Jess folded the messy blanket throwing it over the back of the couch. Who knew having a significant other coming over would be so stressful. This would be the first time that Mia would be at Jess's house, not just to pick her up. She planned out the night to be as perfect as humanly possible starting with them making dinner together.

Or at least Jess makes dinner and Mia sits at the table near-by and makes conversation. After they finish the meal they would watch a couple movies ending with Mia going home. Both Mia and jess had the next day off if the movies got a little long. Jess pulled out some square pillows from the closet to put on the couch.

There was a ring at the door. Finally, Jess took a deep breath calming her nerves before opening the door. There stood Mia her long dark hair was pulled into a loose braid going over her shoulder. Even in a sweater she was the most beautiful thing Jess had ever seen.

"Can I come in or are you just going to keep looking at me?" Mia teased as she stepped towards the door.

"Right," Jess moved out of the way "sorry just hoping this night goes as well as I planned."

"You worry to much." Mia turned on her heels, so she was facing Jess. Jess closed the door and walked towards the kitchen going past Mia.

"I thought we could make dinner together if that's ok with you." Jess said from the kitchen.

"Sounds great." Mia walked in not to long after. It was something simple, pasta with a white sauce. Both just needed to boil; Jess was not great a cooking. Mia didn't mind the low skill meal, only that it was something to do with Jess. After dinner they washed the dishes, better to be done now and not the next day.

They then moved the party over to the couch. Mia sat on the left side of the couch and Jess settled on the right side. It was not a large couch, small enough that their feet were touching. This was only four months into the relationship though. It looked like it was going to rain all day.

Now it finally started to happen. It didn't look to bad until the after the movie, then it started coming down hard with distant thunder. Jess was going to put on another movie when she realized the Mia was shaking a little.


"A little." Mia said her voice shaking slightly as she did.

"Do you want some hot chocolate?" Jess asked standing up.

"Sure." Mia said quietly.

"Are you ok?" Jess said a few steps from the couch.

"Yeah, I just have a thing with loud sounds. Like fireworks or-" A thunderclap sounded close. It was about as loud as a car. Mia jumped with the sound. Jess pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch wrapping it around Mia tucking it under her so that it was tight.

"I will be back with a cup of hot chocolate." Jess walked into the next room turning on the kettle. It would be a couple minutes before the water could boil. During this time Jess pulled out two mugs, a green and a red one. She also pulled out a couple packet of flavored hot chocolate.

"Caramel or regular?" Jess yelled to the other room.

"Caramel please." Mia answered. The sound of thunder got closer. Jess looked from the kitchen to the living room, she could feel the anxiety from the other room. Mia was shaking a little more now, she looked so curled up that she was fazing through the side of the couch. The water was ready, jess poured the water into the cups with the mixes already in it.

She carefully took them back to the living room setting hers down on the side table. She then walked around the front of the couch with the other cup. She gave the cup to Mia who had a small bit of trouble getting out of the blanket. Jess went to sit back down on the other side of the couch putting on another movie.

It was able to drown out most of the thunder from the outside. They were able to finished their drinks halfway through the movie. This was when the power went out. This made Mia give a little squeak. Jess pushed off of her side of the couch leaning on Mia instead.

"Everything is going to be fine." Jess whispered. The house was eerily quiet now they stayed in this half cuddle before Jess asked, "Should we go find a flashlight?" Mia just nodded and Jess stood up. Mia shifted the blanket to her shoulders standing up.

They held hands as they walked through the house trying to find a flashlight. Something they finally found in the desk near the front door. It was a small three dollar flashlight that thankfully worked.

Every sound of thunder from outside Mia squeezed Jess's hand. They finally made their way back to the couch. A flash of lightning struck in the street near enough to throw a bunch of small rocks at the window of the living room.

They didn't shatter it but there would be some small cracks that would have to be fixed. This caused Mia to practically tackle Jess onto the couch. Jess dropped the flashlight, thankfully it didn't go under the couch since that was the only place she didn't clean.

That was one of the smaller things that she should be worried about. Right now she was kind of panicking that Mia was on top of her on the couch. It was really uncomfortable since Mia's knee was currently sticking into Jess's stomach.

"Hey Mia, Can I move you a little so that we can be comfortable?" All Mia could do was nod with a slight whimper. Jess shifted Mia's knees to either side of her hips pulling her head over one shoulder. She also threw the blanket so that it would cover the both of them.

"Better?" Jess asked as Mia cuddled closer into her neck. There was only a nod against her neck. Jess brought her hand up and started brushing her fingers through Mia's hair. "Good." That storm continued for several more hours. Every time there was a thunderclap Mia held Jess closer. Note, get some noise canceling headphones if this ever happened again.

"Is this normal?" Jess asked trying to fill the empty noise.

She could hear Mia take a breath, "It started when I was at a fire work show and on went off into the crowd. I wasn't hit but it scared me." Jess hugged her closer. "Every loud unexpected sound does the same thing."

Even with the thunder going off outside Mia did eventually calmed down.

The shaking stopped and her breathing slowed. It was the most peaceful the two had been together. Jess was happy to have Mia so close, they hadn't been seeing each other for a long time. Most of the other date it was doing something. They had done some painting, a nice dinner out of course, and some indoor ziplining.

It was great but Jess had always loved physical touch a lot more then just doing things. This just meant a lot more to her then any of those things. As Jess was lost in thought Mia had fallen asleep. Jess realized this when she came back to reality.

She looked at her watch and it was very early hours of the morning. Jess contemplated if she was going to stay up and just stay in this moment; or go to sleep herself. As she thought this she started drifting off herself. This was a good sign in a hopeful relationship.