Bullpuss is to accompany his Young Mistress when she returns for her second year at University. He is a young Norwegian Forest cat just leaving kittenhood. Samantha, his Young Mistress, is facing a difficult time with the breakdown of her parents' family life. She copes very badly with everything and lets her cat down. She abandons her course and her pet cat.
The majority of her fellow students in the shared private accommodation are too selfish to take any responsibility. Bullpuss seeks friends and allies from the local pet population together with selected wild animals.
His special friends from the pet contingent are Tigger and Simpkin, two ginger cat brothers. Bullpuss learns how to make his way in the neighbourhood, under their tutelage. Bullpuss learns of the appetite appeasing merit of certain wild prey species, but is warned by Tigger that the wild birds must not be on the menu.
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About Author
Peter Brighouse
An ancient GrandPig keen to entertain his grandchildren, ETPB (4 years) and KJLB (6 months).