
I wanted darkness to take me away. To let me drift until there was nothing left of me here. Every inch of my body ached, the bruises and broken bones healing slowly, but I could hear unfamiliar sounds around me. Beeps, clicks, and taps, all coming from my left, but I could not move towards it to find out what it was. My head ached, my nose felt stuffed, and my throat hurt. The feeling was surreal.

“Has she awakened at all?” A deep voice questioned; the tones unfamiliar, yet comforting. “The Alpha has questions for her.”

“You cannot rush the Luna’s healing.” Another, this time, brought in with a scent that had my eyes opening a sliver and a blob of silvery white appeared in my vision. “Patience, Beta Joey.”

“Alpha?” I ventured past a pained, raspy throat and a warm hand grabbed mine. “Luna?”

I barely remembered who I was, much less those unfamiliar terms. Then my hazy vision cleared and I swallowed. Pinkish-colored eyes with ghostly pale skin and pure white hair. Yet it was his scent that had me nuzzling closer, craving contact with this stranger. He smelled of vanilla and forests. Dew spread across the grass in the early morning. His almost pink eyes narrowed, then his hand cupped my cheek.

Slight feminine features with cupid’s bow-shaped lips, almond-shaped pools of reddish tinged pink flashed in his gaze as our eyes locked. The touch of his gentle hand against my cheek had my heart stopping, before kick-starting like a prey amid a chase. A shock ran through from his fingers down my body, setting a million butterflies loose in my stomach. He was perfection; a white-marble God before me.

“Luna. That would be you.” He whispered, leaning forward so I could hear him better, while my breath caught in my throat. “And I am the Alpha of the White Lunar Pack. My name is Zakaria McCann.”

In a flash, my memories returned, making me wince and cover my face. I didn’t look well enough to meet my mate. I was sure there were wounds on my face, arms, hands, and everything exposed to the sterile air of the hospital room we were in. My eyes glanced around this new place in fear as I waited for my attacker to appear again, and I started shaking uncontrollably. His warmth was the only thing keeping me sane.

‘Calm. He is our mate.’

Anna was my wolf, and usually I ignored her when she was near. This was the first she spoke to me since our trip. If he was Alpha, I needed to run again and get away from here. My panic increased as his smile waned, and now my heart rate picked up again, this time in fear. What if he turned me over to Uncle? There was no way I could escape, not with the large aura he gave off. But his features softened as he knelled before me, concern bubbling in his features.

“My name is Anthea Durham.” I stated, glancing away from his troubled gaze. “Of the Trembling Woods.”

“The Trembling Woods? I’ve never heard of that Pack.” He replied, making me flinch as his hand rose, before it dropped to the bed next to me. “Did someone there hurt you?”

He pressed forward again, fingers hooking under my chin, but I still kept my gaze on the far white wall behind him. It was clear I was in a hospital, perhaps to treat the wounds I had across my body. My fingers clenched into the bedsheets before pushing myself to a more empowered position. Maybe he could help me. Maybe this was my chance again to escape from my past. But would it work this time?

“My uncle…” I countered, then my gaze drew back up to his handsome face, passed down-turned lips to pink-colored orbs. “I… If he comes here…”

“He will die.” The stranger stated, leaning closer over the edge of the guardrail, his features turning severe. “My Mate.”

Mates were possessive and sometimes demanding. A braided necklace with a circular shaped hollow blue charm fell out of his black tee shirt for my gaze to focus on as he nuzzled his nose against my forehead, something that had my entire body flushing with heat. Even as I grew stronger while my body recovered, I still feared my uncle. My first mate rejected me. The memory stung hard; but my new mate only stared at me in wonder, as if happy to meet me.

Surely only a few moments had passed, yet it felt like I’d known him forever. His gaze clashed with mine and took my breath away in an instant. Who was he? My mate; that was all that mattered. His eyes fell shut as if in bliss before he took in a deep breath; his now ruby-colored pools had me inhaling his scent, too. What could be more correct? I could hear Anna crying in my chest for Zain.

“Our Alpha has been waiting twelve years to meet his Mate.” someone supplied, and I glanced to the right to find another stranger standing there. “I am your Beta. Joey Wile.”

“Joey. That is information Thea does not need.” The Alpha glared over his shoulder before those pinkish eyes fell back on me. “I apologize. Perhaps I should ask before giving you a nickname.”

Was it illegal for a man to be so handsome? If not, it needed to be. A pale hand shifted to pick up a long lock of my blonde hair, his white lashes falling closed as he sank into thought. Zakaria’s fingers were gentle as they stroked through my hair, only occasionally brushing my scalp before detangling the ends. He looked peaceful; as though this were the only thing he had ever missed.

