I wore. “It would be even harder with heavier boots on.”

I stared at my shoes and sighed again. “Okay, I’ll keep trying.”

“How long have you been here? I stopped at your room, but your closet was empty.” She smirked.

I remembered I hadn’t put my blanket and pillows back on the bed. “I didn’t sleep much.”

“Visions bad?” She squatted down beside me.

I shook my head. “No, no more than normal. I am just…” I lifted a hand and then dropped it not sure how to say it.

“Come to breakfast.”

I looked at my hands and then back to her again. “I don’t want to sit there and watch him not look at me today.”

Daxx got up and held out her hand. “You just have to keep getting in his face, trust me.”

Taking her hand, I got up. “I trust you.” I shrugged carefully. “And I hurt too much to fall anymore right now.”

All through breakfast, the word mud came up. Mitz had been right. I didn’t get most of their jokes, but the ones I did were perfectly timed, so at least there was that. My back was so sore I had to avoid leaning back in my chair. I didn’t want to tell Daxx, but I must have landed the wrong way when I fell. Was there a right way to fall? I wondered if anyone knew, so they could show me. Maybe that would be my thing, falling well.

Victor wasn’t in his battle gear for once, the first time I’d seen him without it for a few weeks, so I enjoyed looking and seeing his form and not weapons of all sizes.

I realized Leone was speaking to everyone and looked up to not be rude.

“All I’m saying is we’ve taken out what, four, five of their cells now? How many more can they have?” He looked to Michael. “There’s not that many missing from our side.”

“Maybe they’re not missing because they are here enough to be seen.” I offered as a possible answer.

Everyone looked down at me and I realized their eyes didn’t bother me as much now. I still was a little uncomfortable with it, but I didn’t want to hide under the table now.

Chase pointed his fork at me. “Cutie’s right. The bastards are here often enough that we don’t even know they’re missing.”

“How many are documented residents from last night?” Victor asked looking to Michael.

Rubbing his hand over his cheek with the scar, as he did often and probably didn’t realize, Michael dropped his hand away. “There were only a few we didn’t have some kind of record on.”

“So where is Marcus getting those that we don’t have records for?” Quinton asked.

“Our side.” I nodded. “Like Alona, people that don’t know there is a this side.” I took a bite of my toast.

Troy set his fork down and sat back. “How many have been born to the other side?” He glanced to Victor. “Until these illegal devices were made, weren’t visits to the other side monitored?” he looked at Chase. “I thought they were monitored.”

Chase nodded. “As far as I know they were.”

Daxx chuckled. “You guys are too funny, really you are.” She looked down to me. “They wouldn’t survive on the streets.”

I nodded, knowing it were true.

“Listen up.” She said sitting forward and resting her hands on the table. “Anything, and I mean anything, in any world, can be bought for the right price.”

“It’s true.” I told them. I leaned back, forgetting, and winced and sat forward quickly again.

“Great, so what your saying is our entire security team can be bought.” Arius said.

Daxx snorted, “Come on, don’t tell me none of you have ever snuck to the other side on the down low.”

All of the men became very interested in their plates at the same time.

“There you go.” Daxx said and then looked down to me and nodded.

Victor pushed his plate away and sat back. “There could be an infinite number of those like us born on the other side for Marcus to recruit, and we have no way of tracking them down.”

“Older ones would be easier than any born recently.” I offered. He looked at me, so I nodded. “Like tracking Emil, through name changes.” I paused and thought how to explain it. “I found him because with the names he used, there was never any record of death, he…” I sat forward again when I bumped my back. “The people he pretended to be, they just vanished.”

He gave me an odd look, his brows drawn together and I knew he was thinking it over when he got up and started walking toward me. “What have you done to yourself? You keep wincing when you sit back.”

My eyes went wide, I hadn’t seen him watching me. I looked to Daxx for help on what to say.

“She’s probably tender.” Daxx told him. “I’ve been teaching her some evasive moves.”

He stood beside me now and leaned to look at my back. “Did she cut herself?”

I stiffened, not sure why he would ask that.

Daxx got up. “Maybe a scrape like rug burn from the mat?”

“It’s just a little itchy and sore.” I told them.

Daxx was looking at my back now too, and all eyes were watching.

“Did you scrape it Crissy? Your shirt is glued to your back in one spot.” Daxx asked leaning down.

“I may have, I’m not sure, but that explains why it’s itchy.” I wanted everyone to start eating again.

“Hmm,” Daxx carefully pulled the collar of my shirt out and looked down my back. “Criss come with me into the kitchen please.”

