Chapter 17


Daxx stopped to kneel down, adjusting her shoelace, she said. There wasn’t anything wrong with her laces that I could see. She wore her tall flat boots and the laces in them were fake.

While she fixed her fake laces, I turned around to see where the others were. We were on the street and it wasn’t quite dark, which is how they planned it, so my red hair was clear to see. I wondered more than once, since making plans the day before, if I might want to try a new hair color soon.

I didn’t know where Chase, Arius, and Leone were, somewhere up high so they could watch for any watching us, I was told. Tim and Bronx were hidden as well, their size and appearance would draw too much attention. I had to agree, they looked like pirates from that movie, and we didn’t have many pirates on the streets.

In front of Daxx and I was Rafael, Michael, and Quinton keeping watch. That left Victor and Troy to stay with us, but at a distance, or so they were ordered by Daxx. The witches did another fascinating thing, and I was told no one could see them as they were, to everyone else would see normal people dressed in street clothes. I looked again to Victor’s large form and wondered how they had hidden the weapons hanging off his body from other’s eyes. I also wondered what he’d look like in street clothes. I don’t think Victor would dress as the people in this area would, to be honest. I may have to read a book on how the witches did the casting sometime to find out what all it was they could do. It was quite amazing.

“Getting anything?” She asked me as she stood up again.

There was motion from down the street, a gang was gathering. I looked to see if we should run, but Daxx started walking towards it, so despite being scared, I followed.

“Crap,” she said glancing back to Troy, “the boys might be cloaked to look the same, but large male strangers hanging out in their turf… this might get ugly.”

For once I understood her strange way of explaining things. Turf wars, I had seen and avoided my entire life. I walked faster, hoping it didn’t end with blood. It most often did. I knew the gangs around these streets, and some of them weren’t as bad as they wanted others to believe they were.

When we reached the crowd, I saw Rafael and his two brothers, they all had that look on their faces. The look that told me if the group hovering near them got any closer, there would be blood on the streets, and it wouldn’t be theirs. I looked to Daxx and held up my hand, the way Victor always did and then pushed my way through the crowd. I knew many of the faces here, and they watched me with looks I knew all too well. Jumping in front of the one I knew was the leader, I looked at Quinton and smiled briefly and then stretched up on my toes in front of the gang leader’s face.

“Don’t look, don’t look.” I said to him and then turned to look back to Raf for a second. “You will see and once you do see you can’t unsee it.” I nodded my head I continued to stand there looking at the now frowning man.

A few of the people with him backed up a few steps. He looked at Rafael, Michael and Quinton for a minute more then tapped his head in a salute to me. “Got it. They’re with you. Peace be with you, Crizzy.”

It was what they called me. I was pretty sure it was crazy and Crissy combined, but it was better than many other things I’d been called. I smiled at him in an exaggerated way. “Be free.” I told him and then turned and walked over to Quinton. My heart was racing, my stomach filled with knots, but I had managed to stop any violence from taking place.

Rafael winked at me. “Love your ways, little sister.” He told me before the three moved back into the shadows.

When I turned, Daxx was standing there grinning at me and Troy just looked confused. She jerked her head toward Victor who looked, unimpressed, I think would be the best word. I exhaled loudly and tilted my head to look up at him. “Sometimes crazy is all that works.” I turned to make certain the gang was moving on. “They’re not as bad as they’d like people to believe, they just act scary and hard.” I glanced back to Victor and nodded. “The way you do.” With that I turned and started walking again, Daxx caught up to me.

She leaned closer to me. “We need to ditch these two or no one is going to even think about coming after us.”

I looked over my shoulder to the large men in our shadow. “I thought the same.” I told her quietly. “They look very intimidating.”

She snorted. “Ya think?”

I nodded.

“Ok,” She looked around. “Where can we go?”

I paused to look around. Watching the two following us pause and just stand there, I sighed and turned back around. “The club.” I told her. “It’s where Rafael heard people were looking for me.”

Daxx blew out a breath. “Yeah, and they’re not going to like it.”

I nodded. It was true, but it didn’t change where we needed to go. “Do we tell them?”

“Oh, we’re going to have to try. They’re almost on our heels.” She said looking behind her.

We stopped just down the street from the club and stood there. I watched Raf, with a big smile on his face, come out of the shadows and go inside. He knew where I needed to be. Michael followed behind him and Quinton stopped to lean on a building near the corner.

I turned around and looked at Victor, he was watching us. “He’s not going to like this.”

“Just bat your eyes at him and look innocent.” Daxx told me.

I frowned. “I don’t know how to bat my eyes.”

She grinned. “Do that thing where you bite your lip then, that’ll work.” She nodded and walked over to speak to Troy.