“I accept you, Anthea Durham, as my mate and Luna.” His whispered words made my flesh tingle as his acceptance washed over me. “May I have your answer?”

He accepted me? I wasn’t too small, or stupid, for him? Those questions disappeared as a smile lifted the corner of his lips that had my heart set off at a dizzying speed again. This was where the Moon Goddess led me. Maybe it was that faith that had me running for this place. Whatever the case may be, I was here now, and Zakaria made me feel at least a little safe. Maybe I could trust the love I felt in his touch.

“Then… I accept you, Zakaria McCann, as my mate and Alpha.” Maybe I would later regret that choice, but I wanted to be with my Second Chance. “If you’re okay with me.”

“There could be no one but you, mate.”


Beautiful dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and tiny hands. Anthea was perfect; from her sugary sweet scent to her curvy form hidden by the blankets atop her hospital bed. We sat in the medical bay of the Pack Territory while her body healed, and she was all I could see. When they first alerted me to her presence, I was already moving in her direction, her scent drawing me in like a moth to a flame. I found her just outside our territory, lying on a mound of dirt covered in cuts and bruises.

It was as though someone tried to bury her there, but her wolf fought her way out before losing the battle with consciousness. Once she recognized who I was, she reverted to her human form, the sounds of bones and flesh shifting back. Soft tanned skin, full of curves, and beautiful blonde hair that matched her fur. I had never seen a wolf so gorgeous.

Emerald orbs focused on me where I sat next to her, and I swallowed thickly, barely able to contain the desire boiling beneath my skin. Mate. My wolf, Zain, was mad with lust, something I’d only ever felt in passing before, and I bit back the desire to mark her right there. She is weak right now and I had to keep reminding my Wolf of that fact. I would never forgive myself if I hurt her. Especially if someone hurt her before.

“Alpha?” she questioned, full lips parting in a rasp as she spoke. “Is something wrong?”

“Call me anything but that.” I pleaded, watching as those green pools widened, her jaw dropping a little in shock. “Please.”

“Zak?” Hearing the smooth tones of her voice call me a nickname without prompt had my fists clenching in my lap. “Sorry, does that one not work, either? I can call you Zakaria.”

Zak is fine.” The words barely passed my lips when I noticed her nostrils flare.

“Funny, considering the last person to call you that ended up beaten within an inch of their lives,” Joey stated, and I tossed another glare over my shoulder at him. “It was me. I was the one who called him that.”

It felt so surreal to meet her finally, the one I waited so long to meet, that her fear earlier angered me. I didn’t want to scare her, not when so many feared me as the ‘Moonlit Alpha’. She was too stunning, too perfect, to deserve that fear. I just knew she was my True Mate, and that only proved how sure I was. There was no mistake, and my heart pounded in my chest as she glanced away again.

“Zak is too intimate for a Beta to call his Alpha.” I demanded, attention shifting back to him as his face paled. “Thea is my mate. She may call me whatever she wishes.”

I motioned to him to leave us alone, and my focus returned to her; my Perfect Luna made flesh. There was kindness and hope in her heart, yet I could see the pain hiding in her emerald gaze. She wanted to put on a front, but our instant bond made her weak. I leaned closer, eyes narrowing on her full lips, as if drawn in by the way she moistened them with her tongue. Thea shifted, as though she could feel my gaze, and my entire body tensed as I remained on my knees at her mercy.

Her cheeks flushed a pretty pink as her gaze returned to me, and I smiled. Oh, though maybe I shouldn’t smile. Most females feared my smile, since I was far paler than most. They often compared me to a ghost, saying my smile diminished my value as Alpha. At least that was the first of many rumors when I took leadership of the pack. The last thing I wanted to do was frighten my mate.

I bit my cheek to cool my blood and reminded myself of the truth. Thanks to my sensitivity to light, I could only hunt at night, too. Sure, I made for a handsome wolf, but if it turned potential mates away, it wouldn’t do. Especially not Anthea, the mate I waited twelve long years to meet. My lips formed a frown as my thoughts circled when she stunned me by lifting a hand to touch my cheek; gaze softening girlishly as she did.

“You have a pleasant smile.” Her earnest expression pierced through my armor, and I could only gaze at her in wonder.

My heart thudded hard in my chest as a gentle smile lifted her lips. She was the one with a stunning smile, but I couldn’t force those words out past my mouth. Her hands were smooth, and though I knew she was weak, my head automatically nuzzled into her palm, seeking her comfort. She was chilly; far cooler than most wolves I knew, though likely because of her blood loss. Luck was on her side, since I had the same blood type. The doctors said she would make a full recovery - she just needed rest.

“You should rest, some.” I smiled, cupping her hand against my cheek with my own. “I cannot wait to learn more about you.”

