Maya is at one with nature and meditation today skipping rocks across the lake. All of a sudden, with the last splash of the smooth stone, a cold crystalized archway emerged. She vanished just as the year ended. Like a vapor she transported into an entire snow filled world. This magical palace is adorned with frozen icicles in clusters lining the pathways. It is mysterious. Light reflects off of the iced waters and ground. She walked along and her footsteps crunched softly as she entered the kingdom of Baria for the very first time. The snow beneath her feet sounded like tiny chimes, as if she were walking on frozen music.

That's when she saw it - a tree unlike anything she'd ever encountered. At first glance, it appeared to be made entirely of ice, but there was something more to it. The trunk was transparent yet somehow alive, with currents of deep blue light flowing through it like sap. The branches reached impossibly high, disappearing into the aurora-painted sky, each one containing what looked like moving images - scenes she couldn't quite make out from where she stood.

Maya approached cautiously. The closer she got, the more the tree seemed to respond to her presence. The blue light within it brightened and dimmed in a rhythm that reminded her of breathing. The snow around its base was untouched, forming perfect crystalline patterns that spiraled outward in an exquisite parachute design.

"Hello?" she called out, feeling somewhat foolish for talking to a tree, even one as extraordinary as this.

The response wasn't immediate. First, she noticed the branches shifting without any wind. Then the trunk began to pulse with stronger light, and finally, a voice emerged - not from any specific point, but seemingly from the ice itself, resonating directly in her mind.

"A new winter-walker," the voice said, ancient and deep, yet somehow warm despite its frozen form. "It has been... some time since one of your kind found their way to me so quickly."

Maya stumbled backward, startled by the response. Her foot caught on a root of pure ice, but before she could fall, a branch swooped down and steadied her - not by touching her, but by creating a perfect cradle of soft frost in the air behind her.

"I... I'm sorry," she stammered, regaining her balance. "I didn't know you could speak. Are you... what are you?"

The tree's light flickered in what felt like amusement. "I am many things. A memory keeper. A bridge between times. A recorder of winters past and winters yet to come. Some call me the Frost Heart, others the Winter's Memory. I have watched this realm since the first snowflake formed the void.” “ I see you seek not just wonder, but understanding."

A journey is what she needed. “Follow the pathway up the mountain.” “There lies a hidden castle called Baria, your answer is waiting.”

And just as I came across her as if in slow motion the light disappears and the voice is gone.

Maya looks just beyond the part of the path she can see. A beautiful wooden bridge up ahead.

She starts along the bridge with hopeful anticipation.

She has always known that there was a secret about her since she was young. Her parents new vaguely of it because of past conversations and hints that were talked about. “ There is a special day coming for you when the time is right where you are going to find yourself.” And “ You were created special” would be things that they would say. Once on her 12th birthday they gave Maya an oval shaped locket. Inside was a glass encased winter wonderland with the image of a few trees and a barn like as a snow globe. The gift was beautiful and she thanked her parents. She has never experienced anything in her life that she would consider to be of significance. Nothing could describe the encounter she just had.

Her nervous energy radiated down her fingertips and toes. Her soul longed for knowledge.

Just beyond the bridge she is lead beyond a hill which she crosses quickly.

At the bottom of the hill she could see enormous gates that lead into the Kingdom of Baria. She has never felt a presence of peace before like this. The castle almost seemed with light. As she approaches the gates pull back allowing her to enter. The door to the entrance is open and Maya walks in. In the foyer of the fortress was elegant and simple with all off white curtains, walls and flooring. One single extravagant chandelier hung from the ceiling above her. In the middle of the room was a gleaming pearl white stairway that lead to one floor balcony.

“ What is this?” she whispered to herself. It was breathtakingly beautiful. She felt that she was not worthy enough to climb such a staircase. With all thoughts and feelings aside she gathers the courage to make her way up. When she reaches the end of the stairs she is met abruptly with her reflection. A huge full bodied mirror is in front of her. The mirror is bordered with real gold and silver in an antique looking manner. Maya can’t help but to run her fingers across its perimeter. Suddenly, the glass of the mirror begins to glow. The shine is so bright she has to shield her eyes from its rays. She begins to notice the beams of light surrounding her hand even though she is no longer touching the mirror. Then she is completed encompassed in a bright ring around her. Like a flash it was gone. She has no breath to speak. Works fill her mind but her mouth draws a blank. She spins around to run down the staircase. As soon as she places her hand on the rail it immediately turns to ice. How is this possible? Where did the ice come from. Did it come from within her? She lays her hand on the rail again this time for a second longer. When she does the entire rest of the railing freezes solid. The hand that just created this points upward toward the chandelier and zaps a portion of it into icicles. Her reality has just changed forever. It begins to click in her mind. A special power has been released inside of her. This ability opened a door for her she saw herself for who she really was. Which is not only powerful but so much more cable than she thought. Maya has been graced with strength and potential. Life will never be the same.