Anytime Daxx used Criss instead of Crissy was never good. I set down my cup and got up slowly and took her hand. I glanced to Victor and didn’t like the hard look on his face. How bad could my back be from falling?

We walked in the kitchen and Mitz smiled, “What’s happening?” Her expression changed to concern after she looked at Victor.

“Is there a scrape and it’s bleeding?” I frowned wishing I could see my back. “It was a little sore yesterday, but sometimes I bump things and don’t notice.”

Daxx patted the stool by the counter with her hand. “Have a seat and turn around.”

Mitz came over with a table cloth and held it in front of me. “To cover up, love.”

I took and held it to my chest. Still not sure why they were so upset if all I had was a scrape on my back. They would not be happy to know about some of the other times I hurt myself, I thought, but decided I maybe shouldn’t tell them that now.

Daxx looked around the counter top. “Do you have some scissors…”

I felt my tank top being pulled away from my skin and then ripped in half.

“Or that works too,” Daxx said.

Then there was silence.

A gentle touch on my skin near my scar, and I tried to look over my shoulder to see what they were looking at.

“Did I scrape it?”

“Have you kept your amulet on at all times?” Victor asked in an odd tone.

“My bracelet from Clairee’s friend? Yes, even when I have a shower or bath.” I clutched the cloth with one hand and held up my arm so he could see it.

He took my arm gently and turned the bracelet around. “The silver weave is broken.”

“Oh. I don’t know how that happened.” I rushed to tell him.

“Incompetence, but not on your part.” He said in low voice.

“Is everything okay in here?” Rafael asked as he walked in.

Victor turned to him. “Find Clairee and her coven mate. Immediately. The weave on Cristy’s amulet is broken.”

“What?” He came over and then noticed me holding the cloth to my chest, he looked behind me. “Oh shit. What the hell is that?”

Victor glared at him and I heard someone get smacked, most likely Daxx hitting Raf.

I grabbed Victor’s arm. “What’s on my back?” My heart started racing. “Is it going to burn again?”

Rafael turned for the door. “I’ll go get them, Romulus and the doctor too.”

Then I knew it was really bad.

“We’ll figure it out.” Victor told me and moved closer so I could lean against him.

Quinton came in scowling, “Where is Raf running to?” He looked at my back. “How the hell are they doing it? We banished that asshole mage to a cage for the rest of his life.”

“Managing what?” Chase asked, leaning against the door. “I was coming to say good night, but it seems I might miss out on some excitement.” He frowned and looked from one person to the other and then pushed away from the door to stand behind me. “Fuck. Put her in cold water. Isn’t that what Romeo said last time? To slow it down?”

“Will ice work?” Mitz asked moving to the freezer. “Shouldn’t we take her to her room? I don’t think being on display in the kitchen is wise.” She glanced to the door the staff could come through at any moment. She came back over and handed the ice to Daxx.

“Bring it with us.” Victor said and swung me up into his arms.

We walked through the dining room very quickly, but slow enough for me to see everyone stand, and not looking happy. I seemed to be the cause of people not looking happy a lot, I thought as we went down the hall.

“Hey.” Victor said softly getting my attention. I looked up at him. “We will figure this out.” He gave me a little smile, but I knew it wasn’t real, and he was only doing it to make me feel better. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my face against his shoulder. He smelled really good, but I didn’t think this was the time to tell him that.


I lay on the bed, my feet where my head should go, on my tummy hugging a pillow. Daxx was beside me putting cold cloths on my back every few minutes. No one was sure what was on my back, not even Clairee. I made Victor let me see when we got to the room. My scar had turned an awful dark color and it was oozing. I still didn’t feel it, and I was starting to think not feeling something like that happening was worse than feeling it.

Everyone was here, again. If this kept happening I was going need more chairs in my room. Victor made them all stand on the other side of the room so I didn’t feel crowded, but honestly, I was getting used to all of the brothers now. What he didn’t know was they all practiced with me when he was out rampaging.

The doctor looked on from a distance, avoiding Victor. It was not his field of expertise he said and left quickly. Romulus looked curious, but even after researching, hadn’t been able to find a spell to counter it that I’d live through. So, thankfully, Daxx told him we’d pass trying that one. Clairee and her friend were not pleased to see someone was able to unbind their weave. She said someone was using strong magic to find me, before running out of the room saying they had a new idea and would return shortly.

All I understood completely was no one knew how to stop it, and that Marcus now knew I hadn’t died. Victor had barked for a few minutes, while the other men growled puzzling out how that could be.

I remembered my pack. I looked over my shoulder at Daxx. “I forgot my pack.”

“I went and grabbed it, little sister.” Rafael got up and went over beside the door and held it up.

