I woke with a start, my hand clenched over my heart, cold sweat dripping down my spine. Another nightmare. A peek out the window told me it was early morning, light just being to brighten the day. Since my fast recovery thanks to a healthy appetite, I moved to the Alpha House to stay in the Luna’s Quarters until the next full moon. That was when our ceremony would take place. It was day three of my stay here.

The Alpha House itself was an old Victorian Style mansion painted a deep green color as though to match the woods surrounding it. They centered it just inside the half-clearing, half-courtyard of the pack lands. From what I could see when we came home yesterday was only a small portion of the lands Zak oversaw as Alpha, according to what the Beta informed me of. Joey had been really nice to explain things as we walked through the gravel-covered path up to the main entrance.

It almost felt like a small village just outside a large city, yet comfortable enough to feel like home. When I glanced around at the pack members watching us yesterday, there were relieved smiles on everyone’s faces. Though they looked wary of him, their eyes were warm and welcoming towards me. Maybe I could hope, during my stay here, that I would be acceptable, and I wouldn’t have to run anymore. It emboldened me a little. But my current issue seemed so minor.

After shopping with Zak all day yesterday, I now had an overabundance of clothes, far more clothes than I expected to own. I’d picked out three for myself, a shirt and two blue jean pants, but he only stood and started picking more. By the time we left the store, a truck had to be brought in to carry my stuff! Once the clothes were taken care of, we moved on to toiletries. I felt it was a far better distraction - to think of yesterday - than the nightmare which woke me up.

He refused to let me work off the purchases, like cooking or cleaning, saying he was just happy I was here for him to spoil. It was a little embarrassing, but I couldn’t exactly say no. If he got mad at me, I wouldn’t know what to do. I glanced around my new room, barely able to contain my shock. It far exceeded my expectations as a room far larger than anything I’d ever seen before.

The walls were a soft white, and the furniture was a cherry-wood brown. I had my own ensuite with a shower/bath and a separate jacuzzi, offset by blue wall tiles and white tiled floors. My eyes fell on the door to my oversized walk-in closet with a held breath. It was so filled with new clothes, shoes, and accessories that I almost hesitated going in there. Right as my bare feet stopped on the shaggy white rug in front of my closet, the door to my quarters opened, revealing a comely older female with smile lines adorning her features.

“Good morning, Luna.” She bowed a little, her hand resting on her back as though it hurt. “The Alpha sent me to help you prepare for your day. Do you have any idea what you would like to wear?”

She had almost white blonde hair with olive-toned skin, and her brown eyes stayed focused on the floor. Everything about her read as sincere and grateful, as if she were in the presence of someone of great importance. As much as I didn’t mind that, the gentle sweep of her arm snapped me back to attention. She gave the impression of someone caring and trustworthy, like a loving grandmother.

“No, ma’am, I don’t. The Alpha picked a few too many for me to have any idea what he would like me to wear.” I replied, watching as her brows knitted together a little, her expression showing concern. “Just that he selected numerous clothing articles for me at the shop yesterday.”

“My Lady, forgive me if it is too forward,” she hesitated, bowing again, her black and white dress barely grazing the floor as she did so. “But you can wear whatever you wish. That is why the Alpha left you to decide. If he wished to dress you, he would have done so.”

I hadn’t realized that. She went to open the closet door with a flourish, and stepped into it with no hesitation, her hands clasping in front of her. If I had to describe her manner in a single word, I would say elegant. When she turned to face me again, warmth emanating from her, I realized I had yet to tell her who I was. She seemed especially kind, someone I would hate to take advantage of, so I nodded, and stepped forward, hand extended.

“I am so sorry. I was so nervous about picking clothes for myself, I forgot to introduce myself, or ask for your name.” Her eyes widened almost comically as she took my hand, then surprised me by kissing the back of it. “Um…”

“It is the highest honor to meet you, Luna Anthea. My name is Bernice Lily Adaline Thomas, a former nanny to the Alpha.” Bernice smiled, the expression still as warm and welcoming. “Welcome to the White Lunar Pack.”

She reminded me of a grandmother, the type everyone loved; with gentle wrinkled hands, wise eyes, and graying hair, yet there was a youthfulness in her gaze that had me returning her smile. Bernice was worthy of my trust. I didn’t know much about anyone else in the pack, but as far as I could tell, she, my mate, and the Beta could be trusted. Perhaps that was why he sent her to me. Because he knew I needed someone I could trust.

