The doors to the tavern opened and a group of four men entered. One of them turned his head in my direction. Forest green eyes locking with my icy blue. My gaze didn't falter from his. Turning back to his comrades, he nodded in my direction, and they all turned to look at me. I kept my gaze on them, and they kept theirs on me.

I sipped my mead, grimacing at the bitter taste of non-magical enhanced liquor. I glanced around, and out of the dozen humans in the Tavern, my one and only cousin is nowhere to be seen. I assumed he was currently fucking a human women whom is extremely unsatisfied with her human husband to fall for his charm. He insisted we come to the human realm to get a feel of the human lifestyle before my big night tomorrow. Though, I do believe he just said that to get me to go with him.

I scanned the tavern for Kain once more before I gave up. He was definitely not here. My mead swished around in the takard, and I stared down at the awful amber liquid. I am more of a red wine woman myself, it tastes much better. Only when I add magical enhancement to it, that is. It made it taste much sweeter, more pleasant, and stronger.

All witches and warlocks have a sweet tooth. We don't like bitter things, but we can tolerate it.

The silver flask with my name carefully carved onto it was strapped to my thigh. I carried it everywhere I went, so I got Alatar to make a holder for it for a price that I haven't repayed yet, not until after my Dark Awakening. The flask was the first and the last thing I received from my mother before she vanished after abandoning me with my uncle and cousin to raise at three years of age. Never to be seen again.

I slipped my hand down to the slit on the right side of my dress, sliding the flask out from its leather holster, a dagger strapped to my other thigh and concealed incase I ever had use of it. I twisted the lid open, keeping an eye on the humans to make sure none are watching me. However, much to my distaste. Those four men are watching my every move. I wonder if it's my otherworldly beauty that has piped their interest. It wouldn't surprise me. I ignored them, choosing to instead pour the enhanced liquor into my tankard.

I pay no mind to the floorboards creaking and the heavy footsteps that follow. "How much?" A rough voice asked, like he hardly spoke at all.

Pursing my lips in confusion, I take a sip of my mead, smiling at the much better taste of my mead, before staring up at the man. Hazel eyes locking with mine.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

My voice soft and low to play the part that Kain thought would make me seem less like a witch. Tough luck, cousin. I doubted my extremely revealing dress painted the picture he wanted. I looked more like a whore from a pleasure house.

Witches and Warlocks of Haxus have an otherworldly vibe that makes us seem 'otherworldly' to humans. If we are wearing rags and covered in dirt and grime, we'd still look desirable. It's what made us stand out so much among humans. Why they desire us, and why they hunt us.

"You are for sale, are you not?" The human grinned, his teeth pearly white. "How much for a night with someone as beautiful as you?"

"Sorry, Darling. I am no cheap whore as I am no prostitute." I shook my head and waved my hand to dismiss him like I would have if I were in the Coven. However, this is not my Coven. This is the Mortal Realm and they treat their women like dirt here.

"You look like one." His eyes trailed down my leg where my porcelain skin was exposed.

I looked like cheap? I looked like a whore? To my Coven, I looked like a nun right now, everything is covered. I scoffed. I am not cheap, nor a whore.

I would love to slit his throat open and watch him choke on his blood. I wondered what wonderful noises he'd make as the life drains from his eyes. I suppose I better go find Kain before I do something I won't regret.

"You wouldn't be able to afford me, Darling." Not unless it's in pretty enchanted jewels that I doubt he has.

He was handsome, golden blond hair, and Hazel eyes that almost seemed like a golden colour. Prominent thin pale pink lips with a cupids bow, his bottom lip slightly bigger than his top lip, and beautiful golden skin. He wore all black, and a black sun tattoo was slightly exposed on his neck from under the collar of his cloak.

Hearing a commotion from outside the tavern doors, I let out a long sigh, rubbing my temple. Kain, no doubt. Well, at least I found him. I lifted my tankard up to my lips one last time, and drank the rest of my magical enhanced mead. Yes, definitely much better with it spiked.

Standing up from my seat at the table. I went to investigate the noise, leaving that insufferable fool at the table. My eyes shot over to the men, only three sitting there now, the other one at my table.

I slipped out of the tavern and into the darkness of the night. The shouting is the first thing I hear when I step outside. My gaze landed on Kain, who was in a fight with a man. Arching a brow at that, I stand back and watch from a distance with a smirk. I didn't want to get my dress ruined so I kept my distance. While cheering on my cousin with a laugh. Kain seemed to be enjoying himself.

An arm wrapped around my waist and a hand covered my mouth, dragging me off to who knows where. My surprised shout was muffled with the palm covering my mouth. I thrashed around and tried to elbow my captor before mentally face-palming. I have magic for Haxus' sake!