“Thank you.” I told him when he brought it over.

He sat beside me and set it on the floor right in front of me. “I have to ask,” he said leaning closer. “What is so important in that pack?”

Several of the others stopped and looked at him.

“What?” He said lifting his hands. “Don’t tell me none of you haven’t wondered.”

I reached over and pulled it closer. “I carry all of my good memories in it.” I bit my lip. “I’m not sure what they’re called.”

“Mementoes.” He said with a smile.

“Yes. Those. I keep my notebook of important things I had to see and pencils and other stuff too, but the mementoes are why I like it with me. When I feel really down, I like to look at them and remember the good memories to help me feel better.” I glanced around at the others, a few talked quietly or were texting on their phones. “Would you like to see?” I asked him and looked over my shoulder at Daxx as well. She smiled to answer.

“Yeah.” Raf said and slid to sit on the floor by the pack.

“Okay.” I opened the pack and dug around in it for the bag inside and pulled it out. Reaching in, I pulled out a small bracelet, it was thin and worn. “A sad man gave this to me. He said I made him feel better, so I kept it because I like making people feel better.” I nodded and set it on the floor by my pack. I took out a shiny stone next and held it in my palm. “I found a puppy at the park once, when it was still a park and sort of clean.” I smiled remembering. “He followed me and we played half the day. I had so much fun.” I gave him a serious look. “I never had a dog or cat, but playing with him was so much fun. He was lost and his people came and found him.” Putting the stone on the floor, I pulled out the next thing. It was a penny, I showed him. “I found this the day I realized I wasn’t crazy.” I nodded and gave him a wide-eyed look. “For years I thought they were right and I really was, then I was sitting on a step and something I’d seen… inside my head, happened right in front of me, and I knew then I wasn’t.” I put it on the floor.

The next thing I pulled out, I looked at Daxx again. “This hat Daxx gave me the first time I saw her. Right off her head. I had seen her… not with my eyes,” I explained to Rafael, “before, but didn’t know she was going to be so nice.” I put the hat on the floor. “I also have a hat if my head gets cold.”

Rafael nodded and gave me a nice smile.

Reaching in, I pulled out the bow that had been on my pack. “This was on my pack when it was left at my door. I kept it because I’d never had something this new before.” I looked over at Victor, “and because it was from Victor.” I set it down. I took out the next thing and gave Raf a grin, holding them so he could see. “These are the smiley faces you leave on my cookies. You know you never make it the same way two times in a row.” I opened a few and set them on the floor. “See the eyes are all different. I keep them because they’re smiley faces, from you, and because they always come with cookies.”

He touched them with his hand for a moment and took a deep breath, but then didn’t say anything.

Pulling out the last thing, I set the bag on the floor and held the fake flower in my hand. It was a faded blue now, but had been closer to purple when I had gotten it. “When I left where I was and the bus brought me to the city I’m in now, I stood there thinking this is so big and so busy.” I turned it in my fingers. “I was going to get on the bus and go back,” I shook my head. “Even though I didn’t like it there. Then a lady came by and handed me this and smiled, then just walked away.” I set it on the floor with the other things. “I knew then, I was meant to be in that city, and I still am.”

I looked at the items on the floor and then to Rafael. “I know those are probably silly to you.” I motioned to the closet and then the room. “You have always had this and a family.” I shrugged as best as I could laying the way I was. “I didn’t, so I kept little pieces of happy I found along the way.” I looked at him and then to Daxx and sighed. “I’m going to need a bigger bag, because since I found all of you I keep finding happiness every day.” I nodded and then glanced to the others to see everyone was looking at me. No one looked happy right now. I looked to Victor, with a sad look in his eyes, and wasn’t sure why what I’d told them made him that way.

Rafael sighed, his voice shaky. “If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you, little sister.” He kissed the top of my head and then walked out of the room.

Daxx cleared her throat. “I need more cool cloths.” She got up.

“I’ll get them.” Leone rushed to the bathroom and Quinton followed.

Chase got up and wandered over to squat down right in front of me. He had a sad look in his eyes, even though he grinned. “I’m beginning to wonder what we ever did without you here.”

I smiled. “Probably ate more. There is a lot of eating here.”

He chuckled and stood up. “I need a really strong drink, after that. Can I bring anyone back one?”

“I’ll go with you.” Michael said then stopped. “Do you want anything Crissy?” He asked me, his voice sounding strange.

“No, thank you, Michael.” I sighed. “I’m just waiting to see what’s going to happen.” I reached down and started putting all of my mementos back in the bag. Victor came over and sat on the floor, watching me put them away. When I put the bag back in my pack, he reached out and held my hand, resting his head on the bed by mine. I felt better with him close and sighed a long sigh. “I hope they find a way to get that out of my back.”

