Chapter- 1

Year 6500 AD


The world has already changed completely as compared to the 21st century. Technology has become so advanced that it is almost possible to do anything people want with the help of technology. People no longer remember what was it like in 21st century and all the evidences of existing the world during that time has completely vanished because of so many natural disasters and wars. People consider the time before 4000AD were just ancient. They consider that there was no technology before that time and all human beings were just hunter-gatherer as there was very few evidence of any sort of human civilizations.

There has not been a single war in the last 1000 years and there are not any boundaries for anyone. People can go anywhere they want to go as no country exists. The entire world is 1 single country and the leaders of the world have been managing it wisely. There is no issue of global warming, or climate change as all the energy is renewable and the average people’s age has increased to 200 years. The world is so perfect because all human beings are born in government-operated labs with no genetic disorder or disease. These labs produce humans and their age is already 16 years when they put their step for the first time in this world. That means there are no children under the age of 16. Since the people are mass produced in labs, people have become atheist and follow no religion and people have no ability to reproduce. However, they are given all basic school knowledge and the information of the current world before they are produced to help navigate their lives in the world. Then they can pursue further study in college after they are produced as per their interest and live their life according to their wishes.

Machines and Artificial Intelligence have advanced so much that 80% of workload are taken care by the machines and only 20% are taken by human beings. Human beings are only kept in the place of where necessary mostly it is management and strategic thinking with the help of AI after considering the greatest AI crisis that happened 500 years ago where AI was at the top of decision-making which led to a complete disaster of many industries one-after-another. There are 500 million human beings in the world and no one is poor since the government takes care of their basic needs if they cannot take care of themselves. However, if people want to achieve or get more freedom than they are required to work. And above all, there are filthy rich people and they get to control the world.