Janine Holloway blinked, frozen in place, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. She was dreaming—having a nightmare—she had to be. This couldn’t be for real. Not her little girl. Not her beautiful, perfect God-fearing daughter. This wasn’t happening. It wasn’t.


Kent stood rigidly beside her, equally shocked with disbelief. Fear and pain radiated from his handsome face as his throat worked, struggling to find words for this horrifying turn of events.


On the bed, the two girls huddled together. Connected by some vile contraction that penetrated them both. Janine squeezed her eyes shut and turned away, her hands covering her face, sick in body and spirit. Oh, God…I’m going to vomit. With her eyes closed, she could still see the disgusting scene. That girl doing abominable things to her pure Rhea. Who was she? Janine had never seen her before. Some temptress of the devil, that’s what she was. Evil and vile…confusing Rhea, drawing her astray onto the highway to hell.


“Get out…” Janine whispered thickly, her fear morphing into anger. She dropped her hands and turned around, eyes blazing with righteous indignation. She jabbed a finger at the sinful jezebel. “Get out. Get out!”


Kent breathed heavily, his face hardening by the moment. The tears in his eyes turned hot with rage. “Get out of our house!”


“Daddy, no…” Rhea cried, clinging to the other girl. “I-I love her! Please understand. Don’t do this!”


“Get your hands off her!” Kent shouted at his daughter. “Don’t touch her!”


The other girl scrambled off the bed and hurriedly released the abominable contraption. Janine’s stomach lurched when the thing slipped out of the girl, slick and shiny with her juices—the other end glossy with Rhea’s body fluids. It hit the floor, smearing the carpet.


“Get her out of here…” Janine sobbed to her husband and turned away again, covering her eyes. “Get her out, Kent! Get her out!”


Kent stepped toward the bed and Rhea cried out to her father a second time, begging him not to do this. “Shut up!” he yelled at his daughter and turned on the Jezebel. “Go!”


The girl frantically grabbed her clothes and ran from the room naked, brushing against Janine as she hurried past. Janine shuddered as a cold shiver rushed through her. Rhea cowered on the bed crying.


Oh, God, help us! Please help us! Please save our daughter!






Rhea clenched her teeth, choking on sobs, while her mother scrubbed her body furiously beneath the scalding spray. Tears flowed down her mom’s face, a storm of emotions roiling in her eyes. She didn’t speak to Rhea—just scrubbed and repeatedly whispered, “Lord, deliver her. Cleanse her. Save her.”


By the time her mother finally let her out of the bath, her skin was raw, her body burning all over. It hurt when her mom wrapped the white cotton robe around her nude body.


“Don’t worry, honey,” her mother murmured almost erratically as she began brushing out her daughter’s damp hair before the vanity mirror in the bedroom. “What happened here…it wasn’t your fault. God sees that. He understands the wiles of the devil. We’ll fix it, bring you back to your right mind.” She kissed her head. “I promise. Everything will be okay. Your father will be home soon, and we will make things right again.”


Rhea didn’t reply. She stared at herself in the vanity mirror. Her face and neck practically glowed red from her mother’s vicious scrub-down, her thick dark eye makeup smeared. Tears swam in her hazel eyes as she watched her mom’s reflection comb her hair, distress on the older woman’s face as she fingered the freshly cut streaked strands.


“What did you do to your beautiful hair?” she whispered with a tremble, then quickly cleared her throat and blinked back her tears. “It will grow back, don’t worry. And we’ll get rid of these awful red streaks. You’ll look like a proper young lady again soon. I promise.”