I can't believe all of this is happening to my pack. We've been decimated by the disease,

and we're losing members by the day. Our once proud and powerful pack has shrunk to a

shadow of its former self. We're desperate for a cure, which is why I'm here in this dense

and forgiving rainforest, looking for a rare plant that could be the key to our salvation.

But I have my reservations. The shaman who told me about this plant was not known for

his sanity. He's always been an outcast, muttering to himself and speaking in tongues no

one can understand. But when he talks about this plant, he has a glimmer of hope in his

eyes, and that's what drew me here.

I can't help but feel uneasy as I push my way through the dense foliage. This place is alive

with activity, but it's not the kind of activity I'm used to. There are strange sounds and

smells all around me, and I must remain vigilant for any danger lurking in the shadows.

It’s definitely too hot compared to my country Sylvaris, back in Frostaria.

I'm the beta’s son, and I understand the responsibilities that come with that. But why had

it to be me? Why did I have to be the one who was sent out here by myself? It's as if I've

been sentenced to death. I know I'm strong, but that doesn't make me invincible. And

who knows what I might come across in this wild and unpredictable place?

But I have work to do. I'm going to do whatever it takes to find that plant. My pack is

counting on me, and I will not disappoint them. So, I keep going, deeper into the jungle,

my senses on high alert.

The canopy above me is dense, casting a dim green light on the forest floor. The air is

thick and humid, making breathing difficult. But I keep walking, scanning the trees and

underbrush for signs of the plant I'm looking for.

The sounds around me become louder and more ominous as I move deeper into the

forest. There are creatures here that I've never seen before, and some of them appear to

be capable of taking me down with a single blow.

But I can't let fear take over. I've been trained for this, and I know what to do in a fight.

So, I keep moving, scanning the ground for any sign of the plant I'm looking for.

I finally find it after what seems like hours of searching. The leaves are a vibrant green

that glistens in the dim light. My heart is racing with excitement and relief as I approach

it slowly.

But as I reach for a leaf from the plant, I hear rustling in the underbrush behind me. I

twist, my muscles tensed, ready for whatever comes next.

I couldn't help but admire the shifter's beauty as I stood there, face to face with her. Her

fur was a mesmerizing silver and black, and she clearly had the markings of a true fighter.

Despite her allure, I knew better than to let down my guard. The jungle was dangerous,

and I couldn't afford to take any chances.

I braced myself for a fight, but the moment our gazes met, I saw fear in her eyes. She knew


she was outmatched, but she stood firm. I had a flash of admiration for her bravery, but

I knew I had to stay focused on my mission. I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me.

As we fought, I could see she was skilled, but ultimately no match for me. Knowing that I

had a long journey ahead of me, I tried not to expend too much energy. Whatever the cost,

I had to find that rare glowing plant.

I was about to flee when I heard a male’s voice calling out in the distance. "Mara…

Amara?" Is that… her name? I was filled with remorse for assaulting her, but I couldn't

afford to stay and face the consequences. I needed to get out of there before her pack

discovered me.

I couldn't help but think about Amara as I made my way deeper into the jungle.

Something about her is quite frightening as well as interesting. Despite our brief

encounter, I felt I had caught a glimpse of her true personality. She was courageous,

tenacious, and fiercely loyal to her pack.

I became tired and hungry as the day progressed. I knew I needed to rest, but I couldn't

afford to let down my guard. The jungle was teeming with predators, and I couldn't risk

becoming prey.

After what seemed like hours of wandering, I came across a small clearing. It was peaceful

and quiet, with a small stream running through it. I took a moment to relax and enjoy the

beauty of my surroundings.

I couldn't help but think about Amara as I sat there. I wondered if she was still thinking

about our encounter or if she had already forgotten about it. I couldn't shake the feeling

that she was going to play a bigger role in my journey than I had anticipated.

But for the time being, I had to concentrate on finding that rare, blue glowing plant. It’s

apparently called Iceshade Berry. However, I am not so sure if that is called differently

here in Verdania. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was willing to go to any length to save

my pack.

As I sit at the base of a large rock, sweating profusely in the heat of the jungle, I take a

deep breath and try to relax. My father assigned me to find the plant, but I had no idea it

would be this difficult. I can feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on my

shoulders. This plant has the potential to save the lives of many people in my pack. It has

the potential to cure a disease that has plagued us for generations, causing our people to

suffer in agony. I'm aware that discovering it has the potential to change everything.

