
December thirty first. That was the date according to the only object in the small, windowless room penelope was being held hostage in. Her great grandmother came in once a day, at varying times to deliver food and water, as well as Mark the date on the small calender. Penelope had been in that small room since-


she had to forget. For him, she had to forget. Her great grandmother had explained the consequences if she didn't forget. Just then, Light hit Penolope's eyes as the trap door that was the only way in or out of the room opened. She was confused, as she had already gotten her daily food and water. She saw her grandmother, and then she saw her aunt come into the room behind her. Her rough hands dragged her out of the room, through the old servants quarters, to the side door where she had met the boy she wouldn't think about. Rough hands shoved her outside without a coat, and right before the door slammed in her face, leaving her outside in the middle of the cold night, she spoke.

" you're just letting me go, even after all the crimes I witnessed?"

Her great grandmother pulled the door back open, and Gestured for her aunt to leave.

" I'm not letting you go, I'm kicking you out, and you won't tell anyone about any crimes you have witnessed,because I believe I already told you what would happen. Careful out there, few people survive having the Dutch family as an enemy."

She leaned in close to Penolope. " one slip up and you're dead."

With that, the door slammed in her face and the next chapter of her life began. Just as the new year was starting.