A red mist swirled around my hand, glowing a blood red. My captor was thrown away from me with the invisible tug of the command I gave my magic. I gave him a deathly glare, taking a menacing step towards him with my hand outstretched, ready to set him in fire. A ball of red magical fire heated up on my palm, ready to throw it at my would be kidnapper.

"Easy, witch, don't cripple Noah! We don't mean you any harm. We just want to talk." Want to talk. They just tried to kidnap me!

"Do you, now?" I gave him a dirty look, narrowing my eyes at him. "You could have just asked me instead of dragging me into an allyway."

"We thought you would have ran if we asked." I gave Amon a deadpanned look.

He— is there something wrong with him? He just tried to kidnap me! I wouldn't have minded as much if he had just asked me in the first place. I kept my hand engulfed in fire just incase.

"And trying to kidnap me would not have made me want to kill you any less?" Heavy sarcasm laced my tone as I shook my head. "What an idiot."

"Yes, what an idiot." Amon agreed, keeping his gaze on me. "Do you know who my father is?" Amon's vibrant green eyes locked with mine.

I arched my brow, of course I didn't know who his father was. I didn't even try to stop the laugh that slipped out. "No. I don't even know who my father is, nevermind yours." I laughed again, shaking my head.

My body heated up from the effects of my magically enhanced liquor. My vision turning hazy and a little fuzzy.

"Ceal told you she wouldn't know." Noah picked himself up off the ground, a smirk on his lips.

It was him from the Tavern. He called me a cheap whore. I'll show him a cheap whore!

"You," I scowled, "are an uncivilised cunt."

"Such vulgar language for a pretty woman." He flicked his golden blond hair over his shoulder.

"A shitty personality for a cunt is expected." I straightened, fixing my dress, and pulling my cloak closer to me because it was freezing. "You are handsome, however, when you open your mouth you make me want to kill you."

"Bitch," Noah gave me a tight lipped smile. "Maybe I should kill you, deliver your decapitated head to the society, and perhaps my leader would pardon my past crimes."

"I'm sure as soon as you opened your mouth, your society leader would exiled you again." I raised my hand with a smile, the red flames still engulfed my hand.

Noah scowled, stepping towards me with his hand on the hilt of his sword. Amon sighed and extended his arm in front of Noah, stopping him from walking towards me.

"Noah, don't threaten the witch. They hold grudges for life and I don't doubt she'd hex you if you get on her nerves."

I flashed Noah a wicked smirk while winking at him.

"I a Witchling." Amon didn't waste any time in speaking about his heritage before Noah opened his mouth again.

And that caught my attention immediately, my eyes widening slightly, and my lips forming up into a genuine smile. "Really now? A Witching! Won't you die in a hundred years or so? I have never seen one before." The offspring or decendant of a Warlock of Haxus and human women create Witchlings.

"I see things... that no one else can see. Well, except for Cael." Amon paused, "I see colours around people. Auras." He can see Auras. I wonder what else he can do. Witchlings aren't nearly as powerful as witches or warlocks. Some have one or several abilities, depending on their heritage, and how close to the Warlock who sired their line. The closer in blood to the Warlock, the more powerful the Witchlings.

"I can see yours. It's blood red, deadly and beautiful. Red means power or danger." His green eyes stare intently into mine, as if he can see something only he can see. "I've never seen an aura like yours before. It bleeds from your body, like blood, leaving a trail behind."

"So I've been told. You know, it's never too late to join a Coven. They can help you control the magic, turn it off. You'd benefit from that. I'd imagine seeing auras constantly is... overwhelming."

"It is, but I have had to deal with this for fourteen years, and Cael has helped significantly." Amon smiled. "I have no intention of joining a Coven, yet."

I nodded. I don't blame him. If he was raised by Mortals it makes sense he wouldn't want to join a Coven of witches.

"I would like to ask something of you. If you could find out who my father is I would be eternally grateful."

"Unfortunately, I don't even know who my father is, but I could ask around the Coven if anyone has left the Veil around the the time you were conceived. How old are you?" I offered. I didn't know who my father was, either. However, I didn't particularly care to find out who he is. Mostly because I'm upset that he— and my mother left me in my uncle's care since I was three years old.

A blush spread across Amon's pale face,

"It's rude to ask a lady her age." I winked. "I don't see how that is shameful. Humans really are a modest bunch. Don't you have Pleasure Houses around here, I would've thought you'd be use to it."

"Fair enough. I bet you're centuries old." Centuries old. Me. Not yet. My cousin on the other hand...

"I don't know who your father is. There are hundreds of warlocks out there." I try racking my brain of all the warlocks I know of from my coven. "Witchlings are rare. Maybe someday, you'll find the answers you seek."

"Do Witches have Witchling children?" Noah asked, curiosity in his voice. "I've always wondered, and Ceal would never tell me. He may be exiled from the Veil, but he is very secretive about his ways."

"Only Warlocks have Witchling children with mortals." I keep it vague.

