We arrived back at the base in night-time’s darkness a short while later.


This was without further incident but the numbness resided still, there deep inside of me.


As far as Ivan was concerned, we had not been followed and the threat of detection or signals being intercepted had now gone away as had any aliens’ craft that might have such capability. We had arrived back and there was no sign of any other craft in the area.


The aliens’ cloaking technology may have caught up with the Settler’s ancient one although it was considered unlikely. We had not signalled nor had any signals been received from the base during our flight; everything had been silent. Ivan explained that this radio silence (I was assuming that something such as radios was employed, I really didn’t know) was standard practice having been exercised several times in the past from the few comments he had made.


He was not unduly concerned and flew us round at high altitude in a giant irregular holding pattern, past the correct location for landing several times, until he was satisfied sufficiently that it was clear to approach the base. We then rapidly dropped to local ground level and entered through the disappearing external wall into the base hangar without incident.


John was as disturbed as I was at the destruction left in our wake and had hardly said a word until our return. The comforting arm he had placed upon my shoulder had been for both of our emotional difficulties. With a gentle slap on the back he beckoned me to leave, to follow Ivan who was already heading to the exit. Gliding down the ramp of the craft and into the underground hangar, John suggested that we should be properly de-briefed with Caterin present.


She appeared to have the same idea as we met her in what I took to be some sort of arrivals and departures lounge. I had not seen this room before into which John directed me; I had not been awake the last time I passed this way.


“Would you all care to accompany me, please,” she stated simply in her cold flat tone. This was not a request, but clearly an instruction to be complied with immediately.


The lounge was left and we hurried, quietly but at her pace, with the three of us in tow behind. This was easier than through the low grass in the uncomfortable humidity I had struggled with, but was at a pace I had to put some effort in to keep up with. She sped along a corridor and into another room that I took to be reserved for meetings; it certainly looked this way to me. It contained a large, highly polished oval table in a dark grained wood with seating for perhaps twenty of more located round it.


I found it rather strange that in this enclave of high technology, albeit most of it probably ancient, here before me was a massive symbol of twentieth century business, a board room assemblage.


Several people I had not seen before, perhaps six or seven were already seated and thumbing through their paperwork in front of them. The end wall had another of those ‘windows’ that had been in my hospital room, but this was much larger. The scene was the same, but clearly obtained from some sort of night vision arrangement, considering the darkness outside.


“Please be seated over there,” Caterin directed in the same firm tone she had previously employed, but now verbally, gesturing towards the far side of the table where all the seats were empty. None of these people already present got to their feet so I assumed that they must be senior to her and of course to me. We appeared to be in the presence of some very important people.


A feeling arose within me, one with which I was not unfamiliar, as though we had all been summoned to the headmaster’s study or into the presence of some managing director, to explain ourselves. I recalled both types of event and a mixture of emotions started again that I had to quell and remain calm.


Caterin sat at the end of the table and touching some controls, or other, caused the hidden room lighting to dim and the screen scene to change to a TV news channel.


“This is a recording of a news bulletin we started to receive as you were on your way back here,” she announced. “It is still being broadcast live so we are playing a continuous recording, possibly some ten to fifteen minutes delayed. Please watch and listen carefully.”


The presentation started as a news programme, clearly an American one, and running though its opening titles. A stony and ashen faced presenter, despite his theatrical make-up and with his unmoving pale and blank-faced, female partner sitting quietly besides him, started his announcements.


“Today is a turning point in the history of the world,” he stated calmly and most seriously in a low-pitched monotone.


“Shortly you will hear from the President of the United States.”


He continued but now adding some inflections into his words.


“As Commander in Chief of our military forces and the President of this wonderful country, he is about to make a series of formal declarations of the utmost importance. He will advise all American citizens and also those of the world at large, of the most significant events to have occurred this century or perhaps ever, in the history of humankind. The advice he is about to offer, affects and involves our great United States of America, its citizens and the people of all the other nations of this world.”


He paused momentarily then continued in his flat tone.


“It is your solemn duty, as a citizen of our great country, to pause in whatever you are doing right now, as will I very shortly and to pay close attention to the words of our President.”


He paused yet again, but for a somewhat longer period. I guessed from his slight twitch that he was receiving instructions through is earpiece.


“The President of the United States of America,” he most formally and deliberately announced.


With those final words the scene changed softly to the Oval Office where the camera view panned gently to and zoom into a close up of the President sat centrally behind his desk. Someone else was sat quietly alongside but the zoom-in had passed him by to focus on a full screen view of the President’s face. He stared directly into the camera and maintained an attention seeking silence for a few moments. He was not smiling nor did he appear particularly upset but was clearly, well he was to me, using his politician’s practised skills to be generally neutral and serious.


