Penolope rolled over in her bed, trying to ignore the daylight filtering into her room through her opened curtains. It didn't work, she couldn't ignore the bright Midday light any longer. She groggily sat up. The curtains were open, she was still in her paint covered overalls, and a quick glance at her phone told her it was eleven thirty. The events of last night had really caught up to her.
oh god, last night. the events from the previous night slithered their way into penolopes memories and made Penolope want to crawl under her blankets and stay there forever.
She grabbed her phone and opened Instagram as a way to numb her mind, intending to scroll for at least an hour. Her plans were foiled when she noticed a new DM. It was from Mikko. The message was short and sweet.
hey, want to meet me at Albert's ice-cream parlor at 2ish.
At first all Penolope could feel was excited. Was Mikko asking her on a date? Then she remembered the murder conversation she had Overheard and mikkos missing mother.
She got dressed as she mused over her options. She had to tell him about what she had heard. He had a right to know considering it might be his mother who was murdered.
She buttoned her jeans and threw a pink hoodie over her head Before flopping back down onto her bead to continue fretting over the issue. She decided that she would find time to tell him, just maybye not during their ice cream date.
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