“You were his nanny?” I ventured, stepping into the closet with her and regarding the outfits there with closer eyes. “What was he like as a child?”

“Yes. The others always excluded him as a child since he was so different, yet when he came into his Alpha status, everyone loved him. Too bad it was far too late for anyone to get in his good graces. He’s still their beloved Alpha.” She shook her head, then selected a beautiful soft white dress with light embroidery around the chest. “A few years ago, he swore to me he felt the pain of the death of a mate. Maybe you are his second chance. Either way, I am happy to see him so elated. He has been so singularly focused on running the pack since he was young, he hasn’t been taking care of himself. I worry about his health.”

It never occurred to me to question anything about him when he stood before me, yet I wanted to question her. She seemed so attached to Zak, so sincerely elated that he’d found me, that she wanted to share her love for him, too. This was a thought that warmed my heart, and I held onto her every word as she spoke, her head tilting lovingly. Then my focus caught up and I realized what she said with her gushing in such a cheerful way.

Maybe I was his second chance, too? She held the dress up to my chest with a gentle smile, her eyes narrowing delightedly. I could tell she earnestly loved the Alpha, just as Joey seemed to when I spoke of him at the Medical Bay. Seemed he was good at taking care of others, but that he avoided himself worried me. Would I be able to stop him from doing that? Remind him he could take time to himself from time to time? When I could barely think for myself?

I mindlessly changed into the dress she picked, then slipped on some pretty white flats to match. When I was done with that, she drew me over to the cherry-colored vanity and brushed out my blonde hair before pinning the bangs out of my eyes. She then dusted my lids with a soft brown color and used a light pink gloss on my lips. I had never been so dressed up before and nervously twiddled my thumbs as I waited for her to complete her self-assigned task.

“The Alpha said to keep your face as free of makeup as possible, but maybe you should decide.” Bernice backed away and motioned towards the mirror with an encouraging nod. “I think I’ve outdone myself.”

When I turned to look at myself in the mirror, a sizable lump formed in my throat. I looked stunning. Almost like a different person, and I almost called myself a fraud. Maybe it was because it was the first I’d ever really looked at myself, but I could see the beauty Zak noticed, only felt it was thanks to Bernice’s magical touch. When I turned to give her my thanks, she cupped my cheek gently, her expression wistful.

It felt like I was just as precious to her as Zak was, but there was a touch of nostalgia in her gaze, something telling me she lost something unbearable. My eyes watered a little at her expression, reminding me of something I lacked for so long. Her gaze felt motherly, like something straight from a memory of mine from long ago, yet I couldn’t pin down where it came from. All I could focus on was the now saddened smile lifting the corners of her wrinkled lips.

“You remind me a lot of my daughter. She Mated a different Alpha a few years ago. We haven’t heard from her in a while. You look a lot like her, but she’s far too young to be your mother.” Bernice’s wrinkled thumb stroked at the spot above my cheekbone. “And there’s no need to thank me. Servicing you is my greatest honor, Luna.”


I doubted Anthea knew she would meet with the elders of the pack today. I knew it was unfair to spring it on her suddenly, but since it was their request, I couldn’t refuse them. Though I knew I was nervous, and Joey knew I was nervous, I didn’t outwardly show it as the door opened, bringing with it the scent of her, and I held my breath. She looked otherworldly, all cleaned up and dressed in pure white, something that had my wolf pacing in its cage.

“Presenting Luna Anthea.” Beta Joey announced, yet I barely heard him as she stepped forward, head high, as though none of this fazed her. “Luna, you are before the elders of the White Lunar Pack. Would you like to introduce yourself?”

Every movement she made as she walked forward was done with a grace I didn’t expect, making my entire being tense in anticipation. Would I ever not find her so ethereally stunning? I took in a deep breath, savoring the scent of her as she drifted ever closer to my side. My One True Mate. How long had I waited for her appearance? All I could focus on was her as her steps approached, their soft shuffle pleasant on the hardwood floors.

“It’s an honor to be before you today.” She announced with a polite bow towards the elders, the movement flawless and elegant, like she’d practiced it her whole life. “My name is Anthea. I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome I have received from many of your pack.”

When we were alone, she seemed so scared, yet here, in front of all our pack mates, she seemed at ease. It felt like being around pack members made her feel safer. Maybe I could use that to help ease her concerns, just by putting her around people I could take advice from. Bernice was right, making sure she was at ease first, was the key to building anything with her. Even if it meant stamping down on Zain’s desires in favor of her human form’s trust.