I wasn’t sure what she meant, but I thought I’d try it to see if it made him less mad about what had to be done. Going over, I stopped in front of him, he looked down, his eyes searching my face looking concerned.

“Is this too much for you?” He asked.

I thought about it. “I’m okay with it.” I told him and then took a short breath. “We need to go in the club,” I stopped when his expression hardened again. “Rafael and Michael are inside and you know it’s where they are watching for me.” I bit my lip and looked up at him, watching to see if it did what Daxx said it should. His hard look softened and he glanced to my mouth before looking back at my eyes. I felt his chest rise under my hand as he took a deep breath. “There is a side door, and one in the back alley with dark halls you can hide in to watch over me.” I told him.

He glanced to Troy, who had the same expression on his face. Looking back down at me, he lifted my arm to check that I had my transporter on, when he saw I did, he squeezed my hand. “You stay close to Raf or Michael.”

I nodded. “I will.”

We watched them walk down the alley beside the club.

“Damn, you’re a natural.” Daxx said and started walking toward the club.

I didn’t know what she meant, but it sounded like a good thing, so I thought it was good I was a natural. Later, I would ask at what.

The club wasn’t as crowded as it would be later, but it was still full enough I didn’t want to be here. The music was loud and that smell lingered.

“Damn, Jorge isn’t working yet, I’d hoped he would be.”

I looked at Daxx. “Jorge?”

She nodded. “The bartender.”

I looked to the corner I always went to when here and then realized I couldn’t, because I had to be seen. Turning slowly, I thought to check for Alona and Emil. Daxx grabbed my arm and pulled me toward one of the tables in the middle of the room. She had no problems with being seen, I thought, as I debated on sitting under the table instead of standing at it.

Rafael was leaning on the bar, a drink in his hand. I looked around and saw Michael was at a table in a darker corner, just watching without an expression on his face. He was very similar to Victor in some ways, but completely different at the same time. His heart was still heavy though, from what I’d seen when his face was scarred. I knew he would be happy some day, but that was for him to discover and not me to tell.

Daxx elbowed me, “I’ll be right back. We stand out too much without drinks.”

With my eyes wide, I watched her walk away, leaving me in the middle of the floor alone. I knew I had to do this, if I wanted to sit on my roof again, I had to. I held my head up and took a deep breath, refusing to let myself hunch and try to be small.

I looked to the darkened hall that led to the back door I usually came in, and could see a shadow there so familiar, I felt better. Victor watched me. A hand rested on my shoulder and I froze. I watched Troy come out of the shadows and block Victor’s path.

“Hey doll, I love the hair.” A stranger said to me.

I turned and stepped away so his hand wasn’t touching me. I wanted to run, it’s what I did, but I forced my feet to stay still. I tried to smile at him, but most likely failed. He was taller than I, which was no surprise. His dark hair was messy and his face was unshaven.

“Here you go.” Daxx appeared beside me and set the drink on the table. “Hey.” She said to the stranger and I knew the smile on her face was fake. It was the one she gave people before she kicked their butt, I believe would be her description.

I swallowed and turned back to look at the space around the man, while she talked to him. My heart was pounding so loud, I couldn’t even hear what she said. His aura was dark and uncertain, so I looked closer. He wasn’t evil, like the evil I’d seen, but he wasn’t kind either. There was something else and it gave me a bad feeling. I had to tell Daxx, but didn’t know how to without saying it in front of him.

“Listen,” the man said leaning far too close across the table, “I know a group that throws awesome parties, you two should come along.”

I looked to Daxx, watching how she checked him out.

She shook her head. “No, we’ve got to be somewhere shortly, but thanks.” She glanced at me and her expression changed.

I cleared my throat. “I’ll be right back.” I told her with a nod.

His arm moved out to block my way. “No, no, red, you really need to come with me.” He glanced over my shoulder and a shiver went over my skin, as his hold on my waist tightened.

“Let go of my friend.” Daxx said, in that tone that meant he didn’t have a choice.

I glanced to where Raf was and he stood immediately. When the man turned, making me follow, I saw two large men walking between the tables toward us. I had never seen them before, but the space around them was very easy to see, and it wasn’t good at all. I turned and Michael was almost to us.

“You should let go of my sister.” Rafael was now beside me.

Daxx reached her hand out across the table and I took it quickly but the man still didn’t let go.

“I have to take her, sorry, I don’t have a choice.” The man told Rafael.

Raf glanced over my head and gave the man an odd look. “Okay, I tried to save your life…”

“Release her.” I heard Victor growl and the arm let me go.

Daxx was around the table and pulling me clear. Raf stood beside us.

I turned to see Victor holding the man by his head, it was pulled to an awkward angle. The man held up his hand, his eyes were huge.

“Sorry, I was just following orders.” He told me.

