Varek drags the stranger into a prison cage for questioning. He's vulnerable and in his

human form, passed out and defenseless. Despite the fact that he attacked me and my

best friend, I can't help but sympathize with him. I know I should be cautious in his

presence, but something in me wants to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, we

don't know what his intentions are just yet.

I can't help but feel conflicted as I walk towards my house to get some clothes for him. I

hope my father doesn't mind if I take his clothes without his permission. But it's wrong

to keep him in that cage without any clothes. And, after all, who knows how long he'll be

I rush back to the prison, quickly gathering a shirt and a pair of jeans from my father's

closet. I don't mind that it's raining all around me. When it rains, I love the smell of fresh

earth. It reminds me of home, and that brings me comfort.

Something grabs my arm as I approach the cage. I turn around to see Varek, his hair

dripping wet, and his face etched with concern. "What do you think you're going to do

with those in your hands, Amara?" he asks quietly.

I explain, but his concern quickly turns to rage. "Do you really care about that criminal?"

he asks. "He's an enemy, Mara. He is from Frostaria. Can’t you tell? You must be

extremely cautious around him."

I know he's right, but his words make me feel hurt. I speak softly, attempting to convince

him. "I just assumed he needed something to put on. It's not humane to leave him naked

in that cage."

Varek sighs and shakes his head. "Don't let on that you're bringing him that. Is that your

father's clothing? Are you completely insane? We'll either give him something from his

backpack or find something else for him to wear. Please leave this to us and do not


His rudeness astounds me, and tears well up in my eyes. Was I acting childishly? I'm at a

loss for words, so I turn around and run back home.

I can't help but feel like I've done something wrong as I run. I just wanted to show

compassion, but it appears that I made the wrong decision. Perhaps Varek is correct, and

I should be more cautious around strangers. But I can't help but think there's more to this

than meets the eye. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens next.

Varek's words and his rudeness weighed heavily on my mind as I rushed back home. I

knew he was only trying to protect me, but I couldn't help but think he was being overly

cautious. After all, I am an adult capable of making my own choices.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted when Solara, my sister, entered my room. She

sensed that something was bothering me and tried to reassure me that everything would

be fine. "Don't be concerned, Mara. They know what is best for that outsider. Remember

how he tried to hurt you? He's not supposed to be here, is he? "She stated.

But I couldn't help but think there was more to this story than they were telling me. I had

also assaulted him, so I was just as guilty as he was. Despite this, they treated him like a

criminal, locking him up and torturing him without even knowing what he was up to.

Later that night, as the moon cast its silvery glow upon my room, I decided to offer a

prayer for the stranger in the cage. Kneeling by my window, I closed my eyes and

whispered a plea to the celestial feline goddess, Aurastri:

"O Aurastri, radiant goddess of the stars and moon, hear my plea as I turn to you on behalf

of the stranger confined in our village. Grant him your guidance and protection and help

us understand his true intentions. May your celestial light reveal the truth and guide our

hearts to make the right decisions. O great Aurastri, bestow your wisdom and compassion

upon us all, and let us find unity and understanding in your divine embrace. Amen."

With my prayer complete, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. I knew that, regardless of

the circumstances, the goddess would guide us in our actions and help us make the right


Overwhelmed by a sudden urge after my prayer, I bolted from my house without a second

thought. The stranger's well-being weighed heavily on my heart, and I couldn't bear the

idea of him suffering any longer. I needed to know if he was still alive, or if our people

had already taken his life.

As I dashed through the rain, cold droplets pelted my skin, but my determination

remained unwavering. I couldn't help but ponder Varek's behavior and the fierce

protection he showed towards me. Did his concern for me stem merely from our

friendship, or was there a deeper meaning hidden within his actions? I had always seen

him as a loyal friend, but I couldn't ignore the possibility that there might be more to him

that I hadn't recognized before.

But the stranger in the cage quickly took over my thoughts. I had no idea what his name

was or what his intentions were, but I couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't deserve to

be treated this way.

Varek and his father were standing outside the prison, deep in conversation, as I

approached. I tried to remain hidden, not wanting to draw their attention to my presence.

But as I peered through the cage bars, I noticed him lying there, unconscious, and

vulnerable. That's when I realized I needed to act.

I snuck back to the cage after quickly gathering supplies from the nearby storage shed. I

couldn't stand by and watch him suffer any longer.

