Tied tightly to the main mast. Captain Greeves a big burly man with a scruffy beard is standing over me yelling to be heard.

“This will keep you as safe as possible. You won't get washed over now" he bellowed before dashing off.

I watch in amazement as men scurried back and forth. Seemingly oblivious to the rolling and heaving of the deck below their feet as they rush from one task to another. Tying off ropes, dropping sails. Brave souls flying up to the highest points of the mast. Scurrying around overhead like mice without any fear or panic. Just workman like commitment.

A howling sound came across the water towards us. A beastly roar freezing everyone. All eyes straining towards the sound. Hopelessly trying to see through the darkness. A sudden lightning flash changed night into day for the briefest instant. Men who where fearless moments before dropped to their knees, preying and weeping as a panic filled voice from above screams down at us all.

“Water spout. Dead ahead"

The soft sound of whimpering escalated to the panic sounds of men yelling to god for help or screaming in vain at the approaching pillar of death drawing inevitably closer with each moment.

The roar becomes deafening. I feel a violent jolt through the mast I am tied to and timber groaning ominously as the ship suddenly swung sideways almost as if a giant hand had shoved us aside. Clutching firmly to the leather pouch tied snuggly around my neck, squeezing my eyes closed I start praying. “Oh God please. Just let me see her one more time" A vision of beauty flows into my mind. Filling me with peace as water rushes over me and the timbers break apart all around. A resounding crack just above my head as the main mast breaks away crashing down around me. Something heavy striking me from above. A smiling face haloed in flaming red hair, a pair twinkling green eyes and ruby red lips fill my vision momentarily as a soft voice whispers “Hurry home my love" just before darkness took me.

Waking with a start I look around heart racing with fear and adrenaline. The chaos I last recalled is gone. The ship, the ropes and all the noise gone. I remember sitting on a hard wooden deck. Strapped tightly to the base of the huge main mast so I didn't get thrown overboard. Now I am laying on a bed of fine soft sand. My head cushioned on a roll of sail canvas. Sitting up slowly. Expecting some sort of complaint from my body I am surprised to find I feel absolutely fine. There is no pain or stiffness. I can't even find a sore spot where I was struck in the head. The blood staining my shirt top and hair tell a different story than my body does though. Searching myself frantically I can't find a single scratch. Not even a bruise or tender spot even though I know without a doubt all this blood is mine. Panic takes me as I grope frantically at my throat. Relief flooding me as I feel the thong wrapped around my throat and my finger found the small leather pouch. Feeling the small round parcel was still inside. “Elle" I think. The name propelling me to my feet. Filling me with a purpose and drive.

I spent some time examining the area around me. Searching the beach and rocks any usable refuse washed up from the wreck. There was nothing at all. No broken timbers or ropes. Not even a single body. The only sign at all that ship even existed was the roll of canvas my head had been resting on. A shiver run up my spine as I wonder “What the hell is going on?” Returning back to where I had been laying I sit down and try make sense of what was going on.

I must have fallen asleep again because the next thing I remember is sitting up suddenly. The roaring of the water spout still ringing in my ears as water splashes against my face and the wind whips my hair around. Panic taking hold of me I stare with wide eyes at a scene of horror. I see everything as if in slow motion. Sitting paralyzed with fear as a giant hand of water tosses screaming sailors high into the air. I see the timbers of the deck shaking and flexing before flying upwards in graceful spirals. Sailing away into darkness. The massive fountain of water sliding across the deck in front of me wiping away everything it touches. Creeping closer with each passing moment. I see the exact moment the huge force strikes the masthead above me. Causing the spars to groan and creak before the whole thing breaks apart. I watch as the huge pulley swoops downwards striking me across the top of the head. I feel the darkness coming once more before I see a slender hand reaching for me. Pulling me high into the air away from the turmoil below. A bright light surrounding a slender form making it impossible to see exactly what had hold of me. A feeling of calm and safety swept over me as a melodious female voice whispers in my mind “Sleep, you are safe now. You have a long journey ahead of you" A peaceful melody washes over me and I drifted into a sleep filled with flame red hair, green eyes and laughter that filled my soul.

The next time I awoke on what I now think of as her beach I had no fears or doubts. No hesitations. I knew what I had to do and where I needed to be. Jumping up keen to be off I am met with a surprising sight. Sitting previously unnoticed on the sand beside where I was laying I see a bulging pack, a large fur jacket and a sword in an old leather scabbard. Another gift from my mysterious lady. Loading up quickly. Not even bothering to check what was in the pack I head off. Trudging determinedly away from the beach. Some strange force guiding me. A feeling drawing me in a certain direction. Guiding my steps. Across sand dunes, into the woods lining the beach and onwards. I keep walking heading unerringly towards my goal. As the day wears on and I make my way steadily onwards my mind starts noticing some strange things. The first thing that struck me as strange was the fact that I wasn't getting tired at all. I had been struggling up and down sand dunes, fighting my way through brush and climbed up and down hills but still feel as fresh as when I first started out this morning. The next and even more troubling thing was I wasn't hungry at all. I don't even know how many days it had been since I last ate but I didn't feel any need for food. I had taken a couple of sips from the water cask strapped to my pack but that wasn't from any real need. I felt compelled to taste it and once I did I understood why. Just for the taste and sensation. The water was somehow sweet and always cold and refreshing. One small sip seems to linger on your tongue for hours keeping your whole body cool and refreshed. Keeping me going forward.

