I awoke with a hangover. A headache pounding against my skull. A groan left my lips. Thankfully, I have a magical painkiller cure available at all times. It was the only reason I can drink to my hearts content every night and not suffer the consequences in the morning.

"I need a bath first," I grumbled, pulling myself out of bed.

I slipped on my robe over my nude body and headed to the bathing chambers. The heat of the steam hit me on the face as soon as I walked in. Shrugging off my robe, i threw it over one of the many changing screens so it wouldn't get wet laying on the floor.

I stepped into the shallow part of the hot waters, the corners of my lips lifting up into a smile. The hot waters would sooth the aches and pains in my bones and muscles. Magic kept the waters hot and clean continuously, it had soothing effects on aching muscles and aching bones. However, it couldn't heal broken bones or flesh wounds. The waters had never been cold in all the years I've bathed in here.

I wasn't a great swimmer, I couldn't swim at all, actually. It was something I never learned. So, I stuck to the shallow end, only going deeper in if I could stand in it.

"Lady Sybil," a familar male's voice spoke in greeting. "It's nice to see you again. It has been a few years since we last saw one another."

"Nicholas." I nodded, peering over at the man who stood at the other side of the water. "Last I saw of you, you left the Coven to became a Councillor's assistant."

"It was a great honour." Nickolas chuckled. "I'm here to visit. I sent a letter before I arrived."

He'd sent a letter, did he. A letter I never saw, and my uncle never told me about.

"I was wondering, Sybil. After your Dark Awakening, would you like to—"

I knew what he wanted before he even spoke it. My answer was always the same. "No."

I gave myself a thorough wash before pulling myself from the waters and plucking a white fluffy towel from the rack. Nicholas remained silent after that, his eyes, however, watched me the entire time. I dried myself off and grabbed my black robe, slipping it on over my naked body.

"I'm hopeful I won't be seeing you around, Nickolas." I called over my shoulder.

I have the most horrendous hangover, nausea rolling over my stomach and head in waves. I was fatigued, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling. My stomach rumbled in hunger as I slipped out of the bathing chambers. Leaving Nickolas there. No doubt my grandmother sent him to watch my Dark Awakening and report back to him if anything happened. My throat parched dry at that. Hopefully, nothing went wrong.

I needed something to eat and drink. A lovely cup of tea with healing properties would cure the hangover at the very least.

The doors to the dining room were open, like they always were at this time of the morning. I sat down at the head of the table, crossing my legs, and leaning back on my chair. Rubbing my eyes, I let out a sigh. 

"Hungover, Sybil?" My uncle shook his head while holding a cup of tea. "On the day of your Dark Awakening, too, nonetheless."

My birthday is tomorrow, and my Dark Awakening will begin as soon as the clock hits twelve tonight.

"Don't patronise me." I groaned, rubbing my head before fixing my robe. I didn't want my tits to fall out in front of my uncle or cousin after all. My kind may be very open about nudity and sex, but having family around to see that was a big 'not over my dead body'. "It was Kain's idea."

"Happy early birthday, cousin. Excited for your Dark Awakening?" His grin grew as he stared at me. "I got you a present as it is your birthday after all!"

"Of course, can't wait to get fucked by a sexy god!" I said cheerfully, perking up at the mention of a present. "You got me a present?"

"Language, Sybil." Uncle sighed, lifting his tea up to his lips, his green eyes glancing at me. "I got you a gift, too, Niece."

"Don't act like you don't curse." I shot back. "Lovely, when do I get those gifts?"

"After your Dark Awakening as your birthday is tomorrow!" My Uncle grinned, clasping his hands together, his green eyes gleaming in excitement.

Green eyes. My mind flashed back to the mage, Amon. He had vibrant green eyes. His were just a shade lighter than my uncles.

"Have you ever fucked a human fourty years ago? I talked to a mage yesterday that has similar green eyes that you have." He raised a brow at that. "Could be an offspring you are unaware of."

"I left the veil a few times." He paused in thought. "It was decades before you were born, though."

"So, he could be your son?" I asked. I need to make some of that healing tea to cure my awful hangover.

"No. I have never had sex with a human." He sniffed, glancing at Kain with a frown. "Could be his?"

Kain blinked, his half eaten pastry lay forgotten on his plate. "Shit... I could be a father... And you! Why didn't you tell me you talked with a mage?"

"I didn't feel like it was the right time." I shrugged. "Plus, you were in a fight and drunk."

"I was sober." Kain scoffed.

"You fucked that man's wife." I arched a brow.

"He was a shitty husband!" He retorted.

"He probably was." I agreed. "I need to cure this hangover then get breakfast. Also, Nicholas the Traitor is here."

Luckily for me, this Coven is loyal to me, and of course my uncle. They knew to report back to uncle if Nicholas was acting suspicious. We magic folk may be selfish, but we're loyal to our coven... to an extent. Five years after my Dark Awakening, uncle wanted me to take over the Coven... permanently. He raised me to become the leader one day, the High Priestess. After my mother abandoned the Coven and left me is his care.

I stood up and walked toward the kitchen before they said anything else. If that mage is Kain's long lost offspring... Well, I'm sure he'll know once he meets him. Witches and warlocks can normally sense their kin through blood.

* * *

Hours later, I stood outside the temple doors ready for my Dark Awakening. All the members of my Coven attended, and Nickolas. I scoffed.