“Admittedly, I’m a little scared… My last mate rejected me.” That scared tone had worry creasing my brow, but her eyelids drowsily fell closed as though a pressure had been lifted.

I was her second chance. She fell asleep, her hand going limp, so I returned it to the bed, and turned from her as I stood. I needed to cool my blood, and I refused to find a willing female. The only woman who would share my bed would be my mate from now on. Who could reject such a female? I walked through the medical bay out into the crisp night air. Joey was right behind me, his shuffling footsteps echoing in the night.

“I’m glad you finally found our Luna.” He stated, and I came to a stop outside the Alpha House. “She will surely ease the concerns the Elders had about your reproductive abilities.”

That was the least of my concerns. No one could discover I was a second chance for her. I remembered the pain I felt a few years ago and wondered. What if she was also a second chance for me? That pain no longer hovered, I noticed. Until I met Anthea, the pain I usually felt in my chest did not exist. It faded, as though she was the balm I needed. I turned to look at my Beta with a weak grin.

But her state, physically and otherwise, worried me most. She seemed terrified of any approach, yet she accepted my Mating Request back there in that room. Maybe she feared reprisal if she rejected me? What could I do to help her? Especially when I have enough trouble of my own to deal with now that the Elders know about her. How did they find out anything yet? I worked hard to keep things quiet until I knew more about her condition first, but that plan seemed to fall through.

“Her recovery is the most important thing. I will not press her for an heir when her body is not healed enough to manage childbirth.” I warned, eyes narrowing before I sighed. “Plus, it is clear someone has abused her. If the Elders try to force it, I will be furious.”

“Don’t worry, Alpha. I doubt they have any such expectations. Only,” Joey returned, his expression turning thoughtful as he lifted a finger to his chin, one arm crossing under his chest. “I’m sure they will want to meet her. Sooner rather than later.”


I fell asleep before I could even think of asking him more. Then I realized he left after I told him he was my second chance. I knew because I felt him go. Maybe that was unacceptable to him. My uncle often told me once my former mate rejected me, I would never get another chance. I winced as I sat up, happy to move again, and glanced around. They decorated the room I was in with light blue, something I didn’t notice before.

Blue bedclothes fell, revealing a hospital gown, as I threw my legs over the edge of the bed. I wanted to move around. To find Zak and figure out what he intended to do with me. If I was going to face another rejection, I wanted to leave as soon as possible. My blonde hair fell over my shoulder, and I used slightly stiff fingers to comb through some tangles. As I made my way over to the door, it opened wide, revealing the towering form of Zak.

“You are up.” He stated, a small smile curving the corners of his light pink lips. “I am glad. You healed rather quickly, for a wolf.”

My healing abilities were thanks to the Moon Goddess. Something my uncle enjoyed taking advantage of. I winced at the reminder, and he held out his hand in offering, as though I needed help standing. Instead of accepting it, I looked into his pink-hued orbs, watching as they dilated and darkened to a redder color at our proximity. He was my mate. I could scarcely believe I had finally found my savior. The male who would save me, I hoped.

“I am happy to welcome you to the White Lunar Pack. My pack members have been waiting a long time for your arrival,” Zak cooed sweetly, his hand wrapping firmly around my waist to help me walk. “I brought you some clothes to change into. Do not worry. I had a female take your measurements.”

My cheeks flushed with heat at his thoughtfulness as he helped me into a private bathroom attached to the room. I looked around in awe as he showed me where all the bathing supplies I could ever need were, right next to the walk-in shower. The white tiles on the walls and floors gave the room a clinical feel, and I shivered at the chill of them against my bare feet. He was patient as he turned back to me, eyes no longer lingering on my face.

“I will leave you to it.”

With that, he walked out into the light blue room, his broad back disappearing behind the solid oak-colored door. My uncle made sure he kept me clean, so fortunately I could handle this much. After washing up, I dressed in the jeans and tee shirt he brought me, though the blue jeans were a little large and the pink tee shirt was just a little too tight. I returned to the room they were letting me stay in to find Zak staring at the bed, fingers and jaw clenched.

He looked angry from where I stood, yet when I noticed his attention shifted, and his body relaxed as I reentered the room; nervously tucking my hand into the back pocket of my slightly sagging jeans. What would he think of me? Time slowed down for a few seconds as he continued to gaze into the dim light of the room, jaw tense, before he finally turned towards me. My breath caught in my throat as his wondrous face appeared first.

“Um… I’m finished.” His pinkish-colored orbs snapped to me, and he visibly swallowed before standing. “Thank you. I feel refreshed…”

“We will take you shopping in town today to get you some better fitted clothes.” He smiled gently, something which had me relaxing. “Shall we?”