As the sun got lower in the sky all my strength seemed to start draining from me. I set up a quick camp and as soon as the stretching shadows touched me I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

As the first rays of the sun start spreading across the land I awaken. Springing suddenly to my feet I am ready to move on in a matter of moments. A quick sip from my flask and I am off again. Following some unseen trail leading me to my ultimate destination and my beloved Elle.

Three days went by without incident. Learning from the first night I set up camp before the sun got too low. Ready for the deep sleep that took me as soon as the evening came. Every morning I rose refreshed and ready to go with the sun. It was the fourth day that things changed. A sudden urge to change direction suddenly took hold of me. I could feel the familiar tug towards Elle but another sensation drew me off in another direction. Such a fierce sensation overcame me that I had to follow its command and turn aside from my journey.

I walked for hours. Following my unseen guide towards the gods only knew what. Everything seemed peaceful and quiet before a high pitched scream rang out. Echoing through the bushes all around me. In an instant my sword was in my hand and I was rushing forwards. Crashing through a thick barrier of brush I break into a clearing to be confronted by the sight of a group of dirty, scraggly looking men holding an assortment of weapons surrounding a young looking woman. Her back against a tree. Swinging a branch back and forth as she screams and yells bringing a chorus of rough laughter from the men. An older mans body lays slumped off to one side. A pool of blood spreading from beneath him.

Without even realising what I am doing I leap forward. Crossing the clearing in an instant. The point of my blade taking the first man in the back before any of them even realised I was there. Whipping my sword back out before the body could fall I swing a wide sideways sweep of my blade. Slicing a big gash across the side of a second man’s head before dancing quickly back. Giving myself time to manoeuvre and regroup quickly before lunging in again. This time down low in a squat position I thrust upwards getting in low under the guard of a third opponent. Driving my sword up through his stomach. Giving the blade a quick twist before wrenching it back out. Three down only two more to go. As I spin in a quick circle searching for the last two I catch a flash of light off a sword blade. The only sign of the two fleeing men as the sprint through the bush in a headlong race for safety. Turning back to the woman I start to approach but the determined look and her tight grip on the branch pointed firmly in my direction now convinced me to leave her alone. Instead I turn my attention to the body laying on the ground that I hadn't caused.

As I began to roll the body over a groan escaped the mans lips. Startling me enough that I let him drop back to the ground. Drawing another moan from him.

“You let him be" A shrill voice demanded from behind me before the branch she had been holding exploded across the back of my head. It must have been rotten or something because it had no effect on me at all. Just showering me with splinters.

Turning suddenly I grab her wrist as her hand flies towards my head. Squeezing tightly I say through gritted teeth “I am only trying to help" before pushing her roughly away and turning back to the body laying before me. Removing my pack which I was surprised when I realised I still had it on, considering it didn't hinder me in that fight in any way. I roll the man over and as gently as possible lay him back against my pack in a more comfortable position before carefully checking for wounds. A lot of blood was coming from a large gash across his forehead which looked to me like a sword slice. There was something else though which was obvious by the large circle of blood covering the middle of his shirt. Lifting his shirt as carefully as I could I take a peep underneath. The big open wound in the middle of his stomach was nasty. Little tubes of intestine poking out, a strong pungent odour and little bubbles of air appearing around the wound sure signs of more damage inside. Lowering the shirt I look up into a pair of eyes. Surprisingly calm staring back at me questioningly. A small shake of my head and his shoulders slump a little bit more.

“Please" he pleaded his voice soft and weak “Take care of my Cassie. See her safely to her Aunt in Clearwater. Please. You will be rewarded"

I was about to promise when a small body dropped down by my side.

“Oh Pappa” she wailed burying her face in his chest. Slowly I move myself away. Giving them some space and privacy.

As I walk across the clearing to check the men I had killed a voice in my head rang out like a clarion bell.

“No" it demanded “ Leave them be. Give them both a drink of your water. Hurry the sun will be setting soon"

Rushing quickly back to my pack I fumble the drink from its strap. Carefully I place it to the mans lips. Letting a little of the cool fluid trickle across his lips and into his mouth. As soon as he swallows I see the colour start returning to his face, his breathing becomes easier and he falls into a sleep. Cass looks at me in fear but reaches for the container as well. Taking a deep swig before toppling over sideways fast asleep. I was just reaching for the canteen when the first evening shadow touched my hand and I instantly joined them in slumber.