I turned when I heard a crash to see Michael and Troy grabbing the other two men. I was shaking and just wanted to leave. I looked to Victor who was staring down at the man he held. “I’d like to go back now.” I said hoping he’d hear me above the music.

He looked up at me, having heard, and straightened his arm with the man moving along with him. “Raf, take him out back. I can’t send them to the cells in plain sight here.”

Rafael grabbed the man’s arm and held it behind his back and started shoving him to the back door.

Daxx released my hand and I went to Victor and hugged him. He took his little transporter box off his belt and held it to Daxx. “Send all three of them. I want to know where the friends and this party is. Have Troy find out.”

“On it.” She said then walked out the way Rafael had gone.

“We’ll go in a moment, heart, I have to talk to Quinton.” He whispered against my ear.

I nodded and walked with him to the door we’d come in. The whole time he spoke to Quinton, he held me to his side. We walked away as Quinton called the others to go back.

Once we were in an empty alley, Victor hugged me tight. “Hold on.” He told me, so I did.

When I felt the churning in my stomach, I opened my eyes to see we were on a roof. My favorite one of all. I looked around, checking, but knew up here was always safe.

He leaned down and lifted my chin. “Are you alright?”

I nodded. “I was just scared.”

His eyes searched my face. “It was stupid to go in there.”

“It worked.” I reminded him. “They saw me right away.”

He put his hands on his hips. “They’ve probably been parked there these last few weeks waiting.” He cursed softly and I was surprised, I’d never heard him swear. “I should have known better.” He said quietly and then he looked back to me. “My judgement is clouded where you’re concerned.”

I raised my eyebrows, a little surprised. “I’m sorry?” I offered.

He looked at me a moment longer and then shook his head. “It is not your doing.” With a soft look, he traced over my face. “It’s the damn fates’ fault.” Shaking his head, he reached out and cupped my face in his big hands. “Nothing that happened is your fault or doing.” His eyes looked at me with such care. “I have been unreachable quite frequently as of late, that is my way of… processing.” He nodded, knowing I would understand that. “Know that if I thought I could resist, I would be with you without pause. Do you understand?” I nodded as best as I could with his hands holding my face. He gave me a little smile and kissed my lips lightly and then released my face and stepped back. “I am always available for you if you need me, heart, you can call me anytime.”

I nodded. “Thank you.”

He smirked in an odd way. “You don’t need to thank me.” He backed away a few more steps and then motioned to the area around us. “Stay here, find some peace for as long as you need. I have to get back.” Glancing around, he sighed. “Please stay up here, out of sight, we don’t know if we ended it tonight. Don’t take any chances until we are certain.” He motioned to my wrist. “Use your transporter when you want to return.”

I looked at my wrist and nodded. “I will.”

“Do you have your phone?” I nodded again. “Turn it on, I will let you know what we find out.”

“Thank you, for bringing me here.”

He stepped to quickly kissed my mouth, hard, and then was gone.

I looked around my favorite space and then walked over to the edge to look down at the lights. I wasn’t sure what Victor needed to resist, but I felt like I needed to do more reading about Alterealm, mates and their ways... and butterflies, I decided. To see if Alterealm had any. Maybe that would help, Victor was a confusing man, to say the least.

I’m not sure how long I sat on the roof, but it was quiet. I sorted the flashes and checked for any I really needed to see. It had been weeks since I felt this peaceful, and I was glad for it. I was just sitting there looking at my gloves that I had taken off. They got quite warm after a while, when my phone buzzed beside me.

It was from Victor. We have a location. We’re going in a few moments. Are you well and safe?

I smiled at my phone. I am coming back soon. Did you want me to come? I can leave now. I am very well and safe. My mind is quiet.

I am pleased. You do not need to come with us. I do not want to expose you to that again.

I felt relief, but worry at the same time. I didn’t like they were all going again, but I hadn’t liked it when I was there either. I will come back now and wait for you.

I will dispatch them quickly and hurry back with that in mind.

I smiled again. Okay. Do it safely.

As safe as battle can be Smiley face. We are leaving in a moment. See you when I return.

Okay. I stared at the screen, waiting to see if he sent anymore, but knew he wasn’t going to. I had seen how he was before battle, and he needed to focus and become that cold man of justice. It was sweet, when I thought about it, that he had taken that time to message me. Standing up, I looked around again, hoping I would be able to come back here sooner next time. Opening the device, I pushed the button.


I sat on the floor in that room for an hour. They hadn’t returned yet. Even Mitz had come to check on me twice now. We talked for a few minutes and then she went back to the kitchen, saying they’d want something to eat once they were back.

I stared at the middle of the empty room, Mitz said this was the landing room, all preprogrammed transporters brought travelers here, so when they left as a group, they left from here. I just wanted them to come back soon. The thought of one of them being hurt, or worse, just kept going through my mind.

