the story was was doing very well it was the beginning of the story now the story was very long the land was very pretty the bad fairy was doing a very bad trick in the forest the branches were the most beautiful plant in the world the story was beautiful the world was very beautiful the world was very lovely the story was true the world was very lovely the wind was very loud the world was beautiful Beth was the first character in the first book on the list the world was very lovely the world was very magical the world was very still the world was very beautiful the years were coming now but then Jessica and Beth were very angry with the bad fairy the world was very sweet the branches were very beautiful the book was very big the world was there the story will be told at the end of the first part of the story the story was true the world was very calm the world was very lovely the world was very splendid the light was very bright the fairies were very beautiful the world was beautiful the world was very lovely the novel was very beautiful the world was nice the world was very sweet the flowers were very sweet the world was very sweet the world was very nice the world was very enchanted the wind was very wild the world was very nice the fairies were very beautiful the world was very enchanting the world was very lovely and beautiful the fairy king and queen were very worried they came out to see what was happening the tree was in trouble the world was very lovely the beauty was amazing the fairies were there the wind was very loud the world was very cold the world was very special the world was enchanting the world was very nice the world was very calm the bad fairy was still the story was like a little fairy tale the world was beautiful the world was very nice it was also very precious the world was very sweet the world was very nice the world was very sweet the world was very dangerous the world was very nice the world was very still the world was full magic the world was very special the world was beautiful the world was very calm the world was very sweet the world was very sweet the world was very calm the bad fairy was very bad the tree was in danger the story was very good the world was very magical the world was very beautiful the book was very beautiful the world was very beautiful the world was very nice the world was very sweet the world was very beautiful Jessica and Beth were there they were very angry with the bad fairy the branches were very beautiful the world was very calm the world was very special the world was very brilliant the world was very nice the magic was very powerful the branches were very beautiful the world was very dazzling the world was very big it was also very wide the world was very lovely the beauty was very sweet the story was right the world was very big the castle was very huge but then the bad fairy was very naughty the world was very nice but then it was also very dangerous the world was very calm the word was very good the world was very cold the snow was very bad the word was very useful the world was very sweet the world was very chilly the grass was very icy the grass was covered with some snow the world was very cold with the chill in the forest the world was very special the chill was very freezing the story was true it was a little fairytale for the future the world was very cold the bad fairy was still there the world was very chilly and cold the world was very big and wide the world was very nice the world was very enchanted the world was very lovely the beauty was amazing the world was very calm the world was very special the tale was very calm Jessica and Beth had found a little shelter in the forest the world was very lovely the world was very calm it was also still the bad fairy was very selfish and cruel the bad fairy was called Narissa the world was very lovely the world was very nice the world was very big the world was very huge the snowflakes were floating down from the sky the world was very enchanting the world was very sweet the world was very calm the fairies were there to protect Jessica and Beth in the forest they were very good little fairies the world was in deep danger the world was very lovely the wind was very wild
end of chapter three the branches
end of chapter three the branches
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