Dreams haunted my sleep for the first time I had awoken on the beach. Visions of a beautiful lady with bright red lips and large green eyes crashed through my slumber as she told me something very important. The fading memory of the dream leaves me with a certainty that I had dreamed of my darling Elle. That she told me to hurry back to her. The hair and her face fit that idea except I have a niggling feeling I am wrong. It wasn't Elle and the message was important. There wasn't a lot I could do about it now except don my pack and head towards home. That steady pulling sensation still leading me in the right direction. All that day I walk. Following a small but well used looking track. Although the track looked well used I saw no signs of anybody else as I continued my lonely trek.

That evening saw a return of the dreams. The next morning I tried so hard to keep the dream in my thoughts but once more it faded. Leaving me with the same uncertainties but also more certain somehow that it was important and not just a typical dream. It went on this for several days. Each day I walk. Alone. Never seeing another living thing. Each evening I collapse at the first evening shadows to dream of my unknown benefactor. I have realised now that the one in my dreams is the person who lifted me from certain death. Each morning I awaken and the dream fades. Leaving me just a fraction more information than I had the day before. Frustrating me more because I can't recall what new thing I know. I am just certain I know it. The one thing I do know for certain is that I have to keep moving.

The isolation was really starting to get to me. I found myself looking around constantly hoping even for a glimpse of movement. Maybe a sign of a village or homestead but there was nothing. No smoke anywhere on the horizon signalling a large population. Not even a bird in the sky. Random conversations flew from me. My audience inanimate objects like my sword. In that loneliness I swore a lot of promises too that old sword in its worn leather scabbard. Promising to help the needy or rescue damsels as long as I could talk to someone.

It was on the tenth day of my solitude that something changed. The sun was still high in the sky but I could feel my tiredness growing. The sun felt like I fiery ball scorching my skin and blinding my eyes. My pack grew impossibly heavy so I had to shrug it off. My feet were like two lead weights at the bottom of my legs. Totally immovable. Laying on my stomach I crawl my way to the trees at the edge of the track. Hiding from the burning in shadow and a deep troubled sleep. When I next sat up it was pitch black. The sun, my constant companion during my trek was missing. No stars or moon in the sky at all. Just a curtain of impenetrable black. Irrationality ran rampant in my mind as fear and panic take hold of me. Just as I was convinced I had gone blind a dull light began glowing eerily right in front of me but somehow in the distance. Starting as a slightly lighter smear in the darkness it grew in size and radiance. A rough outline visible in the approaching glow. Suddenly the glow became a blinding flash and when my vision cleared the darkness was no more. A full moon shone brightly in the sky. Illuminating a vision of splendour. Sitting perched in a seat completely obscured by fold after fold a pale green dress which flows out around her in a river of twirls and pleats. Floating softly downwards to lay sprawled on the ground around her. An angular strong face with pouting red lips and intense green eyes watch me intently under a sea of red hair that seems to constantly sway and move on its own as if blown by a strong wind. A sibilant musical voice rang in my head

“What is it that you would you like to talk about?”

A million questions ran through my mind. My mouth opened and then closed. No words escaped me. I sat there mute while she smiled across at me patiently. Eventually after what seemed like a titanic struggle I managed to gulp out two words

“How?” and then “Who?”

Her smile never waivered. Those eyes kept boring straight through me. Seeing something invisible to others. That musical tinkling voice rings inside my head again

“Don't try speaking. Just focus on one question at a time in your thoughts and I will hear it. Now relaaaaaax"

The voice changed tone. Smooth and relaxing and as the last two words echoed around the chambers of my mind all my thoughts and questions eased off. The turmoil of jumbling thoughts and questions settling softly to lay awaiting my attention. Like autumn leaves after a gust of wind.

“Who are you?” the thought sprang from my mind

“Good you learn quick" she smiled. Her words invading my head again “To answer that question you just need to look inside yourself. You know who I am. You did call to me.”

Silence ensued as she watched me. Those green eyes seeming to grow in intensity as she waited for something. Realisation struck me like a mace to the head and I drop to my knees.

“Tahoula forgive me. I did not recognise you.” Sitting so casually across from me is a goddess. The goddess actually. The matron of adventurers and lovers alike. I didn't recognise her because she appears to us adventurers as an old hag. I didn't think it appropriate to mention this to the beautiful, ageless presence before me.

“It is understandable" sounded in my head “Most adventurers like yourself wouldn't recognise me in this form. Would you prefer if I changed?”