He opened his speech in a calm well practised, almost casual manner.


“Some of you may find what I am about to say, shocking or even frightening. Do not be shocked, do not be afraid, this is your President speaking and I advise you to stay calm, to stay focussed and listen to me very carefully.”


His face showed no sign of emotion and had spoken in a well practised and plain matter of fact way. He paused, stared directly into the camera lens, into everybody’s soul, into every house where he was being received, with the skill of the well practised orator that he was.


“All that I now announce to you, the citizens of this great country, and that I declare to the rest of the world, is for the betterment of us all, for everyone of all nations, not just the United States of America.”


“All other countries of the world have been told of this broadcast and all their TV and radio channels have been tuned in accordingly, even if they could not receive our broadcasts previously.”


“Their governments and security services are following my previously issued directions to ensure that every person in their respective country is watching this broadcast under pain of retribution.”


This shocked me and increased my sense of attention. He had issued instructions to every other country in the world that he insisted must be followed; what was I watching and listening to?


“We have the power and technology now to ensure that this is so,” he continued then immediately paused to good effect.


“I can assure you that even in those countries that are currently in the darkness of their night time, this is also the case. Directions were given an hour before I was due to make this broadcast, to wake as many people as possible, if not all, to turn on their TV sets to watch and to listen.”


“The entire people of this world are now watching and where English is not the spoken word I have instructed that sub-titles are to be employed so that there can be no doubt whatsoever of the content and the full meaning of the most important news that I am shortly about to announce.”


He paused again and in a cold unrelenting almost monotonous tone, continued.


“We have made it an offence for these, my directions, not to be complied with.”


He paused once again, but for a somewhat longer period of time than previously, to let the implications of what he had said resonate and be fully absorbed. Before the full implications of what this meant sank in and with a skill at timing his pauses, he continued


“From these few words, I am sure you will have reached the conclusion and moreover the understanding, that America is now declaring that we are the World Power that we have always considered ourselves to be and that we are in total control of, with full and equal responsibility for, all people of this world.”


“Have no doubts that this is a reality.”


Another long pause.


“As I speak, at this very moment, I can tell you that I am being advised that in certain areas of the world my instructions have not been followed. Severe punishment, including that of a terminal nature, is becoming the fate of those considered to be intransigents and are defying my instructions; this terminal option will be the outcome for many before this night is out. This is to be a salutary lesson that all those now listening to me should take note of and learn from, before it is enacted upon them also.”


Another pause.


I felt a coldness creep over me and the hairs on my neck start to twitch.


“All good citizens of America should have no reasons to be concerned for their welfare. The events I describe, the punishing of open intransigence, are taking place in some of, what are now, our far eastern provinces where their citizens and many of their leaders, have turned to their religion for, shall we say, guidance. It will not come. The only words of direction that they must follow are mine; period.”


“You will hear of these actions and the justice meted out to the transgressors in due course. We do not take our responsibilities lightly and insist, no indeed demand that our instructions are adhered to, for peace to exist.”


Another long pause followed; it was certainly having the desired effect in this gathering.


“The world has been in conflict almost constantly since the Second World War and we have all seen the effects of the current and most terrible scourge of terrorism.”


“It is not only present in the Middle East. It is from there, however, that we regularly receive news bulletins and disturbing reports especially from those places where our valiant and courageous troops seem to be forever stationed, of terrorist atrocities.”


“Even at this very moment, it is our expressed endeavour to maintain a sense of peace and normality among the nests of devious, misaligned and fanatical terrorists yet we still face a malignant opposition that we can longer tolerate.”


He paused for a deliberate slow breath.


His almost monotone presentation now developed clear intonations as though he had struggled in some way to release the information previously presented, and could now adopt a more natural style; or was this his acting skills being brought to bear yet again.


“I can tell you that such terrorism is also endemic even in our own population, even amongst our own people by some misguided and malevolent individuals. We saw it at work in the Oklahoma bombing and subsequently at the Nine-Eleven catastrophes. Our security forces, both visible and those you rarely hear of, have been working hard over the last twenty years and have prevented many more potential atrocities, (pause) permanently, (pause) and that even now you will probably never hear of again.”


“I salute our brave security services for their ceaseless efforts,” and he did.


Another long pause before his hand returned from the salute to his desk.


“We have reached a point where we must put an end to these terrible and confusing atrocities in bringing the entire world to one peaceful, harmonious whole.”


“A stage in the history of civilisation where criminals and terrorists no longer have the chance to breathe the same good air as ourselves has been reached.”


He was on a roll now and he had almost injected warmness, a sense of satisfaction into his words, that a great task had been achieved somehow.


