Chapter 31


Rayne stood in the bathroom long after she was showered and dressed. Her mind was lost in a world of thoughts, most of which she didn’t know where to begin to sort through. She was almost relieved when she’d awakened and Devin was out of the bed. He was there beside her most of the night, she’d surfaced a few times and found herself right against him. He hadn’t pushed the fact that they’d had sex, only draped one arm over her most of the night in a very comfortable way. Of course, her hormones had tried to get her attention more than once, but Rayne had already gone way past the point she’d ever been in her life, so after a few stern lectures she’d been able to thwart any further actions to regret later.

The way she’d been with Devin the night before still shocked her, she didn’t do things like that. She didn’t have sex with strangers—at least she hadn’t up until now. Although, it felt like more than just sex, but Rayne couldn’t put a finger on why she thought that. She couldn’t figure out what it was about Devin. Normally she was in complete control of her thoughts, and was right up until she was close to him and then not so much. As soon as he touched her, she forgot everything else but him. Why is that? Why do I want to wrap myself around him and let all these new feelings take me away? It wasn’t just the physical feelings, although they hit her like an explosion, it was all the other ones that were new as well. One of her fears was that she was using him to get through the revelations about Aiden. Rayne didn’t think she’d act like that, but wasn’t usually at ease with strangers. Yet, here she was entrusting her safety to one, and she believed what he said about everything. Am I making a big mistake? Another big mistake?

Rayne looked down at her foot when she realized that almost her full weight was on it and the pain was barely noticeable. She never healed this quickly, ever, so it must not have been as bad as she thought. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that it had been far too many hours since she’d put food into it. Food... Everything she’d bought was going to waste at her camp site.

Deciding she couldn’t hide in the bathroom forever, Rayne opened the door and headed back towards the kitchen. Devin’s voice was coming from another room down the hall, he didn’t sound happy. She didn’t want to listen in, as loud as he was, if she stayed in the house she would be. Turning back Rayne grabbed the cane so she could get down to her campsite without hopping

Rayne turned around, feeling like she was being watched. Devin stood in the hall with the phone against his ear watching her with those grey eyes. Smiling at him, she went out the door.

She congratulated herself as she walked towards the camp, for a moment she thought about driving her car back, but seemed to be managing quite well on foot. Rayne didn’t want to baby it too much, she wasn’t comfortable with being an invalid. She went around the corner and smiled when to see her tent, still standing where she’d put it up. Okay, where she’d put it up and Devin had fixed it.

As soon as she had started walking she noticed sounds that she had somehow managed to miss since she’d arrived. She could hear the ducks down by the lake, and from the sounds of it momma duck had to issue a few warning squawks to misbehaving little ones. The leaves, having dried out from the endless rain, were rustling gently in the soft breeze that was blowing. Did it always smell this good after storms? She couldn’t recall if she’d noticed the smell yesterday. Regardless, she was delighted with how beautiful it all was.

A strange feeling went through her suddenly, like she was being watched. Had Devin followed? Turning slowly, she looked into the trees and then back towards the small cabin. If it was an animal, she’d never make it that far.

“Devin?” She called out quietly, hoping he’d step out of the trees. Two legs or four, she didn’t care at this point just as long as it was him. Rayne strained, listening for any sort of movement, although how she’d ever be able to tell the difference between one that should be there and one that shouldn’t she didn’t know. Unless something not meant to be in the trees wore bells, she was sunk.

“I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Rayne spun around towards the deep voice. A very large man stood in the shade of the trees. He held up both hands. How had someone that large managed to move through the trees without a sound bothered her, but not as much as not knowing just who exactly he was. She was beginning to regret walking here after all.

“I’m a friend of Dev’s.”

He stepped out into the light and she had to take a quick breath. He was beautiful, in a dark sort of way. Just the fact that he looked like that made her frown and study him from his bare feet up to his black hair. Were all, what do I call them…Shifter males so pretty? She doubted it, actually hoped not, or she might become the ugly duckling, maybe wolfling in this case. “He mentioned someone was coming to help.” He flashed teeth at her and she couldn’t help but return the smile. “Do you grow a fuzzy tail too?” She had to ask, she wasn’t taking anyone’s outside appearance as what they were again, or at least for right now.

He chuckled softly. “I wouldn’t call it fuzzy.” He took a few more steps towards her, but stopped at a comfortable distance away, his eyes roamed towards the trees over her head before he turned the brilliant green eyes back to hers again. He inclined his head slightly. “I’m Calum.”