He kissed my hand and then my shoulder. “They’ll figure something out. Clairee’s coven has been around for hundreds of years.”

I glanced to see that Arius and Troy looked very unhappy still. “I think I made everyone sad.” I said in a whisper.

“I believe you made everyone think.” Victor answered just as softly.

“Is that bad?” I turned my head so I could watch his eyes.

He shrugged. “I suppose it can be, when it’s things you haven’t realized.”

I smiled. He was watching mine. “I like thinking and finding out new things.”

Kissing my hand again, he nodded. “I know, heart.”

Clairee and her friend came back in the door and looked around. “Should we wait a moment?”

Troy straightened up. “No. What have you found?”

She looked to Victor, a nervous look on her face.

Victor kissed my lips softly and got up. “I’ll be right back.”

“Oh, good you’re back.” Daxx held up the dish that held cool cloths. “Do I keep doing this?”

Clairee nodded. “For a few minutes more.”

I tried to hear what was being said, but she spoke so softly I couldn’t. Troy looked over, with his eyes wide, then Arius did as well. Victor turned and looked angry and then my heart started pounding again. “What?” I asked, hoping it wasn’t rude, but it was my back, and I would not know what was going on a second more. If it had been Daxx lying here, I know she would have already threatened to kill someone, so if I seemed a bit impatient, I thought that was okay.

Victor rubbed his hand over his face and shook his head to something they said. He had that look on his face as he walked back over, the look that told me I wasn’t going to like what he said. Squatting down in front of me he took both my hands in his.

“They’ve come up with a way to get rid of whatever was done to your back. To get rid of any remaining magic there.” He released one hand and brushed the hair back from my face. “With your resistance to magic, however it has to be a more permanent, intrusive method.”

I frowned. “What do they have to do?”

“They have to put a rune on your back, over it.” He glanced to Daxx briefly. “It has to be in your skin so it’s permanent.”

I know my eyes were as wide as they could go now. “How?” I bit my lip knowing before he answered I wasn’t going to like it.

“Either a witch’s tattoo… made with a small pen like instrument or…” he exhaled slowly, “it has to be burned on.”

Daxx gasped from beside me.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at her, or anyone, for a moment. Opening my eyes, I shook my head. “I just…” I let go of his hand and sat up awkwardly, pulling the blanket with me. “I need to get up for a minute.” I nodded. Kneeling, I crawled off the bed and bunched up the blanket so I could walk. I had barely coped with the magic when it had burned before. I paced over to the wall and then turned and went the other way. How was I going to cope when I was really being burned?

My heart was beating so fast in my chest, I almost couldn’t breathe. A tattoo… with needles marking my skin… was that better than being burned? I didn’t know. I’d tried to avoid both the whole of my life.

Turning, I looked at the floor and took a deep breath. Shaking my head, I walked to the bathroom, avoiding all eye contact. I closed the door softly and went to the tub and climbed in and just sat there.

I heard the soft knock on the door and knew it was probably Daxx. The door opened and she stuck her head in.

“Can I come in?”

I nodded, but stayed where I was, hugging my knees and the bunched-up blanket to my chest.

She came over and climbed in the tub with me and sat down. Only here, I thought, in the tubs they have could we both sit in it with so much room to spare.

“What do I do?” I asked her finally. “I’m not brave enough to choose either way.”

She touched my knee and leaned closer, with pain in her eyes. “I don’t think anyone is brave enough for that.” Huffing out a breath she leaned back. “I couldn’t do it. Not awake.”

I shook my head. “I can’t take drugs to put me to sleep.” I touched my head. “Then there’s no control and they would wake me… and I wouldn’t be asleep.” I shook my head fast. “I know. They tried to drug me before.”

“Could someone help you control them? Like Victor did after you took his blood?”

I bit my lip and then closed my eyes. “I don’t know if he could control that much.” I looked at her. “How long will it take?” I took a shaky breath. “I just can’t feel it when it happens. I know I can’t.”

“No one expects you to.” She touched my knee again. “Do you want me to go get Victor and ask if he thinks he can do it long enough?”

I nodded.

“I’ll be right back.” She got out and went back into the room.

I could hear them talking out in the room and was glad Daxx was explaining, because I was having trouble thinking clearly enough to speak right now.

The door opened and Victor came in, closing it behind him. He walked over and I was surprised he did what Daxx had, and got in the tub with me. Sitting down, he pulled me into his lap and held me in his arms. If we weren’t here for the reasons we were, I might find it a little funny.