I'm trying to gather my thoughts when I hear rustling in the nearby foliage. My instincts

kick in immediately, and I stand up, ready to face whatever danger lurks. My heart starts

racing when I notice a blue glow in the distance. Is this the plant I've been looking for?

Possibly no… The brightness is blinding. I approach it with caution, trying to remain

hidden from any potential threats.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps approaching. I know I should leave before I'm discovered, but

my curiosity wins. I can't stop myself from looking around to see who or what is

approaching. My heart begins to pound in my chest as the footsteps become louder.

Adrenaline is coursing through my veins.

I tense up as I see a figure approaching in the darkness. Is it a friend or an enemy? I don't

have long to react before being ambushed. I try to defend myself by scratching my

attacker's face with my sharp claws. As he tries to overpower me, I can see the rage in his

eyes. But I'm not a coward, and I'm not going down without a fight.

As we struggle, I hear more footsteps approaching. As I realize I'm surrounded, my heart

sinks. I can hear multiple predators hissing, and I know I'm in big trouble. The weight of

my father's expectations is pressing down on me. I can't fail him.

The strangers who were holding me down were felines, but they didn't look like the ones

in our pack. They had sleek black fur that shone in the dim light, and their eyes were a

piercing blue that seemed to glow. Their claws were longer and sharper than any claws

I'd ever seen, and their teeth were jagged and sharp. They were larger than average

felines, with muscular frames that rippled beneath their fur. Their ears twitched and

hissed as they growled and hissed, their breath hot against my face. I could feel their

strength as they tightened their grip on me, and I knew I was in big trouble.

As I struggle to free myself from the grasp of the strangers who are holding me down, I

can feel my rage boiling inside of me. I can't believe I allowed myself to get into this mess.

My father was correct; I should never have come here by myself. But I can't tell my

younger brother Casimir that he's stronger than me. That spoiled brat has always had

everything handed to him on a silver platter, and I've had to work twice as hard to prove

myself to my father. I can hear his voice in my head telling me that if I want to be the next

alpha, I need to be the strongest, the best. But how can I claim to be the best if I can't even

defend myself against a group of strangers?

My rage grows and I lash out with all my might, scratching one of the strangers' faces with

my sharp claws. I get a rush from drawing blood, but it's fleeting as more footsteps

approach. I know I must leave before it's too late. My mind races as I try to devise a

strategy. Casimir's laughter can be heard in my head, taunting me with his superiority.

But I'm not going to let him win. I will show my father that I am the strongest, that I am

deserving of the position of alpha. And if that means killing anyone in my path, so be it.

Metal restraints were placed on my wrists as soon as I was discovered. I struggled against

them, but they were too strong for me to overcome. I felt a strange energy coursing

through them, unlike anything I'd ever felt before. It was almost as if I had been struck

by lightning. But how could that be? To control the elements in my world, we used sorcery

and magic. We don’t have this kind of sorcery back at Sylvaris. And yet, here I was, being

subdued by a force I didn't understand. But how I

s that possible? I'd been told that the people of this world didn't believe in magic.

To say the least, it was a humbling experience. I had always been proud of my skills and

abilities, but I was powerless in this strange world. I felt a surge of fear and panic as the

restraints tightened. Was this how my life was going to end? Captured, helpless and alone,

like an animal? I fought the restraints with all my might, but it was futile. I couldn't stand

the strange energy that flowed through them. As I passed out, all I could think about was

how different this world was from mine, and how much more I had to learn.

My mind was racing as I was dragged away, my vision blurring as I struggled to stay

awake. I couldn't figure out what was going on with me. What kind of magic was this?

And why were they torturing me?

I tried to resist, but the energy coursing through my restraints was too powerful. It felt

like it was burning me, like it was piercing my soul. I tried to scream, but the metal mask

that had been placed over my mouth muffled my voice.

I could feel my strength dwindling as I was dragged further and further away from my

own world. My thoughts were jumbled and confused, and my mind was foggy. I'd never

felt so helpless, so exposed.

They finally brought me to a halt, and I collapsed to the ground. I could hear voices

speaking in a language I didn't understand, but I couldn't understand them. My head was

pounding, and my entire body ached.

I couldn't help but wonder what would become of me as I lay there, barely conscious. Will

they let me live or will they kill me for daring to enter their world? I had no idea, and the

uncertainty was almost unbearable.

But one thing remained constant: I would never give up. I would fight back no matter

how hard they tried to break me. After all, I was the beta's son, and I would not be defeated

so easily.