“No" rang out from my mind like a thunder clap “Sorry I mean please don't” I thought more calmly

“ Okay then. Time for your answers. Just sit and listen"

A sadness seeped into her eyes as she began.

“I couldn't save you. I am sorry for that. I plucked you out and carried you to my beach. I will fulfil your final prayer. You will see Elle one last time and give her that which you carry. That is what I offer you"

My heart raced with excitement and delight but fell just as quickly

“What do you mean couldn't save me and one last time?” What am I?”

“That is hard to explain. At the moment you are you. You died on that ship. I picked you up and lent you some life so you can do me some favours and fulfil your dying wish. The deal is you do some little favours for me and I keep you alive long enough to do what you need to.”

My brain erupted in a jumble of thoughts and emotions. Losing all cohesion I mentally screamed out a deluge of questions all at the same time. Making no sense even to myself until a single high pitched note rang out in the centre of my brain. Spreading out in all directions calming and quieting everything it touches until perfect calm is reached again and her smooth voice sang once more in my head

“You have died. I am sorry. You have a choice. Restless eternity on the bottom of the ocean carrying a secret that could change your wife's life or a chance to see your beloved one more time and give her a future. Just know exactly one day after you next lay eyes on Elle you will no longer exist. Also if you refuse the tasks set before you the same will happen.”

Emerald green pools bore deep inside me as she sat their reading my reactions for a moment before continuing.

“Now I can tell you what lay ahead"

Time had no meaning. The moon didn't move at all the whole time we were talking but it must have been hours. I say talking but really I sat there while piles of information and knowledge is force fed into my memory. Images of people I don't know etched in so deep I will never forget them. Knowledge and facts from eons past and glimpses of possible futures all filling me. The force inside my head causing a throb. Building in intensity until I am sure I can't take any more. My mind screams out a horrible anguished sound before I sink slowly into oblivion. Even in the deepest slumber I can still feel my brain being fed.

When next I rise slowly to consciousness I find myself lying in the shade of a tree. The sun high in the sky. My pack under my head making a soft pillow and a blanket of light green moss like material tucked snuggly around me. Recognising the material I pushed it off me quickly. Scrambling to my feet quickly. My head swam and dizziness overtook me causing me to drop back to the ground. Taking stock of things I notice quite a few changes. No longer am I dressed in old tattered rags. I find myself wearing a fine set of brown breaches made of some fine light, but somehow still quite warm material. A fine shirt of the same green material I had been laying under and my feet are sitting snugly in a pair of perfect fitting soft leather boots. My sword and scabbard are no longer old looking and beaten. A beautifully crafted light brown leather sheath with an ornately carved handle sticking from the top of it lay beside me. Sliding the blade from it's cover reveals a shining silver blade. Very solid, extremely sharp and around 5 feet long. The type of large sword designed to hang on your back. Except this one felt like it had no weight at all. Laying beside it was something wrapped in a canvas cloth. Careful not to move too much. Not wanting another dizzy spell I carefully unwrap the cloth. Laying before me was a wondrous sight. A hunting bow made from some sort of red wood. The design one used by the horse back hunters of a region far off to the south. Only about four feet long but just looking at it I could tell it held power. I had never seen one before but I recognised it knew everything I could need to about them somehow. A quiver of fine silver arrows lined with fine green feathers snuggled in beside it. By being a bit more careful and deliberate I manage to slowly stand back up with only slight dizziness. Picking up the bow I hold it out in front of me turning it this way then that. Testing the balance and weight before fitting the fine silvery thread supplied for a bow string. I was so thin I had my doubts. Flinching back a bit as I slide one of the silver arrows from the quiver. Fitting it smoothly to the string. Drawing in a breath I draw back. My doubts growing at the lack of pressure as I draw my fingers all the way back to my cheek effortlessly. Taking bead on a tree across the clearing I release. The arrow flight straight and true. Darting across the space in the blink of an eye. Striking the target exactly where I wanted with enough force to push right through. That was a shock. Pulling four more arrows from the quiver I stab them in the ground by my feet before fitting a fifth to the bow. Taking in a deep calming breath I draw hold release. Reaching down instantly to grab the next arrow, picj a new target and release. By the time the first arrow clunked into its wooden victim four more arrows were streaming through the air. Five perfect hits. My elation was slightly dampened by the thought of digging all those arrows out of their resting places but not by much. I never knew I could shoot a bow. I never dreamed I could shoot like this. Walking across the clearing I grab the first arrow I shot. Only the feathers and very end of it still visible. Getting as good a grip possible I place one foot against the trunk pushing off while I pull hard on the arrow. I go flying backwards to land unceremoniously on my backside as the arrow slides easily from the tree. The rest of the arrows were gathered just as easily but without the falling down part before returning to gather my gear. All packed up I am off striding purposefully towards hope and my inevitable end. A lifetime of adventures between me and my destination.