the magic was very beautiful it was also very powerful the world was very bad Jessica and Beth had found the bad fairy in the forest she was very bad fairy now she was using branches very badly she was very naughty the world was very haunted now the world was very pretty the world was very magical Jessica and Beth saw the magic in the forest the magic was very strong now the magic goes everywhere now the story was very good the story was very long the wind was very wild Jessica and Beth were very tired the story was very interesting the world was very enchanted too the world was very peaceful the word was spoken now the world was very calm the branches were very lovely the fairy children were there the world was very nice the bad fairy was beautiful the novel was very long the world was very quiet the world was very cold the snow was very deep the world was very still the fairy king and queen were very worried the story was very lovely the world was beautiful the bad fairy was very naughty the world was very sweet the story was very nice the world was very quiet the fairies were there the wind was very wild the world was very special the world was very nice the bad fairy was doing some bad things in the forest there was a chilly start int the forest the snow was very deep Jessica and Beth were very upset the world was beautiful the snow was very deep the fairies were there the world was very nice the world was very sweet the world was very big the castle was very colourful
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