Janine battled her fears. Her daughter’s insistence that she truly “loved” that girl scared Janine. Was it too late to save her? The scene she and Kent walked in on played on a loop in her mind and she couldn’t stop it. The vile girl on top of her daughter, violating her, corrupting her—soiling her soul.


No, she cried out silently against the enemy. You will not get her! In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to release her! She is a child of God, and you have no right to her!


Janine trembled and fought back a rush of sobs. She wrapped her arms around her daughter and pressed her lips to her damp hair. “God will save you, baby. I will beat at the doors of heaven until he brings you back to us. All this confusion…it will be taken away. I promise, sweetheart.” She kissed her head. “I promise.”


Rhea sat stiffly inside her embrace and stared blankly at her reflection. The enemy had erected a wall between them and only God could bring it down. In her current state, her daughter was incapable of seeing the sin—the evil—for what it was. The devil had blinded her eyes and twisted her affections. She really believed she was in love with a girl.


What had they done wrong that had allowed the enemy to slip in unaware? They were faithful churchgoers. They tried to live pleasingly before God. They helped others when they could. They had brought up their daughter in the love and admonition of the Lord. What had gone wrong?


It’s just a test. That’s all. A test of faith. God won’t leave our little girl out there in the dark, he won’t let the enemy take her from him. We just need faith. Lots of faith. God will bring us through. All of us.


Janine held onto that hope while willing Kent to hurry and come home. She felt the cold spirit of the enemy lurking around her daughter, his talons embedded in the flesh of her soul. Janine tried so hard to be brave and rebuke him, but it was Kent who was the true spiritual strength of the family. And she needed him here now to battle the devil for the soul of their little girl. She couldn’t do it alone.


“May I use the bathroom?” Rhea whispered dully.


Janine’s arms were still around her. She loosened her embrace. “Of course.” She stroked her hair then stepped back. Her daughter rose from the chair and walked to the adjoining bathroom. “Leave the door open.”


Rhea paused. “Why?”


“Because I asked you to.”


“I’m just going to the bathroom,” Rhea mumbled, “not attempting suicide.”


Cold chills rippled through Janine at such a mortifying thought. “I know that, honey. But please, leave the door open.”


Rhea sighed. “Yeah.”


“Thank you, sweetheart.” She took a step toward her daughter. “I know you’re upset with Daddy and me right now, but you’ll understand soon enough that what we’re doing is in your best interest. And I promise, honey, after it’s all finished and you’re back with God…you will thank us for not letting go of you.”


Rhea stared at her, the wall securely in place for the time being, and nodded absently before walking into the bathroom.






Her mother’s words troubled Rhea deeply. She would understand soon enough that what they were doing was in her best interest? Keeping her away from Rilee? It felt like there was more to it. And where had her father gone?


Rhea didn’t have to go to the bathroom but went through the motions anyway. She’d just wanted to get away from her mom and have some privacy for a few minutes, but she wasn’t even allowed that much.


The sink was out of view of the bedroom. After she washed her hands, she stared at her reflection. Her hazel eyes were bloodshot, and tears lingered. Why had her parents come home so soon? They weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow afternoon. That’s why Rilee had come over. Since meeting Rilee, Rhea had wanted so badly to make love to her here in Rhea’s own bed. They were going to spend the night together and wake up in each other’s arms. Why had they come home?


She blinked back fresh tears and lowered her eyes to the sink where she gripped the edge of the porcelain. Her crimson nails contrasted starkly with the white basin. She could still feel her nails embedded in Rilee’s firm backside as her lover’s ass flexed in her hands with each forceful thrust of her hips. Her body quivered, and her skin prickled and warmed, her inner feminine muscles flexing, aching for Rilee.


“I don’t care what they say or do,” she whispered. “They can’t keep us apart. I’ll run away with you if I have to.”


“Did you say something, sweetheart?” her mom inquired from the other room.


Rhea released a stiff breath. “No.”


A car pulled up outside and the car doors opened and closed. More than one.


“Are you finished, honey? Your father’s home.” There was relief in her mom’s voice, but Rhea didn’t share that relief. Tension invaded her as she wondered who her father had brought home with him.


Rhea emerged from the bathroom.


“Wait here, sweetheart.” Her mom walked to the bedroom door. “We’ll be back in a few minutes.”


Rhea stared after her. When the bedroom door closed, she shifted her attention to the bedroom window. Just run away now. Go find Rilee and never come back. She walked over to the window and looked out into the falling twilight. If there had been a way down to the ground… would she have escaped? A part of her was scared to defy her parents in such a monumental way. But she was also afraid to be here with people who thought that they knew God’s will and how to execute it. People like that could become dangerous.


Dangerous? Don’t you think that’s going overboard? Your parents?


Maybe she was overreacting, too. After a while, once they realized that “gay” couldn’t be healed, wouldn’t they just have to accept her for who she was? What else could they do, really? Disown her? She didn’t believe her parents would ever do that, regardless of how they felt about her sexual preferences.


Still, her gut knotted with dread when she heard them coming up the stairs. How many were there? It wasn’t just her mom and dad. Rhea faced the door as they approached from down the hall, her heart racing.