“We are announcing that from this point forward, the United States of America and our colleagues, represented by this gentleman sat alongside me, (the camera zoomed out sufficiently to include this person in the picture) whom I will introduce shortly, will enforce the peace in the totality of this world and as strictly as may be required so that it is to every normal law-abiding person’s benefit. Criminals, terrorists and those opposed to my actions from this moment forward, will no longer be allowed to get away with their heinous acts, their disregard for human life, or my authority they regularly attempt or seek to counter, by a display of their vile actions.”


“It is my intention that we will eliminate, I repeat eliminate, all of the transgressors for the peace of all those, who like myself, wish to see a new peace, a new order, a new start to a civilisation that will be to the benefit of all law abiding people.”


“This is the new American Dream,” he most proudly announced.


Now he paused for a very long time staring into the camera lens with an unflinching expression. This firm intent stare, carefully staged with a very slight upturn of his mouth, worked its effect on me and I guessed all others here and elsewhere in the world. This man was a politician of the highest order who could manipulate his audience without speaking, not necessarily in an honest manner, but effectively none the less.


The camera came closer and his face filled the screen again to good dramatic effect.


“From this moment,” he continued now solemnly, “a New World Order is in existence and I am proud to say that the United States of America is at its head.”


“To give effect to this, it has been necessary for the normal democratic process to be suspended here and elsewhere, for a short time or even perhaps for a longer period of time depending upon events, and therefore (he paused again), both our Congress and the Senate are hereby suspended from their duties from this moment forward until further notice.”


“I have now taken the reins of governance into my hands directly.”


“All other governments of the world, in EVERY country, are similarly suspended from their normal duties immediately and until further notice.”


“Be advised that the United States of America, in the person of myself, the leader of this great country of ours, has now complete and effective control of all world-wide governmental processes, as from this very moment forward; period.”


He paused again for yet another dramatic effect; it worked.


“We, that is myself and with the assistance of my friends, are now the effective controllers of all people of this world, whatever they may consider at present to be their distinct nationality, creed or religion.”


He paused in self satisfaction and his face took on the expression of someone who has achieved all that he ever intended.


“We are the New World Order,” was announced by him with the utmost strength and an authority that dared to not be questioned.


He took a lengthy pause and repeated with an appropriately placed stress, “We ARE the New World Order.”


He continued straight on.


“A new world peace has been established by this action and I look forward to all people, of all nations of the world, to rejoice in what I have just achieved. Each year from now on, I shall set aside a period of time for the celebration of the new world wide peace I have established.”


He had returned to his almost happy, self satisfied tone but now he reverted once again to his serious tone; this man was playing with his audience and I would guess it was working.


“Any attempt by any person or body who previously considered themselves as forms of legitimate government or controlling organisations of any sort, deciding with their perceived but unrealistic wisdom, to counter the order I have just given will be met with the most severe of penalties and individuals WILL be held to account, have no doubt.”


“We shall set out to create a population on this earth in alignment with the ancient tenets of honesty, truth, allegiance and respect to those set above them and preordained by destiny to rule.”


“This means that it is our intention to remove all of the cancerous elements that besmirch or threaten the very existence of those who abide by the laws laid down; my laws.”


“These will be placed into effect immediately via a programme determining and selecting those considered suitable to be a part of the organisation of the new order and with the appropriate and swift disposal of all others who may show or even consider disagreement to what I am doing.”


“This programme of reduction will occur as a result of the ‘natural de-selection’ of the troublemakers, the terrorists and those who show us that they wish to think along different lines to ourselves. Be advised that this is now so.”


“We have only been able to come to this point in our history and that of the world, because of the collaborative effort of our security organisations and their equivalent partners in the alien organisations that have lived alongside of us for a considerable time.”


“Yes I did say ‘ALIEN’ presence,” the word was stressed most clearly and emphatically.


Now the pause was the longest so far.


Not a word was spoken. I felt another sense of shock of the sort that I had felt witnessing the destruction and death of the attack on the hotel we had left only a short while previously.


The camera slowly zoomed out sufficiently again to include the President and the person sat next to him.


“Let me introduce you to my friend and colleague, who has been sat quietly and patiently here, alongside of me.”


The camera zoomed in a little for a closer view of this person whose skin tone was very fair, who clearly had blue eyes, a little on the large side, and neat blond hair.


He almost looked human, but there was something about his facial proportions that did not quite seem right and his inwards sloping jaw seemed a little unnatural.


“This is Paul,” the President announced.


“Paul is an alien,” he stressed.


“Paul was not born on Earth;” another stressed statement.


“Paul is not human as we normally know it.”