I couldn't help but wonder who he was and what his intentions were as I tended to his

wounds and gave him some much-needed water. But for the time being, all I could do was

try to make him feel at ease and hope for the best. I couldn't help but feel conflicted as I

sat beside him, watching him sleep. I knew I was endangering myself by assisting him,

but my conscience wouldn't let me abandon him.

I just hoped I could keep him safe and that my actions would have no unintended

consequences. I looked down at the stranger, who lay on the cold prison floor with his

face twisted in pain. I was uneasy at the sight of him, but his words tugged at my

heartstrings. "How come you're assisting me?" His voice was weak, but his eyes shone

with hope. Even though I knew it was risky to get involved with him, I couldn't help but

be drawn to him.

His green eyes were unlike anything I'd ever seen. They glowed in the dim prison light,

captivating me. I couldn't believe I was conversing with an outsider. "What exactly are

you doing here? What is your name?" I inquired, trying not to raise my voice. But he

remained silent. Perhaps he couldn't, or perhaps he was too afraid. Does he even speak

this language? I could see the bruises on his face from the brutal interrogation that had


Despite my fears, I couldn't abandon him here. I had no choice but to assist him. I couldn't

bear the thought of Varek and the others murdering him. "I'm doing it because it's the

right thing to do," I explained, barely audible above a whisper. "I'm not going to let them

kill you. I can't bear that weight."

The stranger's expression was a mix of gratitude and disbelief. I couldn't fault him. After

all, I was putting everything on the line by assisting him. But I couldn't sit by and watch

him suffer. I had to find a way to get him out of here without anyone noticing.

My mind raced with ideas as I looked around the prison. There had to be a way to get him

out without being noticed. But the prison was heavily guarded, and I didn't want to get

caught. I realized I needed to act quickly before it was too late.

I inhaled deeply and lowered my gaze to the stranger. "Pay close attention," I said quietly.

"I'll get you out of here, but you have to believe me. Are you capable of doing so?" I could

see the fear in his eyes as he nodded weakly. But I knew I had to stand firm for both of us.

I quickly gathered supplies from the storage room, including a first-aid kit and some

clothing. I knew I couldn't abandon him in his current condition. I couldn't help but feel

a sense of urgency as I tended to his wounds. I needed to get him out of here before anyone


I helped him in putting on his clothes and made my way towards the exit. My heart was

racing in my chest, but I knew I had to keep my cool. The guards were keeping a close eye

on me, but I had a plan. I slipped the key to his cell into my pocket and confidently walked

past them.

"Where do you think you're going?" one of the guards inquired. My heartbeat faster, but

I kept walking. "I'm just taking this prisoner to another cell," I stated calmly. "Varek

requested it."

The guard gave me a suspicious look but said nothing else. I exhaled a sigh of relief and

continued walking, the stranger close behind. We made it out of the prison and onto the


I couldn't help but feel ecstatic as we dashed towards the woods. I'd done it. I had rescued

him. However, the journey was far from over. We had to keep moving, running, until we

reached safety.

I couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt wash over me as I led the stranger through the dark

forest. Was I really betraying my own pack by assisting him in fleeing? Will they ever

understand what I'm doing? These thoughts persisted in my mind, but I ignored them. I

had to concentrate on the present situation and decide what to do with him next.

I kept looking back at him as we walked. He appeared to be lost in thought, his eyes still

a bright green. I couldn't help but notice how different he was from everyone else I'd ever

seen. In our world, his pale, muscular skin and otherworldly features made him stick out

like a sore thumb.

Despite my reservations and fears, I couldn't deny the attraction I felt for him. Perhaps it

was his vulnerability, or perhaps it was my own curiosity. But there was something about

him that made me want to protect him.

I couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling of doubt as we continued walking. What if he was

a genuine threat? How could I put my faith in him? Will I come to regret my actions?

These thoughts whirled around in my head, making me feel increasingly anxious.

But then I remembered how he had looked at me in the cell. His vulnerability, his soft

voice pleading for assistance. I knew then that I couldn't just leave him there to die. Even

if it meant defying everything I'd ever known.

I turned to him and took a deep breath as we finally arrived at a safe hiding place. "Okay,

we're safe for the time being. But what happens next?" I asked him, not knowing what he

would say.

His green eyes softened as he looked up at me. "Thank you," he said quietly. "I don't know

what I would have done if it hadn't been for you."

I knew I'd made the right decision when I looked at him. Despite the risks and

uncertainties, I had followed my instincts and assisted him. And maybe, just maybe,

everything would work out in the end.