I had just decided to go find a book so I wouldn’t worry too much when Daxx appeared on her back in the middle of the floor. I don’t know what she was covered in, but it looked a lot like mud. “Daxx, are you okay?” I got up quickly.

“Huh,” she said loudly, “apparently, you land the way you were when you pushed the button.” She held up her arm to show me the transporter on her wrist.

“I didn’t know you used one of those.” I said looking down at her. The mud on her face was drying and she was now covered in a light brown crust. Her blonde hair was not blonde right now either.

“I don’t normally, but Troy slapped one on my wrist before we left, because we were going in blind.”

I frowned down at her.

“Going in without any intel on what we were getting into. I used it because…” she rolled to her side and I could see blood on her back, “focus was a little off,” she said. “I didn’t want to land somewhere else.”

I dropped to the floor. “Oh no.”

“How bad is it? How much mud is in the cut?”

I tried to see, but with the mud all it, I couldn’t see where the blood was coming from.

“Mud. We had to fight in mud. Talk about slowing our moves down. Help me get up. I want to wash off before my man insists on licking it, dirt and all. Yuck.” She shuddered.

I pulled her to her feet, which was hard to do with my hold on her slipping in the slimy film all over her. Her hair now looked like dreads, like the crews on the street.

She hissed out a breath. “Oh ya, he got a good chunk of me. Dammit.”

“Where is everyone else?” I looked behind us to check the room as we walked out slowly.

“Don’t worry, we were winning. It’s easy for giants to maneuver in the mud.” She winced with each step.

Mitz came around the corner and stopped, her eyes wide.

“I’ll pay for the carpet to be cleaned.” Daxx told her.

“She’s hurt, Mitz.”

“Oh,” Mitz hurried over. “Let’s get you to your room to get cleaned up.” She paused to look long enough to check where the blood was coming from. “I can’t tell, dear, how bad it is.”

Daxx nodded. “I know. Just get me to some water before Troy gets back.”

Mitz chuckled. “He would too, you know, lick it dirt and all.”

Daxx hissed out another breath and tried to walk faster. “I know, we have to hurry.”

“Where ever were you fighting? A mud pit?”

“Pretty close. Some old, abandoned site outside the city. I think it used to be a sand and gravel quarry, now it’s only sludge and mud.” She moaned and tried to lift her leg higher. “It was okay at first, but we ended up backing them into it. It was almost to my waist in some places. My legs are going to be killing me tomorrow.”

Mitz nodded, “and the mud wrestling jokes are going to be endless.”

“Lovely.” Daxx mumbled.


I left Daxx complaining about mud while Mitz helped her shower. She sent me to check if the men had returned. I didn’t need to go all the way back to the landing room to find out. There were trails of mud leading down every hallway. I don’t know whose job it was to clean them, but they deserved a pay raise.

I followed the trail to Victor’s room. I had never been in it, but knew where it was. I didn’t want to bother him, he was probably tired and muddy. I just wanted to see with my own eyes that he was okay.

I knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

I opened the door and went in slowly, he was standing in the middle of his room taking off weapons and layers.

“Crissy, is everything alright?”

I thought that was an odd question considering where he’d been. I nodded. “I was waiting for you in the landing room then Daxx came back hurt.”

“How is she?” He paused in undoing buckles.

“Mitz and I had to put her in the shower to see how bad it was. Mitz says it’s not too bad and Daxx has had worse.” I trusted her judgement.

“Yes, she has, unfortunately.” He reached down and undid the strap on his leg and the knife and case slid to the floor.

“I think who ever cleans the carpets will need a raise after tonight.” I told him.

He grinned and nodded his head slowly. “I will suggest Troy bring in some extra people to help with that.” Another weapon slid to the floor. “I have never fought in anything like that before. Not in all the years I have been justice.”

“Do you need help?” I asked watching him try to get his long jacket off.

“I think it’s drying and cementing to my skin.”

I went over and tugged at the back so he could slip his arms out.

“Thank you.” He looked down to his boots. “We made have to cut me out of my boots, they’re lead weights now.”

I looked at the boots and had no idea how he was going to manage it.

Shaking his head, he started walking slowly to the bathroom. “I’ll just soak them off, perhaps.” He paused in the doorway. “I won’t be long.”

“Did you want something to drink or… anything?”

He smiled. “Some juice, or anything that will wash the taste out of my mouth would be appreciated. Everyone will meet at the dinning room shortly.”

“Okay, I’ll go get that and wait there. Good luck getting the mud off.” I turned and went out of the room. I had wanted to ask what they found tonight, but I could see the mud drying as he stood there and decided he might be more interested in talking about it later. He had looked quite funny with the mud in his hair, and all over him, but I hoped whatever they found it meant Daxx and I could go do what we needed to.