She leaned on the cane. “Rayne.” Tilting her head, she looked at him for a long second. “Are you from a different, um, clan?”

A smile went through his eyes, but it didn’t reach his lips. “Definitely.”

“You don’t want to elaborate on that, do you?” He shook his head. “I’m not trying to pry, I’m just figuring things out.”

“I understand.”

He blinked and for a moment Rayne could have sworn his eyes looked cat like, and not like a cute little Persian kitty type of cat. When he blinked again they were normal once more. “So, is everything okay? No one is lurking that shouldn’t be?”

“You don’t need to be concerned with that.” He shrugged again. “It’s my unofficial hobby to watch Dev’s back.”

Rayne looked at him, her eyes narrowing slightly. “It needs watching that often?”

“Not since we were kids, no.”

His eyes moved down over her and stopped at her feet for a few seconds before he turned and glanced back up the path she’d just come down. When his eyes came back to hers, she recognized the male look of concern.

“Are you all right? Should you be walking on that?” He motioned towards her foot.

She looked down at it, having forgotten she was leaning on a cane for a reason. “It’s a little tender, but nothing serious.” The hair on the back of her neck stood up as a shiver went down her spine. Turning her head, she looked up the path but it was empty.

Calum came over in a few strides and turned towards the trees. Not a muscle on his body moved as his head turned slowly. She heard him inhale deeply a few times and then his shoulders relaxed as quickly as they’d tensed.

“Devin.” He said softly.

Devin stepped out of the dark trees and nodded. “Calum.”

Devin’s eyes moved slowly over her and she had to suppress the urge to sigh out loud. He came towards her and with each step she literally felt warmer. What is wrong with me?

“You made it all the way down here walking?” He glanced down at her foot.

“Yes, it’s not too bad today.” When he reached her, he gently ran his hand down her arm sending shivers all through her. He smiled and then turned back to his friend. “Anything?”

The large man looked at Devin’s hand that still lingered on her arm and then shook his head. “No. I was just out checking the back road, no one has been this way in a few days’ time.” His eyes flicked to her before they went back to Devin. “I sce... heard movement and thought I’d better check it out, only to find it was Rayne.”

Rayne thought that was great news that no one else had been here, but Devin didn’t seem to relax at all when he heard it. He stood there tensed and studied his friend.

“I haven’t heard back from father yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I do.”

Calum nodded abruptly and turned towards her. “A pleasure to meet you, Rayne.” He inclined his head again in an almost regal way.

Rayne smiled, not knowing how else to take his gesture. “You too.” She thought of asking him to come have coffee, but he was turned and gone into the trees before she could say it. She still stood there looking at the trees when Devin stepped in front of her.

He ran his hand softly down her hair. “You scared me, taking off like that.” His voice was as gentle as his touch, but he was still holding himself rigid.

She looked down at her foot and then smirked at him. “I hardly took off with this foot. It feels better but I’m still hobbling.” Rayne looked back towards the trees Calum had gone into. “You didn’t mention your friend was huge.” She smiled up at him. “I don’t even think Aiden’s men would mess with him.”

Devin grinned. “That’s the plan.” His expression was serious as he glanced around the camp site slowly.

Rayne didn’t need to know him much better than she did to know something was bothering him. “What’s wrong?”

He looked back at her for a few seconds and then sighed. “I’m sure you over heard me arguing with my agent.” She nodded. “I was supposed to go to a showing in a few days.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Supposed to?” She watched his pale eyes for a reaction, but they remained cool and disconnected. “You’re still going, aren’t you?” She was interfering with his work—her twisted up life was getting in his way.

He shrugged. “It’s doubtful.” He pushed his hands into his pockets. “I’m not going to leave you here in the middle of nowhere while I go and smile at the art patrons and collectors...”

“The patrons and collectors that buy your work and support your painting habit?”

Huffing out a breath, he smiled. “Yes, those.”

She placed a hand on his arm and tried not to notice the little zap of energy she felt by touching him. “You have to go. I’m sure I’ll be fine here for a few days.”

Devin scowled for a moment, not really at her but with deep thought. “I’m not leaving you here alone.”

Rayne’s eyes widened. “I don’t think your enormous friend that’s stalking things in the woods right now would be leaving me defenseless. This is your work, you have to go.”

He shook his head. “No, I don’t. That’s one of the perks to being an artist, we’re moody and unpredictable.”

“I think you should go.”