I released a sigh, barely able to contain myself at the approval of the elders’ features. Save one for one; my mother wore an unreadable expression, though the sharp look in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed. Maybe because Anthea was much smaller than standard female wolves? How could a female so tiny possibly breed strong heirs? Especially with a male like me who has a genetic condition? Maybe I was overthinking, yet I wanted to believe her intentions were good.

My attention returned to my mate, whose focus was on our audience. She even shifted closer in my arms, her form relaxing. This meant there was hope. She would recover with a little support. I knew she would because I could sense the strength in her aura. Thea was the perfect shape in my arms, and breathtaking to behold from this distance. I was so close to her; I could see the long black eyelashes accentuating her emerald gems.

“Anthea, you look ravishing.” I whispered into her ear, watching her tanned skin flush with a light pink. “White is beautiful on you.”

“Thank you. Miss Bernice picked it out.” Anthea smiled a little, her head tilting as she spun, fingers holding up the skirt of her white dress. “I’ve never worn a dress before.”

“She’s a lovely female, Alpha. We’re glad you finally found your mate.” A male elder stated as he stood, his blue robes shifting a little with his movements as he approached. “We know the Luna is still recovering from her injuries, but have you spoken of the need of an heir? I’m sure the Alpha knows he is not getting any younger.”

I pulled Anthea closer to my side by her waist, enjoying the warmth of her body next to mine. We could take our time and the Elders would have to understand. I was beyond excited to become one with her at the next full moon, and learning more about her was going to be my focus for most of that time. Since the public version of her seemed so different from who she was when we were alone, I wanted to learn the difference between the two.

This was the Luna she would be. Kind yet strong under the scrutiny of the Elders. How much more did she hide under her fear? All I could focus on was selecting the words for the Elders to encourage their acceptance of her. Any support I could win her would indeed give her more people to talk to. I felt that was something she needed as much as she did people she could trust. Maybe I should have noticed the concern on her face, but turned to address the elders.

“I want to learn more about her over the coming month while we are preparing for the ceremony. Please give me time to discuss it with the Luna in private.” My voice drew no room for questions, and the elders nodded their understanding. “If you would pardon us, there is much I would like to discuss with my mate.”

I felt pleased when nods of understanding went around the room, and Beta Joey dismissed the meeting. Now I could show Thea around the meeting hall, one of the largest rooms in the Alpha House. In the center of the room was a lush, green-colored accent rug, leading past several rows of chairs where the Elders and Pack members sat when we held meetings. The floors and walls were an oak-wood brown with high vaulted ceilings and stunning white crown moldings, giving the room an elegant atmosphere.

As the elders left the room, I led Anthea over to her new seat, wanting to share in this moment with her. Her seat was just added to the meeting room today, something which had my heart racing in my chest. I couldn’t wait to share my duties with her; someone I could see was very intelligent. She would manage the estate and females of our pack well, I could tell. A clatter drew my attention left to my mother, who I forgot was there.

“Mother.” I stated cordially, bowing my head a little in respect. “I apologize. I could not introduce you directly. The elders called the meeting before I could.”

“That is alright.” She replied sharply as she looked Anthea up and down, a sneer on her features. “Are you sure she can handle the duties properly? She is very slim.”

“You’ve no need to worry, ma’am, though I suppose saying that doesn’t instill a lot of confidence.” Anthea countered, holding up her skirt to curtsey towards my mother politely. “I’ve read many books on the topic and hope to learn more.”

“It is not a job you can read to learn.” Mother remarked, crossing her arms over her chest, her black dress swaying as she shifted feet. “Have you ever held a position of power before?”

“Mother.” I warned, my Alpha’s demand clear. “Expecting perfection immediately is impossible. Father often said you forgot to give the pack members orders for the estate for an entire week, once, remember?”

Maybe my mother only wanted what was best for the pack, and part of me understood that. But to have her challenging the future Luna would not work. The last thing Anthea needed was to have someone here she feared. I still did not know what kind of abuse she faced at the hands of her uncle, though I wanted to avoid it as long as possible. I could see that the past still haunted her, making me wonder how long she ran through those woods, chased by her pursuer.

“Ma’am, all I can do is what the Moon Goddess gave me the power to.” Anthea replied, her choice of words startling my mother from her grim silence. “And she directed my steps here. I can only hope you give me a chance.”