There are seven Covens that originated from the first witches, and my Coven wasn't one of them. My great grandmother split from the Crimson Coven when she was pregnant with my grandmother because of some lover's beytral. One of the oldest and largest Covens is over a thousand years old, they have well over 100 members, which was the coven my great grandmother was originally from... where most of my blood relatives reside. I do not count them as family, however, as I have never met them. Witch covens are normally named after the orignal witch who leads. My Coven is called Sanguine, after my great grandmother.

Within the next twenty-four hours I am going to be fucking a god and summon an animal familiar that rips through my spinal cord and ribcage, paralysing me for several hours. Bloody and gorey, indisposed. Praying that it won't happen on anything that will stain, because blood stains are hard to get out. Thankfully, after that initial summons. I won't go through that again unless my familiar dies, in which case. I can summon it again.

I take in a deep breath and breath out through my mouth, getting ready to walk through those doors. Of course, I'm the last to make it to the church. I took too long making myself look sexy for the Dark Lord. I didn't want the him thinking I'm unkempt.

The dress I wore was a black corset with lace that pushes up my breats. They looked gorgeous and sexy in it while I was admiring myself in the mirror. Red rubies were sown into the corset above the chest peice. The corset was tight, but comfortable, with black flowing lace that was slightly see-through puffed out a bit around the waist. My wavy black hair had a red hue to it under the light, it resembled blood, and I left it down.

I straightened my back, holding my head up high. There has never been a shy, nervous bone in my body. Possibly leaning towards the sin of pride a little too much with my vanity, but I am a witch. It's to be expected. We're all vain here.

A smirk curled onto my lips as I throw open the double doors of the temple with a little magic. My hands glowing a faint blood red as I walked into the room with my head held high.

The altar was built with the slate grey statue of the Magic God that stood in the middle of the fountain of blood. Blood poured from his cupped hands, like he was going to drink it, and he was looking towards the double doors.

The blood could only be activated during the Dark Awakening process. If it wasn't for Dark Awakenings, the blood was completely useless, like normal blood, but it could still be used for rituals, spells, and potions. It was a common ingredient for Witches and Warlocks of Haxus.

And if a witch or warlock was born to a witch mother, and was abandoned and lived in another realm. The Blood of Haxus would find them on the night of their twenty-fifth birthday no matter where they where.

The temple had five stories, each above and below ground, a staircase on each floor. The ground floor lead into Haxus' Alter, the Fountain of Blood.

I spotted my cousin standing next to my uncle, giving me an encouraging nod of his head and a smile. The church was lit with black wax candles, each alight with a bright red flame for each. They were around the altar and in a circle around where I would step into in the middle of the room.

Stepping into the circle, careful to not accidentally kick or move any on my way past. I turned to my uncle. "Lady Sybil's Dark Awakening will commence! Celebrations will start once she is back and has rested for a day" My uncle announced, an cheery grin on his face.

Uncle Omin beckoned Rowena to step toward me, a golden goblet of the Dark Lord's blood held in both her hands. She gave me a sardonic smile and handed the cup over.

"Drink up, deary!" The old witch grinned before scurrying back to join the circle that was around me. Her two youngest daughters would be the ones to go through their Dark Awakenings after me. Samara's would be in a few months, and Evanora a year and a half after.

Pursing my lips, I brought the goblet up to my mouth as the Coven began chanting. The first drop of blood dripped onto my tongue and exploded on my tastebuds, I let out a moan. It tasted sweet like honey, but much much sweeter. Much more delicious. It was the best thing I'd ever had tasted.

No one ever told me it tasted like this.

Blood spilled down my cheeks as I drank until I felt full and sick from drinking too much. I didn't notice the chanting dying down until a hand was placed on my shoulder. Lowering the goblet. My vision bled red, a haze clouding over my sight. Everything looked red. Snapping my head towards whomever was touching my shoulder. A hiss left my mouth, my gums aching as white hot pain shot through my eyeballs. My veins was heating up like I'm on fire from the inside out, my blood boiling.

I dropped the goblet, the clang of the metal echoing throughout the temple as the blood spilled from the Magic God's cup, and onto the temple floor. Letting out a pained cry, I bent over holding my stomach. It burned like molten hot lava spreading through my stomach. My hands was clammy, slick with sweat, and so was every inch of my body.

Looking up, I couldn't see who I was looking at. They wete too fuzzy for me to make out. Too blurry. Three blurry figures standing in front of me. Their blurry mouths moving but no words were coming out. The beating of my heart blocked out anything else. Everything was muffled like they were talking but my ears were covered. Agony coursed through ny veins one last time, until it faded into a dull ache.

My senses cleared up, and my vision returned to normal.

"Sybil!" My uncle 's concerned tone snapped me out of my thoughts, his arms were wrapped around me.

"What happened? What was that?" I asked, I looked calm on the outside, but inside I was panicking.

"An interesting reaction to the Dark Lord's blood." My uncle helped me stand up straight as my knees buckled. "Nothing to worry about, darling. I'm sure he intended for that."

I nodded, but I wasn't convinced. I highly doubt he intended that. I was still hot. The agony dulling didn't take the fever away. Rowena cackled, drawning my attention to her standing at the altar. Holding the golden goblet I drank from.

"What are you laughing at!?" I glowered, turning my attention to her with narrowed eyes.

Rowena grinned, "I like suffering, Dearie, nothing personal."

Yeah, me too, but not when I'm the one doing the suffering.

"I need to lay down." I pant, sitting down on the cold stone floor of the temple. My eyelids dropping. I'll close them, just for a moment.