“He’s a ‘Nordic’,” a voice across the table muttered. “They don’t work with the Americans. What the hell is going on?”


“He’s not a ‘Nordic’,” another authoritative voice contradicted. “His jaw line is all wrong; he’s a hybrid, a cross between a human and a grey. They’ve finally succeeded.”


“He has lived on the earth for many years now,” the President continued to what must by now be a transfixed viewing audience, “and is the head of an organisation of several other alien types who have also settled on this planet; settled in the enduring hospitality of this great American country of ours.”


“We have come to an agreement, one which has been worked on since the Second World War by successive Presidents and their teams, admittedly in secret, until the final details and capabilities had been finally sorted out. We are in a position now to avail ourselves of some of the alien technology not previously available, but made so because of this agreement between us.”


“This now enables the new great American Dream to be realised for all peoples, enforced if that is what it may take. A success story beyond expectations; World Peace under a New World Order, jointly headed by Paul and the Office of the President of the United States of America.”


He paused for a few moments and repeated his words slowly.


“A New World Order, jointly headed by Paul and the Office of the President of the United States of America.”


“The New World Order is effectively and fully in place and it is to be encouraged, enforced if need be, by the organisations both Paul and I are the controlling and executive heads off.”


He again put the name of this person, Paul, ahead of himself in such a series of draconian announcements. This and the statements did not feel real, yet this was taking place before our eyes.


“I must at this juncture and while the implications of what I have said are properly absorbed, tell you of a recent event which is most relevant. This was of the sort that we must be able to deal with quickly and most severely to stop it in its tracks; the spread of a political and a religious based terrorism that is corrosive in its nature and is blighting our fine world.”


The picture changed to a scene I knew too well, the coast of Jamaica and the pile of smoking rubble where the hotel once stood. My skin tingled with the anticipation of what may be about to be announced. The hair on the back of my neck was really lifting and an adrenalin surge was drying my mouth.


The president’s voice continued slowly and firmly in his authoritative tone.


“Only a few hours ago this was a beautiful holiday resort full of happy people enjoying their vacation. A group of terrorists, we have yet to identify fully, detonated a series of massive explosive devices to cause one of the worst atrocities we have ever been witness to.”


“Jamaica is an independent country, but as a result of the New World Order, our troops, including battalions of our alien friend’s own people, are now on the ground to establish who the culprits were. They will stay there for as long as is deemed necessary to bring the peace that we insist upon.”


“Between us, we have the technology to establish exactly what happened and who caused it, and be assured retribution against those organisations responsible will be swift, merciless and final.”


The events of 9/11 came to mind immediately, the overall scenario and explanation seemed to have distinct similarities. Had 9/11 or earlier atrocities on the American mainland been dry runs or had the US secret organisations been demonstrating their capabilities to some new partners.


I managed to utter, “Bollocks, you two faced animal,” before being told to be quiet.


I was upset to a degree I had never experienced before and wanted to say a lot more, but restrained myself somehow. I was shaking inside with a rage that wanted to explode when a hand was placed firmly upon my shoulder.


I looked up to find Caterin looking intently down at me, her steely eyes penetrating. She didn’t speak but I felt her thoughts gently entering into mine, with a tone offering a warm calmness, an unexpected feeling of sympathy and a friendliness that I had not received from her before. She was comforting me in a very personal way and it had the desired effect. I calmed down as much as I could manage.


The screen changed back to the close up view of the President.


“I want the people of the entire world to know that, although you may find what I have said not entirely acceptable at first, be assured that your lives will be changed to an extent you never thought possible by my decisions and those of my good friends of whom Paul, I repeat, is their representative leader here on Earth.”


“Accept what is now in place, do not fight against it, there is no point, for retribution may be swift for you also. Instead, take the offered olive branch and walk the path we lay out before you to enjoy those benefits that the new arrangements will ultimately bring. The Great American Dream is truly a reality and it will bring permanent benefits now and forever to all people of this world.”


He saluted once again. He placed his hand across his chest, as far as the desk would allow and Paul copied this action without any prompt.

In his most patriotic voice, he spoke firmly and loudly, “God Bless America, our New World Order and all people everywhere.”


The screen swapped back to the ‘normal’ newscaster, with an increased greyness from the last time he had appeared in providing the introduction.


We all sat silently for the next few minutes but a few tears slowly rolled down a few cheeks and sweaty palms were rubbed together.


“Events are overtaking our intentions,” a calm, cold voice stated plainly from out of the darkened room.


“It is time,” the voice continued, “to bring forward our plans.”


“It is clear now who is being referred to when they say they are to hunt down the perpetrators of the Jamaican ‘terrorist attack’; you Ian, and ourselves, your new found family.”