"Why is it only the women—witches who have pure witchling children? Our Warlock friend won't tell us anything about your kind."

Of course he won't, our kind is quite secretive, and not keen on sharing with outsiders, even in exile.

"If you join the Coven. Then I'll tell you."

Witches are primarily females. When a witch breeds with a human, the child will always be a witch if female, and a warlock if male. Females were the original worshippers of the magic god and he favoured women more than men because of that. So, he took on the form of a man. The only reason males become worshippers of the magic god was because they were the offspring of the first witches, and they were never granted the gift of witchling children if they bred with a human.

"Hmm... My mother told me he seduced her and left long before I was born." Amon crossed his arms, leaning against the wall.

"Yes, sounds like a typical man." I licked my lips, turning around in a circle.

Noah choked, covering it up with a cough.

"I saw four of you, where are the other two? A Warlock and three Witchlings I assume?" I asked.

"Only Amon is a Witchling. I am a Hunter of Solis. Cael is a Warlock and Malachi is a Demon." Noah gave me a shit-eating grin.

A Hunter of Solis... What a peculiar bunch.

"Well, that explains why you are a cunt." The sound of shouting alerted me. No doubt it's my cousin. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go check on that."

I turned around, heading back the way I was dragged. Taking a step forward, I swayed to the side, and stumbled, everything turning hazy. Shit, the alcohol is surely getting to me.

The other two men, part of Amon's group, where standing behind me. Too close for comfort. They blocked my exit. I was wondering where they were.

"I hope we'll see you again, Witch." Noah called as I pushed aside the two brutes. They all dressed like in black, and looked like mercenaries. No doubt they have weapons concealed on their person.

"I hope our Hunter didn't scare you off, sweetheart." The Warlock purred, striding towards me, a flirty smirk on his face.

"He didn't, darling." I eyed the warlock with interest. He was handsome, gorgeous purple eyes, dark brown wavy hair, and sun kissed skin.

"You can see through the glamour I have on my eyes?" I nodded. Purple eyes among humans would think him a demon, and he'd be executed, probably.

Vibrant coloured eyes on witches and warlocks were common, and added onto that otherworldly vibe we had going.

A Warlock working with a Hunter of Solis was interesting, though. I'd love to hear the story of how that became a thing.

"I have a feeling I'll be seeing you four again, someday." I walked passed Ceal, the Warlock, as I called over my shoulder

I sauntered over to Kain, trying to walk in a straight line and not show him how drunk I truly was getting by the second. He wiped blood from his brow. Not his I hope.

"Are you done now?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I felt strange. The effects of magically enhanced liquor does that to a person. "I've been waiting on you for ages."

"Yes, now. Let's go get those drinks." Kain grinned, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, and guiding me towards the tavern. Away from the bloody and beaten unconscious human laying on the ground.

Smiling, I followed him. "You know, you're my favourite cousin and you're like the big brother I never had, and that's why I love you."

"Are you drunk? You only ever tell anyone you 'love them' when you're drunk." Kain raised an eyebrow in suspicion, a smirk on his lips.

"Of course not. Though, I do not like the drinks here." Maybe I can spike my future drinks with more of my magically enhanced liquor. "They're too bitter, foul tasting. It's disgusting."

"If you're not insulting me. You're definitely drunk, Sybil." Kain laughed, pulling me along.

He pushed the doors to the tavern open and sat me down at an empty table and scurried off to the bar. He came back not long after with a tankard in each hand. Sliding one towards me, he took his seat.

"Ale, this time." Kain grinned.

I slipped my flask from its holder on my thigh and poured a drop into each of our drinks.

"Thank you, sister!" Kain said with a grin.

"You're welcome!" I grinned back.

"Still not insulting me, I see." Kain wiggled his finger.

"I'm a happy drunk!" I defended.

The doors to the Tavern opened and Amon's group entered again, sitting at the table they originally sat at. Amon gave me a wave which I returned, enthusiastically.

"I'll be right back, mother nature calls." Kain stood, leaving his tankard at the table.

I noded, leaning back.

It wasn't long until Kain returned again. "Look what I found." Kain slides an amulet across the table towards me

It instantly sobered me up. "Kain. This is an Amulet of Solis. Where did you get it?" I glance around the Tavern. It definitely wasn't from Noah, he didn't have one of these from what I could see at least.

"We should go." A chill goes down my spine. The Warlock at Amon's table was on edge, too.

"Did you feel that?" Kain sobered up, standing from the table. Holding out his hand for me to take.

"Yes, let's get out of here. I don't want to be here when something goes wrong." Unfortunately my mind may be kind of sober, but my body was still very drunk. It would be futile attempting to fight while intoxicated. A suicide misson.

We stumbled to the door, pulling it open, and walked out into the dead of night. Time to get home before we meet an untimely demise at the hands of hunters. Thankfully, we get to the Veil without dying, which shimmered red as we passed through into the realm of the witches.