Mia woke up slowly, she looked forward seeing Jess's kitchen. Okay, good, she could remember what happened last. Her heart rate started to climb when she started waking up her limbs. They were warm, her right side was pressed between the back of the couch and what she was laying on. 

She looked down to see that she was laying on Jess. Now she was going into a full-blown panic. It got a little worse when she remembered how they got like this. The amazing feeling that she had when she first woke up was washed away now. She started slowly moving her arms and legs to get off of Jess even if she didn't want to. 

This was happening to quick there was no way that this was okay. She hoped that coming over would lead to something like this, but this felt like it was crossing a line. She looked through the memories that caused this. The day before she was getting ready to come over she saw the weather forecast. 

She knew how she was going to react if there was a thunderstorm and now it was all in a mess. She tried not to let out a whine, it was going so well. She didn't mean for this to happen; she was just scared. She was halfway done getting up before Jess opened her eyes. Mia stopped just looking into them. She wished she could stay there forever. 

Jess broke the moment "Good morning beautiful." Mia went into a full panic finally not answering but quickly getting off the couch. That was the first time that they had used any form of pet name. Mia fell off the couch and onto the floor, Jess sat up. "What's wrong?" Mia stood up hyperventilating. 

"I just, We, You." She put her hands in her hair trying to calm herself. She started walking in small circles telling herself just to breath deeper. This panicking was not going to help the situation. Jess threw the blanket off, standing up and walking over to Mia. She gently got Mia's hands out of her tangled hair pulling them down to her sides then pulling Mia into a hug. 

The slight compression of her chest helped along with Jess's voice. "It's okay, just take a few deep breaths." Mia started actually breathing, there was something grounding that it was Jess telling her. "What's wrong?" Jess asked again quietly. 

"It's just been not much time and we are already doing something like this." She gestured to the couch "And then the thunderstorm and just," She let out a sigh. "I'm sorry I pushed you to this." She tried to hid her face by putting her forehead against Jess's shoulder. This was not how she hoped things would end. She would wake up go over and sit in the kitchen. 

Then Jess would join her, and they would both quietly say that they were done. Or at least Jess would stop inviting her to things and stop accepting invites. The best Mia could hope for was a slow fade. The worst she was expecting was to overstep and Jess being uncomfortable and it ending in a big disaster. With this hug at least that didn't happen. 

"You didn't push anything." Jess said very gently. To Mia's serprise she put her hand on Mia's head and started combing out all the tangles that she created. "I was hoping for something like this and didn't know how to tell you."


"Really?" Mia said pulling back to look at Jess. "Really, I didn't want to push your boundaries if you weren't ready. Are you ok with this?" Jess said a little bit of worry in her eyes. 

"Of course." Mia said coming to rest her head on Jess's shoulder again. She was so happy that maybe this wouldn't be the end. "Do you want some coffee?" Jess asked with her hand still in Mia's hair, a little more woken up and confidence in her voice. 

"What about hot chocolate?" Mia asked, taking a step back. 

Jess smiled that lit up the room more then the sun, "Sure." She led Mia to the kitchen sitting her at the table. 

"Did you have a good sleep?" Mia asked as Jess reached for a couple of mugs. 

"It was one of the best sleeps of my life, you?" Mia started to feel a little silly to think that this was going to end that soon. 

"Better then I could ever imagine." As both of them knew it. It was only just the beginning to something wonderful.