Chapter 34


Normally this was her world, her comfort zone. Art, the people that appreciated it and the pampering that went with it. Tonight, it wasn’t. The dinner had been delightful, Devin flirted with her through the whole thing. The food was perfect, a wonderful change from the diet of snacks in the past week.

Rayne just couldn’t get into the people tonight, she didn’t want to be near them. She didn’t know what was wrong, but did know she wasn’t going to let Devin down. Devin didn’t have to let her stay on his property or come look for her during the storm. Aside from their initial meeting, he had been very kind towards her—and with everything she was going through she needed him. Right now, he needed her, at least that’s how she was looking at it. Glancing over to where he was, Rayne could tell by the look on his face this was the last place he wanted to be.

She had tried not to get into any serious conversations with any of the guests, and other than one man that wouldn’t stay away, she was succeeding. He seemed to turn up everywhere she wandered to. As Rayne turned to move to the next painting the very same man was working his way towards her, again. Would anyone notice if she went and hid in the bathroom?

“I could stand here and pretend to be your body guard if that would help.”

Turning, she came face to chest with a very large man. Looking up slowly Rayne found herself looking into deep blue eyes. She offered a polite smile. “Is it that obvious?”

He grinned wide and she realized he was the third beautiful man she’d encountered recently.

“That the creepy guy in the tacky suit is stalking you? Yes, it is.” He extended a large hand. “I’m Gage, a friend of Devin’s.”

That explained the beautiful part. If this man was a wolf, she’d eat her left shoe and possibly her right. Rayne didn’t know why but when she looked at him she sensed some sort of feline. If that wasn’t weird enough, she felt safe near him, like she had with Calum. “I take it you’re the back up because Calum decided to stay at the camp.”

“Yes ‘mam. That would be me.” He took her elbow lightly and steered them away from the man that was determined to be her shadow. “I believe you need to go powder your nose.”

Her heart beat sped up. “Is there something wrong?”

Gage shrugged in an easy manner. “That’s what I need to find out and it would be easier for me to do if you weren’t visible for a few minutes.”

She looked around for Devin, suddenly wanting to know where he was.

“I’ll find Dev, you just make yourself scarce for five minutes.”

Nodding up at him, Rayne turned and head towards the restrooms. That panicky feeling was back, the one that had helped her drive without a plan.


When Gage sauntered towards Devin, it made him wonder, once again, why his clan was chosen to lead. If Calum was considered large, then Gage was a giant. His easy gait showed the cat he was, moving carefully but looking like he didn’t have a concern in the world. His adrenalin leapt as soon as Devin noticed the look in his eyes. It did not match his slow stride. Excusing himself from the couple that was more or less talking with him between them, he headed in his direction.

“Gage, what is it?”

Gage grinned. “Great to see you too.” He looked around and then walked over to the side of the small group of people.

Devin followed without question.

When Gage stopped, his eyes looked around the room, checking every person there. “I just escorted your lady to the restrooms.”

“What? Is she all right? What happened?”

He looked at him briefly before his eyes continued to around the room. “She has a shadow, and I’m not sure about him, my senses say it’s not good.”

“Shit.” Devin turned and watched the door to the bathroom. “Does Rayne know?”

“She knew he wouldn’t go away. I stepped in before he could corner her again.” For a moment his serious eyes bore into Devin’s. “What possessed you to bring her when she was this close?”

Devin exhaled slowly. He should have known Gage, or any other clan member, would know. Calum had told him as much. “I wasn’t letting her leave my sight.”

He leaned down closer and spoke barely above a whisper. “Calum told me everything— everything and I think you need to get your mate the hell out of here and take her back to your wilderness until she is through this and you come to your senses.”

He wasn’t about to look away from that door to glare at him. “Right and how is Kelsey? Does she know yet?”

Gage growled softly. “She will soon enough, she’s coming home for good next month.”

Devin flicked a surprised look at him. “And you’re going to tell her this time?”

He nodded. “I can’t wait any longer, I’m about half out of my mind...”


He snarled at me.

“I will handle this my way, Gage. And if and when the time comes that there is to be a succession ceremony—you will be informed.”

“If there isn’t, I’m going to kick your ass.” He straightened and jerked his head towards the far corner. “I’m done playing cat and mouse—go get your woman while I go check out this guy. If he’s one of Tomas’s, I’ll know—I’d know that scent anywhere. If I’m right you get the hell out of here.”

Devin paused long enough to say one thing. “Thanks.”

“Just doing my job, Dev, good luck with Rayne I hope it works out.”

Devin didn’t reply, just kept moving towards the door Rayne still hadn’t come out of. When he was only a few feet away it opened and she came out. He could see the panic in her eyes and smell it on her skin. Without asking, she came to his side and leaned into him as he wrapped my arm around her.

“Your friend Gage told me to stay out of sight.”

“I know.” Moving slowly towards the nearest exit, he looked around for Gage. Spotting him, he watched him with the man he was talking to. Gage was normally a jovial sort, smiled a lot. He wasn’t smiling now and neither was the greasy looking guy he was talking to. Devin needed to know if he was one of Tomas’s but there was no way he was taking Rayne anywhere near him.

Pulling his phone out of my pocket he hit Gage’s number. His large friend didn’t take his eyes off his target as he answered the call. “Is he?”

“Hey, Charlie. Your car is doing what? It could be—the smell gives it away.”

“Fuck. We’re out of here.”

“Okay, Charlie, I’m sure you’ll make it home, but I’ll call your father and let him know.”

“Got it.” He made eye contact with him across the room, just long enough to see the lethal look in his eyes that his easy tone didn’t give away.

“And, Charlie, don’t stop along the way—just in case.”

“Thanks, Gage.” He tucked Rayne under his arm and hurried towards the door.

“Is he one of Aiden’s?”

He could feel her start shaking. “We’re not taking a chance, Gage will handle it and call me later.”

“What about your show?”

Ushering her towards the door, he glanced over his shoulder at the crowd they were leaving behind. “I’m a moody artist, what can I say?”