“Daxx explained.”

I nodded.

“For the time it will take to put the rune in your skin, I believe I can control the visions.” He said softly against my hair.

“What if they’re too much for you? I will wake up because of them.” I looked up into his green eyes and there was such pain there. Pain for me, I realized. No one had ever felt pain for me.

Victor shook his head softly. “I will manage, don’t worry that I can’t.”

“At what cost to you?”

He kissed my forehead and smiled. “It’s only for an hour, heart, I will be fine.” He ran his hand up and down my arm softly. “If you’re concerned, we can have Arius on hand. He believes he could assist for a few minutes if needed.”

“How? I don’t really understand what he can do.” I watched his eyes move over my face.

“He can control minds in a way that they have to follow what he decides.”

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him. “That is a strong power, it’s good that he has a pure heart.”

His lips quirked. “Don’t ever tell him he has a pure heart, it will crush his ego.”

I smiled. “I know. He likes to think he is a scary man, but I see what’s true.”

He chuckled softly. “Best keep that quiet until the time you need to put him in his place.”

I nodded. “So, he could take control of my mind if I wake up too soon?”

His eyes went serious again. “He believes so. Then, he could tell you not to feel the pain.”

I bit my lip and thought about how that made me feel. “I don’t know if he could control mine, and I hope I don’t wake up to find out.”

“You’ll take my blood and let the doctor put you to sleep?” His eyes held mine, waiting for me to answer.

“Yes.” I nodded. “But when it’s done and I wake up, you have to let the flashes come back. I didn’t like how tired you were when you did it before.” I stretched up and kissed his mouth softly.

“I will go tell them to get the doctor.” He stood up, lifting me with him and stepped out of the tub. “I’ll be right back.” He set me on my feet and kissed my forehead, then went out of the room.

I went to the mirror and turned so I could see my back. It was an ugly sight. The evil ooze ran down my back, making me feel very unclean. Taking a deep breath, I gave myself a little nod. Whatever had to be done to get rid of this was what I would do.

Victor came back in and glanced in the mirror as he closed the door. “An hour from now it won’t ever do that again.” He told me. Bending down, he pulled the knife strapped to his ankle out. “Do you want the witches tattoo?”

I nodded. The idea of having it burned in just felt like I would regret it every day after. I pulled the blanket and tucked it around me.

“I’ll tell them.” He pulled his shirt over his head and I bit my lip, knowing the reason wasn’t for me to stare at him, but couldn’t help it. His chest was wide and muscles were everywhere.

He tipped up my chin and smirked at me. “Now is not the time to look at me that way.”

I felt my cheeks heat. “I can’t help it.”

He pulled me closer and held the blade against his chest. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Okay.” I huffed out a breath, and squeezed my eyes shut as he started to cut into his skin.

With a chuckle, he pulled me closer. “Come here.”

I opened my eyes to see the blood, and didn’t hesitate, knowing he healed too quickly. I licked my tongue over the blood running down, then placed my lips against his chest. Sucking gently, I swallowed the blood and thought that this somehow felt right. He pulled my hips, so our bodies were close and I didn’t hurry to finish. I needed to find a way to get him this close when the situation wasn’t so serious was the last thought I had before I realized he’d healed. Resting my cheek on his chest, we stayed like that for a few moments more.

Leaning back, he touched my cheek with his hand softly, like I was made of something fragile. “Ready?”

“No, but I don’t think I have a choice.”

He leaned down and kissed me softly, twice, and then straightened up. “Let’s go get settled and wait for the doctor.” Turning, with his arm around my shoulder we both walked to the door.

The room was quiet and I didn’t look to see how many were still here. Someone had made it darker and I was happy not to see. Victor lifted me onto the bed and then stretched out beside me, pulling me so I was over his chest. I leaned my face against him and listened to his heartbeat and each breath he took.

Victor traced his hand up and down my arm. “Just close your eyes and settle. I’m going to start blocking the visions.”

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and closed my eyes. It was very quiet in the room.

“After, when you start to wake, you’ll take more blood, so it will heal faster. The tattoo will heal, closing in the magic, then it will be over.”

His voice was so soft and soothing it was very easy to relax, well, as much as someone could with evil ooze on their back as they waited to get a tattoo.

“The doctor is here now, keep your eyes closed and just relax.”

I had to fight to stay calm, just knowing the doctor was near. Victor’s hand moved up and down my arm a few more times before gripped it with a firm hold, there was a pinch and slight pain and I knew I’d just gotten the needle, and there was no time to change my mind.

“It’s going to be fine, my heart.”

Was the last thing I heard and then darkness took me.