He looked down at her hand that still rested on his arm. “You could come with me. Ever been to Toronto?”

Rayne raised both eyebrows and shook her head. “No.”

The scowl turned into an irresistible smile, she felt her heart pick up the pace from it. “You’d blend right in.” He ran a warm hand down her hair. “While I mingle, you could be spoiled with room service and bubble baths.”

She bit her lip, close to being enticed to agreeing. “I could mingle with you, on one condition.”

“Name it.”

“The painting of me stays here.”

He laughed. “That one is only meant for me.”

“Okay.” She laughed, “and here I thought I wouldn’t get a chance to use any of my gowns while camping.” Rayne didn’t know how far away Toronto was, but she did know she wasn’t ready for another long car ride. “When do you have to be there?”

“Tomorrow night.”

“Oh. How far is the drive?”

“Too long, that’s why we’ll be flying.” He turned and looked around the small camp site. “Collect up what you need and I’ll bring the car back down.”

Leaning down, he kissed her cheek so quickly and jogged towards the trees before she could reply. He disappeared into the trees in the same direction Calum had gone. Would Calum be coming with them? Rayne looked around the campsite again and then walked over to the cabin while making a mental list. Gowns, shoes, make-up, accessories... mingling at art events was something she did know.


Tracking Calum wasn’t very hard with the waves of anxiety he was giving off, that and the smell of cat helped. He stood on the edge of the trees, where he’d watched Rayne wander a few days earlier. Devin stopped and studied his tense frame. “Did I miss something?”

Calum snorted. “I seriously doubt you did.” He turned and glared at him.

Devin could smell the hostility coming off him.

“Your mate is very close to the change, in case your brain isn’t the body part doing the thinking...”

“I know she’s close.” And he did, which is why he wasn’t going near her right now. Devin threw his hands up in frustration. “I don’t even know how to explain what a woman goes through...”

He snorted again. “Then find someone who can.” Calum rolled his shoulders making Devin realize he was tenser then he was letting on. “I know she’s your mate and it’s none of my business, but if I can sense it as strong as I can, then any other shifter will be able to as well.” He sighed. “You need to talk to her...”

Devin rubbed his hand across his neck, a headache wasn’t far off. “I will.” He glanced back into the trees, the constant feeling like he needed to look behind him was starting to get to him. “We’re going to Toronto, I can’t get out of a show I have to be at.”

Calum raised his eyebrows. “You’re taking her to your show?” He blew out a slow breath. “Wow, that’s...” he shook his head. “Definitely a first.”

Devin rolled his eyes at him, making him grin. Calum paced a few feet away and then turned back to him. “I’ll call Gage, he’s better at the socializing things than I am.” He looked back into the trees. “I’ll stay here and keep an eye out for Tomas and his crew.”

The idea of having to have someone from the Alliance at his show, watching over him didn’t sit well, but for Rayne’s sake Devin wasn’t going to balk about it. “I’ll get in touch with my father and see what he knows and fill him in on what’s going on.”

He nodded. “Maybe you could see if your mother knows anyone that could talk to Rayne...”

Devin huffed out a breath. “Mother doesn’t know about Rayne. I’m trying to spare my mate that experience as long as I can.”

Calum grinned wide. “Afraid of what Mom will do?”

“You know it.”

“I can’t say that you’re wrong. I think your mother is one of the scariest women I know when she sinks her teeth into something.”

He stuffed his hands in his pockets, trying to keep from feeling so jumpy with being away from Rayne again. Hopefully once they were fully mated this constant anxiousness went. “I’ll deal with Mother after Rayne knows everything.”

Calum sobered as quickly as he’d laughed. “You need to talk to her, Devin.” He stared at Devin for a few long seconds. “I’d hate to see anything go wrong.”

He didn’t know what to say to that, so he chose to say nothing.

“The fact that she has you so unravelled tells me a lot.”

Devin scowled. “What do you mean?” I’m unravelled.

“I’ve never seen you like this, her just being near has toned you down or something, I’m not sure what it is, but there is something different and I don’t think it’s bad.”

Devin wasn’t sure he understood. “It’s been interesting since she turned up here in the middle of a storm, that much I’ll admit, but I don’t think I’m any different.”

“If you say so.” He motioned with his head at the trees. “Now run along back to her, I can tell you’re barely able to stand still.”

He glared at him and then shook his head, knowing he was right. “I’ll tell you what I find out after I talk to father.”

“I’ll be around.”